Cliche Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s crucial that I kind of keep up, without drifting into the backslapping land of cliche and lifetime achievement awards (Cliche Quotes)
There’s a rotten cliche that everyone has a price. I prefer to think that everyone is priceless (Cliche Quotes)
I have a work-out regime; I am not a maniac. It sounds cliche, but stand-up comedy, doing a one-man show, helps keep me young, and yes, it is exhausting, but I don’t collapse (Cliche Quotes)
I grew up in southern California in the 80s. Yes, I am a walking cliche (Cliche Quotes)
Pop music provides not just the soundtrack to our lives, as the cliche goes; it releases our emotions and helps us to articulate them. This is why music is so important to adolescents, who are struggling with questions of identity and self-expression (Cliche Quotes)
It’s so cliche, but I love the feeling you get from improv that anything can happen. The audience is already accepting that there are no props or costumes or furniture, so the performers can be anywhere doing anything; cut from underground to space, and it doesn’t matter (Cliche Quotes)
I’m just trying to really take it one day at a time, because for me - and I know this sounds cliche, whatever - I achieved my ultimate goal, and nothing can really top that, you know? (Cliche Quotes)
The Philippines, it has a politics of patronage. Family and favors, in addition to the old cliche of guns, goons and gold, really do still hold a lot of sway. (Cliche Quotes)
I have the cliche ‘struggling actor’ story. I was waiting tables in New York, went out to L.A. soon after graduation to get some jobs, but it didn’t work out. I wanted to cut my teeth in professional theater, so I came back to New York. It made my journey a longer one, but I really wanted to excel in the theater. (Cliche Quotes)
Feminism has tried to dismiss the femme fatale as a misogynist libel, a hoary cliche. But the femme fatale expresses woman’s ancient and eternal control of the sexual realm. The specter of the femme fatale stalks all of men’s relationships with women. (Cliche Quotes)
I’m not a wide-eyed imperialist who wants to see Americans manning outposts all over the world. Not outposts to freedom in the cold war cliche, but islands of stability and seas of ethnic strife. That is not what anyone should feel comfortable seeing Americans doing. (Cliche Quotes)
Economics is a subject profoundly conducive to cliche, resonant with boredom. On few topics is an American audience so practiced in turning off its ears and minds. And none can say that the response is ill advised. (Cliche Quotes)
I don’t want to be the cliche American Idol dude. I want to be different, you know - that’s the whole goal, me and music. It’s about being yourself and being unique. (Cliche Quotes)
It’s usually a big kind of vent of frustration or anger or sadness that puts me in the right frame of mind to write. It’s such a cliche to say that artists write when they’re down, but it’s true for me. It’s a relief to get out what’s eating away at my heart or my soul or my head. (Cliche Quotes)
I’m very much aware of the dangers of becoming a cliche. Mr. Anger, someone who gets meaner, angrier on record. (Cliche Quotes)
The reason the art world doesn’t respond to Kinkade is because none - not one - of his ideas about subject-matter, surface, color, composition, touch, scale, form, or skill is remotely original. They’re all cliche and already told. (Cliche Quotes)
That’s the problem with heartbreak, to you it’s like an atomic bomb but to the world it’s just a cliche because in the end we all have the same experience. (Cliche Quotes)
It’s easy to get negative because you get beat down. You go through a few disappointments and it’s easy to stay in that negative frame of mind. Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is a whole cliche, but your attitude is going to determine how you’re going to live your life. (Cliche Quotes)
You know those award shows. The cliche is that it’s an honor just to be nominated, but that happens to be true. Whoever wins it in the end, I don’t know, sometimes it feels arbitrary. Sometimes it feels like it’s deserving. (Cliche Quotes)
It’s crucial that I kind of keep up, without drifting into the backslapping land of cliche and lifetime achievement awards. (Cliche Quotes)
I’m just not somebody who can sit around doing nothing, and all of us in the Foo Fighters have our own things outside of the band. I’m not going to use the cliche that those outlets bring us back fresh and with new ideas, but what I will say is that it keeps us all feeling free - and that creative freedom is a very positive thing. (Cliche Quotes)
It’s almost a cliche that great Silicon Valley entrepreneurs don’t go sit on a beach when they make a lot of money; they get back to work building another company or at least investing in other people’s companies. (Cliche Quotes)
I know myself - I cannot just play a cliche. It has to be a character; it has to be written with the complexity of the human being behind. Could be bad, could be good, could be someone we would hate, but still, I need a reason for that influence, and I need to understand why. (Cliche Quotes)
I was embarrassed that I even wanted to become an actress because coming from L.A., with two older sisters in the business and a mom who had been a ballet dancer, it was such a cliche. (Cliche Quotes)
Every day I’ve got to be thankful that I am alive, and you never know - the cliche is, I guess, you could get hit by a bus tomorrow, so you’d better be at peace with whatever you got going at the moment. (Cliche Quotes)
The cliche that sea dry up and rocks rot away, but the heart never changes is nothing but a beautiful fantasy. (Cliche Quotes)
I think it’s sad that there seems to be one definition of beauty in Hollywood/New York. It’s such a cliche, but I think it’s true that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. (Cliche Quotes)
It’s wrong for women to be constantly shy and embarrassed about their bodies. There are so many images of unattainable beauty that are so destructive. It’s important to show how your body really is. As the cliche has it, beauty comes from within. (Cliche Quotes)
I always believe that if you feel good and look happy, you’re always going to be beautiful. My one actual beauty trick is pretty cliche: Never, ever go to bed with your makeup on. (Cliche Quotes)
You always want to break away from your parents, and you always think, ‘I’m never going to be like that guy.’ What I’ve discovered is you kind of wind up becoming your parents, which is also a cliche in itself. My father, despite the fact that he’s been dead for over 25 years, he’s been a huge influence on me. (Cliche Quotes)