Clear Quotes

Text Quotes
And as pale sickness does invade, Your frailer part, the breaches made, In that fair lodging still more clear, Make the bright guest, your soul, appear (Clear Quotes)
If we define pornography as any message from any communication medium that is intended to arouse sexual excitement, then it is clear that most advertisements are covertly pornographic (Clear Quotes)
When I clear my calculator I press the button at least 10 times just to be sure (Clear Quotes)
I’m opening up. I’m beginning to let people know how much they mean to me. Lets be clear. You mean the world to me (Clear Quotes)
I’m so proud of myself for staying clear from kids with no ambitions. If you’re not doing something productive, I’m not there (Clear Quotes)
When I let go of what’s not meant to be, I clear a path for good stuff to find me (Clear Quotes)
You can’t move backwards when you have a clear vision of what your future is looking like (Clear Quotes)
Without calling the overall national issue a bubble, it’s pretty clear that it’s an unsustainable underlying pattern (Clear Quotes)
Two thoughts cannot coexist at the same time: if the clear light of mindfulness is present, there is no room for mental twilight (Clear Quotes)
Keep your mind clear and bright, it is the window through which you see the world (Clear Quotes)
The small wisdom is like water in a glass: clear, transparent, pure. The great wisdom is like the water in the sea: dark, mysterious, impenetrable (Clear Quotes)
When something good falls apart, it is so something great can fall together, even if its not clear at the moment where life is taking us (Clear Quotes)
Society is a kind of parent to its members. If it, and they, are to thrive, its values must be clear, coherent and generally acceptable (Clear Quotes)
At sunrise everything is luminous but not clear. It is those we live with and love and should know who elude us. You can love completely without complete understanding (Clear Quotes)
Battles are won through the ability of men to express concrete ideas in clear and unmistakable language (Clear Quotes)
Yes, that’s my boyfriend. You call, text or touch and you die. Clear? (Clear Quotes)
I want a minister to be in charge of a line department so they have clear political accountability (Clear Quotes)
We should never be afraid of tears. They soften our hearts, wash our eyes and clear our vision (Clear Quotes)
It’s important to have a really clear strategy so when you are in business, you only have to make micro-strategy changes (Clear Quotes)
I have to be clear with myself and very conscious of what I am trying to say. Misunderstandings will always take place; it’s unavoidable (Clear Quotes)
Sometimes, our visions clear only after our eyes are washed with tears. Sometimes, we have to be broken so we can be whole again (Clear Quotes)
Sometimes you just need to step outside, get some fresh air, clear your head, and remind yourself of who you are and where you want to be (Clear Quotes)
A great deal may be done by severity, more by love, but most by clear discernment and impartial justice (Clear Quotes)
It’s clear that agriculture, done right, is the best means the world has today to simultaneously tackle food security, poverty and environmental degradation (Clear Quotes)
Sometimes tears help us clear our eyes so we can clearly see the good things ahead (Clear Quotes)
Simply put, broadband voice is an interstate matter that must be dealt with through clear national standards (Clear Quotes)
When it became clear that Lennon was not going to speak with me, it really became a how-I-didn’t-get-the-story story. It was a caper (Clear Quotes)
In movies there is a clear line between the good guys and the bad guys. In life, not so much (Clear Quotes)
I can see as clear as a daylight that the hour is coming when women will lead humanity to a higher evolution (Clear Quotes)
Matisse was very clear about saying that you have to blow your own trumpet and explain yourself, which I think has been slightly forgotten (Clear Quotes)