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The unending chase for money, I believe, threatens to steal our democracy itself. I’ve used the word ‘corrupting,’ and I want to be very clear about it: I mean by it not the corruption of individuals, but a corruption of a system itself that all of us are forced to participate in against our will.  (Clear Quotes) The first time I saw a fingerbowl was at the home of my benefactress. [...] The water had a few cherry blossoms in it, and I thought it must be some clear sort of Japanese after-dinner soup and ate every bit of it, including the crisp little blossoms.  (Clear Quotes) I’m just lucky. I do have very clear memories of childhood. I find that many people don’t, but I’m just very fortunate that I have that kind of memory.  (Clear Quotes) Global warming threatens our health, our economy, our natural resources, and our children’s future. It is clear we must act.  (Clear Quotes) Clear declaration of truth makes a difference in people’s lives. That is what changes hearts. That is what the Holy Ghost can confirm in the hearts of God’s children.  (Clear Quotes) The revolutions of my century, the 20th century - the Soviet revolution, or the Chinese, or the revolutions that were fomented in Latin America, such as in Cuba - failed for the most part, a failure which was completely clear by the end of the century.  (Clear Quotes) I have assumed my clear commitment to a Trinitarian orthodoxy was sufficient evidence that I have not intentionally ignored the role of the Holy Spirit. It may be true, however, that my work has been so Christ-centred, I may have given the impression that the Holy Spirit is an afterthought.  (Clear Quotes) [On women as priests:] It has always seemed very odd to me that this particular sphere of activity should remain a male closed shop, seeing that, to judge from church attendance, women are the more religious sex - while our criminal statistics make quite clear that they are the least wicked.  (Clear Quotes) Let’s be clear, I’m one of the thicker bishops in the Church of England  (Clear Quotes) Occupy Wall Street was a disorganized movement without a clear focus and power base - essential in any successful revolution - but the message was clear: the divisions between those who are fortunate enough to enjoy city living as opposed to those who find it unbearable are too wide.  (Clear Quotes) If you look at attitudes today and where they are headed, it’s clear to me that supporting equal rights, including the rights to civil marriage, is a net positive for winning elections, as well as the right thing to do.  (Clear Quotes) It was clear to me as a civil rights leader in the 60s that unless we put the social and economic underpinnings beneath the political and the civil rights, we wouldn’t go anywhere.  (Clear Quotes) Ness-that Morrie was looking at life from some very different place than anyone else I knew. A healthier place. A more sensible place. And he was about to die.But it was also becoming clear to me- through his courage, his humor, his patience, and his openIf some mystical clarity of thought came when you looked death in the eye, then I knew Morrie wanted to share it.  (Clear Quotes) If we are to perpetuate the state, we must not only produce citizens, but good citizens - men and women of sound bodies, clear minds and clean souls.  (Clear Quotes) Be positive in your thoughts, passionate in your words and purposeful in your actions. Clean thoughts, Cool words and Clear actions are the impressions that appeal to success.  (Clear Quotes) Cleaning is my favorite way to relax. I clear things out and get rid of the stuff I don’t need. When the food pantry and the refrigerator are organized, I feel less stressed.  (Clear Quotes) Kofi Annan’s kangaroo court...a clear and present danger to the war on terrorism and Americans fighting it all over the world.  (Clear Quotes) I think we also ought to prepare the American public, by way of informing them, that Saddam Hussein has these weapons, continues to attempt to improve their capability, and would not be reluctant to export them to other countries, ... So he presents a clear and present danger.  (Clear Quotes) Some believe that those aeroplanes on September 11 came out of a clear blue sky. I believe they came out of a swamp of hatred created by us.  (Clear Quotes) Give me the clear blue sky above my head, and the green turf beneath my feet, a winding road before me, and a three hours’ march to dinner - and then to thinking!  (Clear Quotes) There’s no theme, no moral to be learned, except for the knowledge that lightning can strike from a clear blue sky one morning and take away everything you’ve built, everything you’ve counted on, leaving wreckage and no meaning behind. It can happen to anyone, it can happen to you.  (Clear Quotes) If the mind is illumined, there is clear blue sky in a dark room. If the thoughts are muddled, there are malevolent ghosts in broad daylight.  (Clear Quotes) I would attack any squadron blockading a port. Nothing could prevent me from dropping out of the clear blue sky on to a battleship with 400 kilos of explosives in the cockpit. Of course it is true that the pilot would be killed, but everything would blow up, and that’s what counts.  (Clear Quotes) Good communication does not mean that you have to speak in perfectly formed sentences and paragraphs. It isn’t about slickness. Simple and clear go a long way.  (Clear Quotes) I’m fortunate that the books sell, but even more fortunate to live in Chatham, to be very happily married and to have, on the whole, a fairly clear conscience.  (Clear Quotes) If the scholar feels that he must know everything about any topic, he is in trouble - and will not publish with a clear conscience.  (Clear Quotes) Anyone who claims to have an entirely clear conscience is almost certainly a bore  (Clear Quotes) Experience, then, was something that enabled you to do nothing with a clear conscience. Experience was an overrated quality.  (Clear Quotes) Whatever it may bring, I will live by my own policies, I will sleep with a clear conscience, I will sleep in peace.  (Clear Quotes) I shall produce nothing that will offend the proprieties, whether applied to children or grownups. My pictures are turned out with clean hands and, therefore, with a clear conscience which, like virtue, is its own reward.  (Clear Quotes)
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