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You know, to preserve our job-friendly climate the Texas legislature didn’t raise taxes this last legislative session while balancing their budget and maintaining their reserves - and might I add that our budget leaves $6 billion dollars in a rainy day fund?  (Climate Quotes) Even if every major government were to slap huge taxes on carbon fuels - which is not going to happen - it wouldn’t do much to halt climate change any time soon. What it would do is cost us hundreds of billions - if not trillions - of dollars, because alternative energy technologies are not yet ready to take up the slack  (Climate Quotes) Climate change will affect the basic elements of life for people around the world - access to water, food production, health, and the environment. Hundreds of millions of people could suffer hunger, water shortages and coastal flooding as the world warms  (Climate Quotes) Leadership is the art of creating a working climate that inspires others to achieve extraordinary goals and levels of performance  (Climate Quotes) Maryland is among the nation’s most vulnerable states to the effects of sea level rise from climate change, and we are taking strong action to reduce carbon pollution  (Climate Quotes) We have great international experts within India telling us that the climate is changing, and actions has to be taken, otherwise China and India would be the countries most to suffer from climate change  (Climate Quotes) [Tom] Steyer is specifically spending money on candidates who will take action against climate change  (Climate Quotes) I hear people who are worried about climate change tell me, oh, Congress that’s gridlock, that’s not where the action is  (Climate Quotes) Every country now has its own domestic political debate about how to respond to climate change. This is where the action is  (Climate Quotes) Psychologically speaking, the rational, healthy response to climate change is to say to oneself, What can I do about this? But that question is often answered through individual action  (Climate Quotes) At the simplest level, economics can better show us the consequences of our actions. Less simple are cases in which we don’t have the knowledge to predict the full consequences. Global warming and climate change are examples  (Climate Quotes) The idea that China and India will just abandon climate action is not true, because they’re doing it for more reasons than we are  (Climate Quotes) Bold clean energy action is needed to stave off a climate hostile to human life  (Climate Quotes) It is impossible to talk about slowing climate change without talking about reducing CO2 emissions. Equally, it is impossible to talk about adapting to climate change without considering how we will feed ourselves. And it is out of the question that we can adapt agriculture without conserving crop diversity.  (Climate Quotes) I sincerely wish you may find it convenient to come here. the pleasure of the trip will be less than you expect, but the utility greater. it will make you adore your own country, it’s soil, it’s climate, it’s equality, liberty, laws, people and manners. my god! how little do my countrymen know...  (Climate Quotes) I used to be a lot more afraid of climate change. Now I spend my time working, planning, trying to move forward.  (Climate Quotes) I was raised in a climate where I believed in God because I was afraid of going to hell - and I didn’t think that was the right way to fall in love with somebody.  (Climate Quotes) We’re all agreed that climate change is one of the greatest and most daunting challenges of our age. We have a moral imperative to act and act now.  (Climate Quotes) Today’s voguish threats, including climate change, population growth, massive war, and resource depletion, are all amenable to a fix if we act prudently. And even if we don’t, these problems are incapable of obliterating all of humanity, let alone destroying the Earth. No, the real End of Days will happen slowly, as the Sun ages.  (Climate Quotes) I meet so many that think population growth is a major problem in regard to climate change. But the number of children born per year in the world has stopped growing since 1990. The total number of children below 15 years of age in the world are now relatively stable around 2 billion.  (Climate Quotes) How we grow food has enormous effects on the environment - climate change as well as pollution of air, water, and soil.  (Climate Quotes) In tough times, some of us see protecting the climate as a luxury, but that’s an outdated 20th-century worldview from a time when we thought industrialization was the end goal, waste was growth, and wealth meant a thick haze of air pollution.  (Climate Quotes) A large-scale wind, water and solar energy system can reliably supply the world’s needs, significantly benefiting climate, air quality, water quality, ecology and energy security ... [T]he obstacles are primarily political, not technical.  (Climate Quotes) On the science of global climate change, I’m an agnostic. I’ve seen Al Gore’s movie, and I’ve read reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. I’ve also listened to the ‘skeptics.’ I don’t know who’s right.  (Climate Quotes) Tragically, policymakers have thrown horrendous amounts of taxpayer money needed for other purposes at solving an unsubstantiated emergency. It is scandalous that so many climate scientists who fully knew that Al Gore had no basis for his irresponsible claims stood mute.  (Climate Quotes) Climate change is real. In order to alter this reality, we need all hands on deck.  (Climate Quotes) People in all walks of life, and especially business, do not want to experience the collapse of cities like New York along with global finance and economy in chaos, but this is what business faces if we continue to attribute climate change to fossil fuels alone.  (Climate Quotes) We are launching a campaign called Wind, Not War, which is about the alternatives to a fossil-fuels-based economy and looking at wind, an alternative energy, as key to that in terms of issues of global climate change as well as issues of democracy.  (Climate Quotes) We Belgians love when we can go to L.A. because the city is amazing and the climate is fantastic.  (Climate Quotes) Bahia is the Amazon’s geographical next-of-kin: the same climate, forest canopy, diverse floor. But there is no wild cacao; the tree was introduced, most likely by a Frenchman, Louis Frederick Warneaux, who, in 1746, sowed seeds near one of Bahia’s large rivers.  (Climate Quotes)
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