Claire Danes Quotes

Text Quotes
I love love and falling in love, but it can get pretty flat real fast (Claire Danes Quotes)
Find as many opportunities as you can and clock as many hours as you can (Claire Danes Quotes)
I do know how to fire a machine gun, so be warned! I’m trained! (Claire Danes Quotes)
Hatred can become like food, it gives you this energy that you can, like, live off (Claire Danes Quotes)
When somebody’s ego is in service of really brilliant, innovative work, it’s hard to, cause I’m such an asshole, it’s hard to criticize their failures as a human sometimes (Claire Danes Quotes)
It’s my job to find the cornel of truth and then exaggerate, exaggerate, exaggerate until it’s of an appropriate scale (Claire Danes Quotes)
I’ve always had a really active imagination. Lots of kids have imaginary friends. Mine just took on a rather demonic form (Claire Danes Quotes)
At every stage in life you think about death. But teenagers especially are sort of invincible. They’re not supposed to be thinking about dying yet, or else they’d be too afraid to live (Claire Danes Quotes)
I was told that my going to college wouldn’t be good for my career. I think that’s nonsense. It’s good to empower yourself by cutting yourself off from this business every once in a while (Claire Danes Quotes)
I’ve always very earnestly tried to do my best, so I just have to trust that and forgive myself for being fallible (Claire Danes Quotes)
I became very successful at a young age... I had lots of opportunities and lots of power and had no idea how to focus it (Claire Danes Quotes)
However, I’m at a very comfortable place in my career and celebrity, in that I don’t have to audition as extensively as I used to for roles but yet I’m not immediately recognizable (Claire Danes Quotes)
I get a little jealous of these actor boys. They walk into a club, and in two seconds flat there are swarms of girls who are wanting so badly to touch them or just say hello. That’s not the case with me, or any other girl I know (Claire Danes Quotes)
I hadn’t been free from adult responsibilities since I was 12, and I needed to experience that. I really needed to just be a kid again (Claire Danes Quotes)
I know, it’s true. I’ve played these tortured teenagers. I can’t wait to shed that image (Claire Danes Quotes)
I think because I am as earnest as I am, people were accepting of my evolving into a certified, legitimate, and grown up and I did take three years off (Claire Danes Quotes)
I’m only realizing now that I was a child actress because I always took myself so seriously (Claire Danes Quotes)
There’s certainly something very uncomfortable about the voyeurism involved in being in the press, being an actor, where people have a seemingly insatiable curiosity about, you (Claire Danes Quotes)
You don’t realize how useful a therapist is until you see yourself on e and discover you have more problems than you ever dreamed of (Claire Danes Quotes)
You know, let a few years go by until I hit my midlife crisis. Then that can be documented on film (Claire Danes Quotes)
Every three seconds in the developing world, a child dies needlessly due to lack of basic health care and other things we all take for granted (Claire Danes Quotes)
I like marriage. I feel very secure. It helps when you are in love with the person you are married to (Claire Danes Quotes)
Actors want to surprise themselves. When it’s really good, you kind of transcend yourself, and that happens infrequently. Very, very rarely (Claire Danes Quotes)
Autism does exist on a spectrum, and there are so many manifestations of it, so many kinds of expressions of it. And every case is particular (Claire Danes Quotes)
I actually haven’t been approached a whole lot for television, believe it or not (Claire Danes Quotes)
I could truly have gone through life thinking that women were these venomous creatures. Turns out, they’re not (Claire Danes Quotes)
I don’t know any celebrated people that register in a big way who aren’t unique (Claire Danes Quotes)
I have this book club, and we don’t read one book; we offer up a few suggestions and create a library over time (Claire Danes Quotes)
I love sitting in the makeup trailer and getting my makeup done in 15 minutes as opposed to an hour and a half (Claire Danes Quotes)
I was a serious kid to an absurd degree. I was overwhelmed with responsibility. You know, trying to play grown up. I overdid it (Claire Danes Quotes)