Civil Quotes

Text Quotes
Even as we continue to carry the banner of civil rights and environmental justice, we’ve also got to focus on many, many people - for them, life starts with a good job. (Civil Quotes)
I’ve been there for so many crossroads in American history. My whole political life spans the birth of the environmental movement, the women’s movement, the civil rights movement, putting an end to unjust wars, and so and so. (Civil Quotes)
I rise today in support of Bill C-38, the Civil Marriage Act. I rise in support of a Canada in which liberties are safeguarded, rights are protected and the people of this land are treated as equals under the law. (Civil Quotes)
We need to guarantee equal rights and civil rights and say that, here in America, workers have the right to organize - women have the right to choose - and justice belongs to everyone regardless of race or gender or sexual orientation. (Civil Quotes)
Civil rights used to be about treating everyone the same. But today some people are so used to special treatment that equal treatment is considered to be discrimination. (Civil Quotes)
The literature of the Spanish Civil War is also important to me. Above all George Orwell’s Homage to Catalonia as well as the writing of John Dos Passos and Ernest Hemingway. They worked on a film together in Spain during that war, which ended their friendship. (Civil Quotes)
Not by the forces of civil war can you govern the very weakest woman. You can kill that woman, but she escapes you then; you cannot govern her. No power on earth can govern a human being, however feeble, who withholds his or her consent. (Civil Quotes)
The Establishment Clause . . . stands as an expression of principle on the part of the Founders . . . that religion is too personal, too sacred, too holy, to permit its ‘unhallowed perversion’ by a civil magistrate. (Civil Quotes)
Ninety-five percent of the work in the attorney general’s office is civil litigation and regulatory work, and I think I certainly have a lot more experience in that than most of the folks who have served in the office. (Civil Quotes)
A false worship will not hurt the civil state if the worshipper breaks no civil law (Civil Quotes)
I’m reading Team of Rivals’’ I’ll probably ending up reading a bunch of books about the Civil War. But I think my all-time favorite book about the war is the novel, The Killer Angels’’ by Michael Shaara. (Civil Quotes)
Frank Johnson was recognized as one of the great federal judges of American history, I suppose. He was a law-and-order judge. He was a classical, I think, conservative. But he believed that civil rights provided in the Constitution applied to everybody. (Civil Quotes)
The field of research in the doctrine of civil resistance is necessarily limited, as the occasions for civil resistance in a man’s life must not be frequent. (Civil Quotes)
The Crows are very handsome and gentlemanly Indians in their personal appearance: and have been always reputed, since the first acquaintance made with them, very civil and friendly. (Civil Quotes)
Yes. My mother was and still is a Folk Singer. She was very involved in the political movements for Unions and Civil rights. She sang with Pete Seeger among others. My father was an Actor. (Civil Quotes)
As marriage and the family institution constitute the foundation and chief cornerstone of civil society, it is of the greatest moment that the marriage-tie should never be dissolved save for the most urgent reason. I cannot assent, however, to the doctrine that it should never be dissolved at all. (Civil Quotes)
And quit bringing up our forefathers and saying they were civil libertarians. Our founding fathers would have never tolerated any of this crap. For God’s sake, they were blowing peoples’ heads off because they put a tax on their breakfast beverage. And it wasn’t even coffee. (Civil Quotes)
Of course, the new domestic paramilitary forces will also undermine free speech and dissent with the threat of force while simultaneously threatening core civil liberties, rights and civic responsibilities. (Civil Quotes)
The simple truth is that there isn’t a single civil right I would deny to an evangelical Christian. I’ve defended their freedom of religion, of association, of disassociation, and believe they should be treated with respect. I wouldn’t dream of drumming them out of the military, firing them for their faith, tearing up their relationships, or taking their children away from them. The favor, alas, is not returned. (Civil Quotes)
When I think of civil liberties I think of the founding principles of the country. The freedoms that are in the First Amendment. But also the fundamental right to privacy. (Civil Quotes)
I look forward to exercising my American civil liberties and getting fully, completely and legally married this year to my true love of over three years, Linda Wallem, (Civil Quotes)
We’ve just let too many things happen. And now, try to turn around and fix it. Getting involved in a [Syria] civil war directly was never something I thought made sense. (Civil Quotes)
If I’m president, there are going to be government vans that drive around and pick up people who shouldn’t be wearing certain clothing. Talk about lack of civil rights - I’m sorry, I’m pulling you right off the street, and we’re giving you clothes that you’re going to be O.K. in. (Civil Quotes)
Marriage is the internationally recognised system of relationship recognition. It is the global language of love. When we were young, most of us dreamed of one day getting married. We didn’t dream about having a civil partnership. (Civil Quotes)
I would have to say all of the civil rights acts, because there were three, and even, say, the Immigration Act, which I think also is a civil rights act, maybe on a global perspective, that he cared very, very much about it. (Civil Quotes)
Virtually all of the civil laws in all of the world’s societies are based on what humanity, in the earliest days, believed to be God’s Law. (Civil Quotes)
All civil rulers, as such, are the ordinance and ministers of God; and they are all, by the nature of their office, and in their respective spheres and stations, bound to consult the public welfare. (Civil Quotes)
New Rule: If you married a manic-depressive, three of your children died, and while you were president civil war broke out and someone shot you in the head, your coin really shouldn’t say, In God We Trust. (Civil Quotes)
People don’t think about the fact that when Barack Obama’s parents had him - it was illegal for them to be married in several states in this country. So if we start making it okay that certain people can marry and other people can’t, it’s a slippery slope of civil rights. Who knows who is going to be allowed to marry or not marry next. (Civil Quotes)
One thing that has gone away from civil discussion in America is this idea that our neighbors are not out to ruin the world. We need to come at it from a civil place. (Civil Quotes)