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From my perspective of a guy in his late forties, its becoming more and more clear to me that the right thing to do and the wrong thing to do all depend on what part of life you are looking at it from (Clear Quotes)
I’ve always loved journaling as a way to clear my mind. Whether I’m traveling or at home, the first thing I do when I wake up is pull out my notebook and record positive things that have happened to me as well as uplifting thoughts (Clear Quotes)
The mind is like dishwater, my friend. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear (Clear Quotes)
Mars tugs at the human imagination like no other planet. With a force mightier than gravity, it attracts the eye to the shimmering red presence in the clear night sky (Clear Quotes)
Our stories arise from our hearts and our souls. In this sense, telling our stories becomes a sacred gesture, opening a clear way to that deep, ecstatic center where we are most uniquely our selves, individual and unique, and yet are ourselves, joined together at the heart (Clear Quotes)
There’s no theme, no moral to be learned, except for the knowledge that lightning can strike from a clear blue sky one morning and take away everything you’ve built, everything you’ve counted on, leaving wreckage and no meaning behind. It can happen to anyone, it can happen to you (Clear Quotes)
The first thing you need to make clear to a client is that you aren’t there to answer his wants but to answer his needs (Clear Quotes)
To maintain discipline in the military, it must have been necessary at that time. For soldiers who risked their lives in circumstances where bullets are flying around like rain and wind, if you want them to get some rest, a comfort women system was necessary. That’s clear to anyone (Clear Quotes)
It’s too easy, you see, to get trapped in the past. The past is very seductive. People always talk about the mists of time, you know, but really it’s the present that’s in a mist, uncertain. The past is quite clear, and warm, and comforting. That’s why people often get stuck there (Clear Quotes)
It is clear that thought is not free if the profession of certain opinions makes it impossible to earn a living (Clear Quotes)
It’s important to me that people feel connected to the band through the music, you know? I don’t want it to be wallpaper. I don’t want it to be background music. I want it to be clear: This is the song. These are the words. If you feel the same way as I do, sing it as loud as you can (Clear Quotes)
I wanted to clear up the slum of legs… I wanted to make the chair all one thing again (Clear Quotes)
I’m surprised when the work appears beautiful, and very pleased. And I think work can be very good and very successful without being able to call it beautiful, although I’m not clear about that. The work is good when it has a certain completeness, and when it’s got a certain completeness, then it’s beautiful (Clear Quotes)
All my life I have gone out on a limb, but I have turned the limb into a bridge, and there is cool, clear water flowing under (Clear Quotes)
There is nothing that I so greatly admire as purposefulness. I have an enormous respect for people who know exactly what they are doing and where they are going. Such people are compact and integrated. They have clear edges. They give an impression of invulnerability and balance, and I wish I were one of them (Clear Quotes)
I love playing basketball because you could be having a rough day in your life, and while you’re on the court it gives you a clear mind. I’m not worried about anything. I’m there just playing freely and I go out there all and I have fun (Clear Quotes)
I wish I could be a better writer, but writing is so difficult. I get seduced by visual aesthetics. Because I just like making beautiful pictures, sometimes I wander away from making a clear statement (Clear Quotes)
Are you letting culture, not scripture, determine your sexuality, how you date, how you present yourself, how you engage in certain relationships with members of the opposite sex? We need to be very clear that the way we do life is different than the rest of the world (Clear Quotes)
It is important not to suppress your feelings altogether when you are depressed. It is equally important to avoid terrible arguments or expressions of outrage. You should steer clear of emotionally damaging behavior. People forgive, but it is best not to stir things up to the point at which forgiveness is required. When you are depressed, you need the love of other people, and yet depression fosters actions that destroy that love. Depressed people often stick pins into their own life rafts. The conscious mind can intervene. One is not helpless (Clear Quotes)
Life may be seen through many windows, none of them necessarily clear or opaque, less or more distorting than any of the others (Clear Quotes)
I think it’s absolutely clear that the fiscal path we are on is not sustainable, and for me, the best analogy is these deficits are like a cancer, and over time they will destroy the country from within (Clear Quotes)
Nothing is more satisfying than to write a good sentence. It is no fun to write lumpishly, dully, in prose the reader must plod through like wet sand. But it is a pleasure to achieve, if one can, a clear running prose that is simple yet full of surprises. This does not just happen. It requires skill, hard work, a good ear, and continued practice (Clear Quotes)
The great way is not difficult for those who have no preferences. When like and dislike are both absent everything becomes clear and undisguised. Make the smallest distinction however and heaven and earth are set infinitely apart (Clear Quotes)
Geometry enlightens the intellect and sets one’s mind right. All of its proofs are very clear and orderly. It is hardly possible for errors to enter into geometrical reasoning, because it is well arranged and orderly. Thus, the mind that constantly applies itself to geometry is not likely to fall into error. In this convenient way, the person who knows geometry acquires intelligence (Clear Quotes)
Be honest in every way and enjoy the peace that only a clear conscience can bring you (Clear Quotes)
If you have a clear vision, you will eventually attract the right strategy. If you don’t have a clear vision, no strategy will save you (Clear Quotes)
Phelps has given us a clear warning of the dangers of corporatism. I hope that more people hear and heed the warning (Clear Quotes)
Stories are a kind of thing, too. Stories and objects share something, a patina. I thought I had this clear, two years ago before I started, but I am no longer sure how this works. Perhaps a patina is a process of rubbing back so that the essential is revealed, the way that a striated stone tumbled in a river feels irreducible, the way that this netsuke of a fox has become little more than a memory of a nose and a tail. But it also seems additive, in the way that a piece of oak furniture gains over years and years of polishing, and the way the leaves of my medlar shine (Clear Quotes)
Not only are animals unable to avail themselves of language to assert their own rights, but many fewer humans have a clear sense of kinship with animals than have a clear sense of kinship with other humans. Among beings with subjective states of awareness, animals are the untouchable caste, those whom human others would rather not acknowledge, let alone render assistance (Clear Quotes)
It is easy to fail when designing an interactive experience. Designers fail when they do not know the audience, integrate the threads of content and context, welcome the public properly, or make clear what the experience is and what the audience’s role in it will be (Clear Quotes)