Clean Air Quotes
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Text Quotes
I can remember when the air was clean and sex was dirty (Clean Air Quotes)
I am an environmentalist. ... I am for clean air. (Clean Air Quotes)
There are for starters, grandeur and silence, pure water and clean air. There is also the gift of distance ... the chance to stand away from relationships and daily ritual ... and the gift of energy. Wilderness infuses us with its own special brand of energy. (Clean Air Quotes)
People today have forgotten they’re really just a part of nature. Yet, they destroy the nature on which our lives depend. They always think they can make something better... They don’t know it, but they’re losing nature. They don’t see that they’re going to perish. The most important things for human beings are clean air and clean water (Clean Air Quotes)
Corporate polluters, their phony think tanks and political toadies like to marginalize environmentalists as tree huggers, or radicals. But there is nothing radical about clean air or water (Clean Air Quotes)
What we owe future generations is the subject of growing debate by economists, philosophers, ethicists, public policymakers, and academics of all stripes. But for me as a mother, the moral implications are very clear. We owe them clean air and fresh water, a healthy planet and a secure future (Clean Air Quotes)
Any first-generation technology will. But we are looking at carbon the same way we look at every pollutant under the Clean Air Act; we look for the new technologies that are available. We recognize that these power plants are going to be around for decades (Clean Air Quotes)
I think every single American believes they have a right to clean air and clean water (Clean Air Quotes)
Clean air, clean water, open spaces - these should once again be the birthright of every American (Clean Air Quotes)
After all, the same steps that reduce carbon pollution also clean the air we breathe, which saves lives and reduces disease. (Clean Air Quotes)
People in red states and blue states can agree that clean air is better than dirty air; therefore we should use clean energy where we can. (Clean Air Quotes)
It was in Cardiff, and the cast was 60 per cent Welsh-speaking. It’s the first time I’ve walked into a rehearsal room speaking my mother tongue, which in itself was a breath of fresh clean air from the Welsh mountains. Singing Hans Sachs is always a milestone, but I was happy to be part of such an achievement, not personally but as a company. (Clean Air Quotes)
The truth of existence was a happiness separated from the easy happy life. There was music in the forest. There was clean air where nobody could hear him breathe. (Clean Air Quotes)
The Safe Drinking Water Act, the safety provisions of the Clean Water Acts, the Clean Air Act, the Superfund Law - the gas industry is exempt from all these basic environmental and worker protections. They don’t have to disclose the chemicals they use. They don’t have to play by the same rules as anybody else. (Clean Air Quotes)
I just am a clean air freak. I grew up in the woods. I worked in China for a bit and was exposed to all the resources being used and the pollution and felt strongly that for our generation, the biggest economic and societal problem is energy. (Clean Air Quotes)
It’s Nixon who created the Environmental Protection Agency. Clean Air and Water Acts. Endangered Species Act. Promoted affirmative action. One could go on and on with Nixon as a New Deal liberal on domestic policy and a hawk, but one with great geo-political skills. (Clean Air Quotes)
I love hiking in the mountains in Aspen. Breathing the clean, fresh air is great. Plus, it gives me a cardiovascular workout and firms my legs (Clean Air Quotes)
Patriotism at the expense of another nation is as wicked as racism at the expense of another race. . . Let us resolve to be patriots always, nationalists never. Let us love our country, but pledge allegiance to the earth and to the flora and fauna and human life that it supports - one planet indivisible, with clean air,... soil and water; with liberty, justice and peace for all. (Clean Air Quotes)
We control health and pathogenicity by complex multi-speciated relationships through symbiosis and synergy. Portable shelters for livestock, along with electric fencing, insure hygienic and sanitary housing and lounging areas, not to mention clean air, sunshine, and exercise. (Clean Air Quotes)
Republicans are for clean water, clean air, and clean energy. We are not for taxing people out of their house, home and business to pay for it. And that is the fundamental difference between the Democrats and Republicans on this issue. (Clean Air Quotes)
I want my children and my grandchildren to live in a world with clean air, pure drinking water, and an abundance of wildlife, so I’ve chosen to dedicate my life to wildlife conservation so I can make the world just a little bit better. (Clean Air Quotes)
Everyone wants clean air and clean water, but my hope is that we will not regulate it to the point where we drive businesses and industries out of this country, to the point where entrepreneurs cannot start or expand their businesses because they simply can’t afford to do so. (Clean Air Quotes)
This is a truth that should be repeated like a mantra: to have any chance of a ful - filling life, we require not only clean air and a steady climate, but also an abundance of meadows and woodlands, rivers and oceans, teeming with life and the mass existence of other living creatures. (Clean Air Quotes)
There are some things that we value as a public good that the markets can’t deliver, like clean air. (Clean Air Quotes)
Cities with clean air gain an economic advantage, because where people want to live and work, businesses want to invest. (Clean Air Quotes)
We want clean air, clean water, good living conditions, the best health care in the world. Yet we aren’t willing to pay for anything manufactured under those restrictions. (Clean Air Quotes)
Asthmatic spewer of filth gasps, but clean air does not sufficeTo fuel fires fueled by thoughts got rottenLest we all be forgotten thingsThat sit like dust upon the mantel of her mind (Clean Air Quotes)
Corporations don’t have children. They don’t have feelings or souls. They don’t depend on uncontaminated water, clean air, or healthy food to survive. They are beholden to one thing - the bottom line. (Clean Air Quotes)
Critics play a dangerous game when they denounce the science and law EPA has used to defend clean air for more than 40 years. The American people know better (Clean Air Quotes)
Plant a new Truffula. Treat it with care. Give it clean water. And feed it fresh air (Clean Air Quotes)
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