Civil War Quotes

Text Quotes
I have never on the field of battle sent you where I was unwilling to go myself, nor would I now advise you to a course which I felt myself unwilling to pursue. You have been good soldiers. You can be good citizens. Obey the laws, preserve your honor, and the government to which you have surrendered can afford to be and will be magnanimous (Civil War Quotes)
I always shoot at privates. It was they who did the shooting and killing, and if I could kill a wound a private, why, my chances were so much the better. I always looked upon officers as harmless personages (Civil War Quotes)
Though I never ordered it, and never wished for it, I have never shed any tears over the event, because I believe that it hastened what we all fought for, the end of the war (Civil War Quotes)
We are scattered, stunned; the remnant of heart left alive is filled with brotherly hate... Whose fault? Everybody blamed somebody else. Only the dead heroes left stiff and stark on the battlefield escape (Civil War Quotes)
One does every day and without a second thought, what at another time would be the event of a year, perhaps of a life (Civil War Quotes)
I have never in my life taken a command into battle and had the slightest desire to come out alive unless I won (Civil War Quotes)
The worst wars are religious wars between sects of the same religion or civil wars between brothers of the same race (Civil War Quotes)
Such, indeed, is the policy of civil war: severely to remember injuries, and to forget the most important services. Revenge is profitable, gratitude is expensive (Civil War Quotes)
I wish to see, in process of disappearing, that only thing which ever could bring this nation to civil war (Civil War Quotes)
One of the greatest difficulties in civil war is, that more art is required to know what should be concealed from our friends, than what ought to be done against our enemies (Civil War Quotes)
Here we will solve with laws and dollars, problems that too many people around the world still must solve with violence and civil war (Civil War Quotes)
For to me every sort of peace with the citizens seemed to be of more service than civil war (Civil War Quotes)
All wars are civil wars because all men are brothers... Each one owes infinitely more to the human race than to the particular country in which he was born (Civil War Quotes)
I have come to the conclusion never again to think of marrying, and for this reason, I can never be satisfied with anyone who would be blockhead enough to have me (Civil War Quotes)
And I’m a slow writer: five, six hundred words is a good day. That’s the reason it took me 20 years to write those million and a half words of the Civil War (Civil War Quotes)
And if there was one title that could be applied to all my films, it would be ‘Civil War’ - not civil war in the way we know it, but the daily war that goes on between us all (Civil War Quotes)
And we love to dance, especially that new one called the Civil War Twist. The Northern part of you stands still while the Southern part tries to secede (Civil War Quotes)
There is neither a foreign war nor a civil war; there is only just and unjust war (Civil War Quotes)
You will have to go through 15, 20, 50 years of civil wars and national struggles not only to bring about a change in society but also to change yourselves, and prepare yourselves for the exercise of political power (Civil War Quotes)
I confess I hate to see the poor creatures hunted down but I bite my lip and keep quiet (Civil War Quotes)
I have stepped out upon this platform that I may see you and that you may see me, and in the arrangement I have the best of the bargain (Civil War Quotes)
I would like to speak in terms of praise due to the many brave officers and soldiers who have fought in the cause of the war (Civil War Quotes)
Peace does not appear so distant as it did. I hope it will come soon, and come to stay; and so come as to be worth the keeping in all future time (Civil War Quotes)
I am greatly obliged to you, and to all who have come forward at the call of their country (Civil War Quotes)
There is more involved in this contest than is realized by every one. There is involved in this struggle the question whether your children and my children shall enjoy the privileges we have enjoyed (Civil War Quotes)
The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here so nobly advanced (Civil War Quotes)
You are green, it is true; but they are green also. You are all green alike (Civil War Quotes)
I know the hole he went in at, but I can’t tell you what hole he will come out of (Civil War Quotes)
His argument is as thin as the homeopathic soup that was made by oiling the shadow of a pigeon that had been starved to death (Civil War Quotes)
War, at the best, is terrible, and this war of ours, in its magnitude and in its duration, is one of the most terrible (Civil War Quotes)