Clean Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m able to draw outside my own personal experiences. No one wants to hear the song about what I really did today, which is go get coffee and clean my apartment (Clean Quotes)
You could pray all you want that you have a massive stroke while you’re working and die, but possibly that won’t happen, and you’ll be in this bed, and somebody’s going to have to clean you up (Clean Quotes)
Nobody should have to clean up what goes on around the base of most toilets (Clean Quotes)
I eat vegetarian. I am just drawn to clean eating, and although I do not deprive myself of sweets or French fries once in a while, my body just feels better if I give it good fuel to work with (Clean Quotes)
What excites me is the idea of doing a record that’s pretty clean and focused on songs. I’ve rushed a lot with previous albums and there’s not a rush now - it’s not a race (Clean Quotes)
There’s nothing harder than making a mellow, clean record. It’s really scary. I can see why people would never want to do it (Clean Quotes)
Make sure your bathroom is clean. If you’re having a girl over the house for the first time, make sure your toilet is clean, not disgusting. Guys’ bathrooms are always the most disgusting thing (Clean Quotes)
It’s time to wipe the slate clean, recriminalize gambling, just like we did in this country 100 years ago (Clean Quotes)
Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail, but every day is a clean slate and a fresh opportunity (Clean Quotes)
Ladies; at least clean up the bathroom before taking your profile picture there (Clean Quotes)
Always remember to clean your clothes and your tagged pics before a job interview (Clean Quotes)
I would much prefer to suffer from the clean incision of an honest lancet than from a sweetened poison (Clean Quotes)
It’s mournful and troubling in a way that goes beyond ordinary movie manipulation. It burns clean (Clean Quotes)
As your bridesmaid, I vow to clean up all literal and figurative messes on your wedding day (Clean Quotes)
My mother kept the house clean and we ate good. I didn’t know we were poor until I started giving interviews (Clean Quotes)
My mom says it’s her house, but when it’s time to clean, it magically becomes my house, too (Clean Quotes)
Grace Kelly was a glacially cool, like a wonderful sherbet in the middle of the desert. Cooling, icy, clean. She was a genetic miracle, a superior woman (Clean Quotes)
One thing the humanitarian world doesn’t do well is marketing. As a journalist, I get pitched every day by companies that have new products. Meanwhile, you have issues like clean water, literacy for girls, female empowerment. People flinch at the idea of marketing these because marketing sounds like something only companies do (Clean Quotes)
My room is never clean. I play ‘Guitar Hero’ all the time and throw things around my room (Clean Quotes)
Writers collect stories of rituals: John Cheever putting on a jacket and tie to go down to the basement, where he kept a desk near the boiler room. Keats buttoning up his clean white shirt to write in, after work (Clean Quotes)
When it comes to climate and energy, Gates is a radical consumerist. In his view, energy consumption is good - it just needs to be clean energy (Clean Quotes)
Argentina is a marvelous place. Argentines are great bankers of information. They import information; if someone sneezes in Milan or in New York, they clean their faces very fast there (Clean Quotes)
We have grown accustomed to the wonders of clean water, indoor plumbing, laser surgery, genetic engineering, artificial joints, replacement body parts, and the much longer lives that accompany them. Yet we should remember that the vast majority of humans ever born died before the age of 10 from an infectious disease (Clean Quotes)
Ah my deare God! though I am clean forgot, Let me not love thee, if I love thee not (Clean Quotes)
It’s only in America where there seems to be this sort of systematic denial of the reality of global warming at the governmental level, and in too many sectors of the high, the private sector. But it looks to me the business community may actually lead us toward a clean energy future almost in spite of government policy (Clean Quotes)
The president met with BP CEO Tony Hayward, and Obama was demanding that BP clean up the Gulf. And I’m thinking, good luck. They can’t even clean up their gas station restrooms (Clean Quotes)
BP CEO Tony Hayward said recently, ‘No one wants this thing over more than I do. I’d like my life back.’ Tony, I’m so sorry you had your summer disrupted. I’d buy you a drink, but you’d probably spill that too and make me clean it up (Clean Quotes)
Bush explained his strategy for transfer of power. It’s a two part plan. Part one: clean out his desk. Part two: rent a U-Haul (Clean Quotes)
Falling prices are driving renewable energy investment in India, which rose 13 per cent last year and is expected to surpass 10 billion dollars in 2015. Adoption of increasingly cost-effective renewables holds the genuine promise of a new age of socio-economic development, powered by clean, increasingly decentralised, and sustainable energy. The opportunity for India is tremendous (Clean Quotes)
Perhaps the fact that I am not a Radical or a believer in the all powerful ballot for women to right her wrongs and that I do notscorn womanly duties, but claim it as a privilege to clean up and sort of supervise the room and sew things, etc., is winning me stronger allies than anything else (Clean Quotes)