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The extent to which human aggression exemplifies innate tendencies is not clear  (Clear Quotes) What makes all doctrines plain and clear? About two hundred pounds a year  (Clear Quotes) Complexity creates a maze between you and success. Simplicity ensures a clear line of sight  (Clear Quotes) You cannot make gross sins look clear: To revenge is no valour, but to bear  (Clear Quotes) Periodic fasting can help clear up the mind and strengthen the body and the spirit  (Clear Quotes) When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier  (Clear Quotes) If you have God on your side, everything becomes clear  (Clear Quotes) Well, we were never coming back to Fox... that was clear  (Clear Quotes) The clear French landscape is as pure as a verse of Racine  (Clear Quotes) I could never get a real good clear picture of what I could become  (Clear Quotes) At least an exploding nuclear missile would clear out my sinuses  (Clear Quotes) I’m real clear, you know? There’s no fogginess  (Clear Quotes) Misunderstanding women is a clear sign of scant virility  (Clear Quotes) Let’s be very clear about who’s bringing what type of alcohol  (Clear Quotes) No action can be performed successfully without a clear result in view  (Clear Quotes) Close your eyes, clear your heart, let it go  (Clear Quotes) Fiction should always steer clear of political considerations  (Clear Quotes) A clear conscious and a heavy heart lightened  (Clear Quotes) Take a step back. Clear your mind. Refresh your perspective  (Clear Quotes) Jesus’ call to commitment is clear: He wants all or nothing  (Clear Quotes) It is a task of art to express clear vision of reality  (Clear Quotes) My dear friend, clear your mind of cant  (Clear Quotes) Have a definite, clear, practical ideal - a goal, an objective  (Clear Quotes) I don’t miss being in the dugout - I’ll make that clear  (Clear Quotes) I come to Jerusalem. There, the sky is blue and memory becomes clear.  (Clear Quotes) At the fishmonger, choose fish with bright scales and clear eyes  (Clear Quotes) I am busy with my work. My path is clear.  (Clear Quotes) There is no pillow so soft as clear conscience : French proverb  (Clear Quotes) A stout heart, a clear conscience, and never despair  (Clear Quotes) My conscience is clear. I was simply doing my duty ..  (Clear Quotes)
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