Civil Quotes

Text Quotes
A blanket could be used to foil slave traders. But so could tinfoil and leftover meatloaf. Geez, the whole Civil War could have been avoided if only Lincoln had known that little trick. (Civil Quotes)
On the last morning of Virginia’s bloodiest year since the Civil War, I built a fire and sat facing a window of darkness where at sunrise I knew I would find the sea. (Civil Quotes)
Throughout the three decades preceding the Civil War, the anticlerical ethos of the radical abolitionists was used against them by religious opponents of emancipation, who . . . even described abolitionism itself as an atheist plot. (Civil Quotes)
The only lesson to extract from any civil war is that it’s pointless and futile and ugly, and that there is nothing glamorous or heroic about it. There are heroes, but the causes are never heroic. (Civil Quotes)
I was raised on the Hudson, in a house that had been the stable of the financier and Civil War general Brayton Ives. In midcentury, we had fire pits in the floor for heating, and rats everywhere, because they nested in the hay insulation. (Civil Quotes)
Yes, the small village that we live in, in Virginia, is a very interesting place, in terms of its Civil War history, because it was a town that was founded by Quakers in 1733. (Civil Quotes)
With the likely nominations of Barack Obama by the Democrats and John McCain by the Republicans, one of these two parties is headed for a 2009 crack-up that could prove as messy as any party civil war in recent history. (Civil Quotes)
I’m listing to music all the time. I have favorite artists. Kid Rock loves the Civil Wars’ song ‘Barton Hollow.’ We both said that’s our favorite country song of the year. That knocks me out. (Civil Quotes)
Some points in time cannot flow. Think of those big-ticket moments, the ones you could still recite from fifth grade: your 1492 and Civil Wars, the Titanic and presidential assassinations. These are icebergs, solid and immense, forcing incalculable eddies to swirl around them. (Civil Quotes)
It’s always best to stay out of other people’s divorces. And their civil wars. (Civil Quotes)
Some of the greatest uprisings and consequent civil wars in Mexico have centered squarely on the ownership of land. (Civil Quotes)
With two civil wars, an al-Qaida presence and 40% unemployment, what else is President Saleh waiting for? He should leave office now. (Civil Quotes)
There are lots of countries that are having these kinds of internal civil wars in other parts of the world and nobody is talking about intervening. (Civil Quotes)
School-leavers unfortunately will come away thinking the First World War consisted simply of ‘going over the top’ on the Western Front to slaughter in no-man’s-land, when the conflict extended so much further, to the collapse of four empires and numerous civil wars. (Civil Quotes)
I do not think that war is always wrong: sometimes it is necessary to stop a dictator, prevent massive human-rights abuses, or expel an invader. But I have also seen that in the modern world, civil wars are the greatest threat to humanitarian security. (Civil Quotes)
We need to focus on killing the bad guys, not getting stuck in Middle Eastern civil wars that don’t keep America safe. (Civil Quotes)
In countries where there are real civil wars, people go through a lot, and we should be willing to go through a lot to help them. (Civil Quotes)
All wars are civil wars because all men are brothersEach one owes infinitely more to the human race than to the particular country in which he was born. (Civil Quotes)
We’ve gone thorough religious wars and civil wars. America has gone through slavery, we’ve all gone through two world wars, segregation. Ultimately it’s been a bloody, trying, wasteful, but eventually positive struggle. (Civil Quotes)
The Accursed’ is very much a novel about social injustice as the consequence of the terrible, tragic division of classes - the exploitation not only of poor and immigrant workers but of their young children in factories and mills - and as the consequence of race hatred in the aftermath of the Civil War and the freeing of the slaves. (Civil Quotes)
When a nation has just emerged from the throes of a great civil warfare, where section was arrayed against section, class against class, two things are to be done: First, the work of reconstruction is to be effected; Secondly, a willingness for the proper acceptance of the issue’s decision is to be created. (Civil Quotes)
It was the best route to get folks to understand segregation fast. Civil rights and women’s rights had a clear history. Making the transition to rights for people with disabilities became easier because we had the history of the other two. (Civil Quotes)
The true use of history, whether civil or military, is not to make man clever for the next time, it is to make him wise forever. (Civil Quotes)
For satyagraha and its offshoots, non-co-operation and civil resistance, are nothing but new names for the law of suffering. (Civil Quotes)
Louisiana commenced her existence as a state under a code of laws differing from all the other states which were founded on the common law, in that its code, a new one, was founded mainly on the Civil Law and the Code Napoleon of France. (Civil Quotes)
I was under the librarians’ protection. Civil servants and servants of civility, they had my back. They would be whatever they needed to be that day: information professionals, teachers, police, community organizers, computer technicians, historians, confidantes, clerks, social workers, storytellers, or, in this case, guardians of my peace. (Civil Quotes)
By the late Stalin period, the right of complaint was so thoroughly a part of this political culture, in which civil law and litigation were frequently meaningless, that there were special mailboxes in the concentration camps of the Gulag labeled, To the Supreme Soviet, To the Council of Ministers, To the Minister of Internal Affairs, and To the Prosecutor General. (Civil Quotes)
During times of emergencies, civil crisis, or natural disasters it is important for persons to remain free to exercise their constitutional rights in a lawful and appropriate manner, and I believe it is important that we provide individuals with specific reassurance that we value those rights. (Civil Quotes)
Historically, the court has been the forum to which individuals can turn when they believed their constitutional rights were violated. This has been especially noteworthy in the arena of civil rights. (Civil Quotes)
God desires to free our country from darkness through our active civil position (Civil Quotes)