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Don’t confine yourself to a select group of friends, often known as a clique. Cliques by definition leave people out. Lock yourself into one, and you’ll never know how many terrific friendships you may be missing  (Cliques Quotes) In high school, there are so many cliques. You’re never safe  (Cliques Quotes) The worst cliques are those which consist of one man  (Cliques Quotes) No matter where you are in your life, whatever set of people you’re with, it all still breaks down like high school does. You have your social cliques, you have the people you get along with, the people you don’t and the people you’re ambivalent about. All of the dynamics are still here  (Cliques Quotes) I don’t really believe in cliques - I think everyone can be friends with everyone  (Cliques Quotes) I’ve never been much given to little social cliques  (Cliques Quotes) Women are naturally competitive. That’s what drives women to form cliques at early age.  (Cliques Quotes) I’m really interested in kind of weird social situations and cliques, watching girls vying for attention, watching how the popularity thing happens. I’ve always thought too hard about everything.  (Cliques Quotes) We are neurologically hardwired to seek out people like ourselves. We start forming cliques as soon as we’re old enough to know what acceptance feels like. We bond together based on anything that we can - music preference, race, gender, the block that we grew up on.  (Cliques Quotes) I grew up playing hockey and some football, and I always think about the first time you walk into the locker room on a new team. The cliques are looking at you funny, and you make one friend, but then they’re trying to stab you in the back.  (Cliques Quotes) The teen years are extremely serious and everything matters and every insult really hurts. I know there are cliques and bullying. And you don’t yet ­understand that it will all go away.  (Cliques Quotes) There’s a particular hierarchy in the prison - class distinctions, high-school cliques. You have to learn how to navigate.  (Cliques Quotes) (The Catholic Church must) clean out the pedophiles, break up the gay cliques, tighten up the seminary, and restore the good name of the priesthood  (Cliques Quotes) I kept a journal when I was a teenager, so I definitely look back on those to see how I dealt with friends and cliques and getting picked on, or boyfriend breakups.  (Cliques Quotes) My biggest problem in middle school was catty girls, cliques, and trying to figure out if I wanted to be a part of one of those, just figuring out who I was and all that  (Cliques Quotes) I went to a Catholic school with 40 kids total. There were no cliques, but I suppose I was the sporty good girl.  (Cliques Quotes) I had a couple friends from all the different cliques in school, but my true friends were my gymnastics teammates. I grew up competing with them for ten years  (Cliques Quotes) I grew up in Hawaii and I think it was easier because we did not have cliques at high school  (Cliques Quotes) Don’t give in to all the cliques and popularity. It means nothing. I know super popular guys, and guess what? They’re just normal people, too  (Cliques Quotes) Women are naturally competitive. That’s what drives women to form cliques at early age  (Cliques Quotes) I think in high school there’s so many cliques. You’re never safe  (Cliques Quotes) I think life is more interesting when everybody’s jumbled up together. When people separate out into cliques and things, it’s okay, but it’s a bit limiting. You can always learn things from other people. This is my theory  (Cliques Quotes) Enlightenment is not about being political. It is not a social club. Ashrams often turn into that, I know. Societies of enlightenment often just become cliques  (Cliques Quotes) In place of an intensive cooperation among artists, there is a battle for goods. Hatred, partisanship, cliques, jealousy, and intrigues are the natural consequences of an aimless, materialist art  (Cliques Quotes)