Civil Quotes

Text Quotes
Christians should be among those who speak loudest in defense of civil liberties and the protection of the weak. (Civil Quotes)
Now that Bin Laden dead, can we get our civil liberties back? That George Bush stole with the Patriot Act? (Civil Quotes)
Obama behaves like a centrist who leans tentatively left on certain social programs but boldly right on military force and civil liberties. (Civil Quotes)
Henry David Thoreau was an oddball job quitter and ne’er-do-well who evolved into the bearded sage of literature, natural history, and civil liberties. (Civil Quotes)
I believe in civil liberties for homosexuals. I guess I’d have to say I’d draw the line at letting them teach in the schools. (Civil Quotes)
I am ... a realist. The magnitude of what one terms license or civil liberties or personal freedom has got to be adjusted to the circumstances. (Civil Quotes)
No one should be surprised that in the balance between national security and civil liberties, President [Donald] Trump, like candidate Trump wants to be more aggressive. (Civil Quotes)
The Point, not unlike the Communist Chinese, the ACLU abhors individual religious freedom, and it supports only those civil liberties that fit its narrow political agenda. (Civil Quotes)
Technology provides us means outside of governments to begin enforcing our rights, enforcing protection of civil liberties, regardless of law, through the implementation of systems and standards. (Civil Quotes)
Republicans are horrible with civil liberties, and not so good with dollars and cents. Democrats are horrible with dollars and cents, and not so good with civil liberties. (Civil Quotes)
The very essence of civil liberty certainly consists in the right of every individual to claim the protection of the laws, whenever he receives an injury. One of the first duties of government is to afford that protection. (Civil Quotes)
Let no man think we can deny civil liberty to others and retain it for ourselves (Civil Quotes)
If you look at attitudes today and where they are headed, it’s clear to me that supporting equal rights, including the rights to civil marriage, is a net positive for winning elections, as well as the right thing to do. (Civil Quotes)
As the head of a religious party, I am not in favor of civil marriage or the full recognition of non-Orthodox converts in Israel. (Civil Quotes)
Obama’s endorsement of gay marriage is hardly as consequential as Johnson’s legislative success on civil rights. (Civil Quotes)
There is a difference between civil partnerships and marriage. That difference does not mean one is better than another. (Civil Quotes)
I do not believe that defending traditional marriage between one man and one woman excludes anybody or usurps anybody’s civil rights and denies anybody their civil rights. (Civil Quotes)
Growing up, my birthday was always Confederate Memorial Day. It helped to create this profound sense of awareness about the Civil War and the 100 years between the Civil War and the civil rights movement and my parents’ then-illegal and interracial marriage. (Civil Quotes)
If the rights of civil partners are met differently in law to those of married couples, there is no discrimination in law, and if civil partnerships are seen as somehow ‘second class’ that is a social attitude which will change and cannot, in any case, be turned around by redefining the law of marriage. (Civil Quotes)
The marriage bond is more than a civil contract. It is a reward for loving well. (Civil Quotes)
It’s ridiculous to insinuate that the social recognition of homosexual civil unions damages families or the institution of marriage. (Civil Quotes)
It’s so simple: Right to marriage is a civil right, which like all civil rights should not depend on what state you happen to live in. (Civil Quotes)
Marriage is a civil right. If you don’t want gay people to marry in your church, good for you. But you can’t say they can’t marry in your city. (Civil Quotes)
Civil marriage is a very serious problem. I think that even the religious understands that we must look for some kind of a solution because we have some contradictions. . I’m sure there are many solutions. (Civil Quotes)
To be straight, I was kind of a dork, and in order to fulfill the creative fires burning inside me, I participated vigorously as a Civil War re-enactor through most of my teenage years, traveling across the country to participate in large scale reenactments - grandiose plays enacted by over weight history buffs and war enthusiasts alike. (Civil Quotes)
It is absolutely right for the state to define the rights and status of people cohabiting in different forms of relationships, including civil partnerships. (Civil Quotes)
Don’t worry about Yemen. Yemen started in peace, and it will end its revolution in peace, and it will start its new civil state with peace. (Civil Quotes)
Indeed, a civil resister offers resistance only when peace becomes impossible (Civil Quotes)
[A.J. Muste] was very influenced - in - influential in the peace movement, in the civil rights movement. (Civil Quotes)
Truth, purity, self-control, firmness, fearlessness, humility, unity, peace, and renunciation - these are the inherent qualities of a civil resister. (Civil Quotes)