Clive James Quotes

Text Quotes
Little books are the things to write at my age, I’ve decided. Avoid the big ones, go for the little ones. (Clive James Quotes)
Pound had argued - and Eliot had helped him prove - that a poem could be sustained by memorable moments. Olson proved that it could be sustained by unmemorable ones, provided that the texture of the accumulated jottings avoided the sound of failed poetry (Clive James Quotes)
Freedom and diversity guard each other, and if a country could form the whole of one’s character, Napoleon III and Victor Hugo would have been the same person... if national identity means anything, it means something that comes with you wherever you go, and stays with you no matter how long you stay away (Clive James Quotes)
A decade ago, critics suggested biotech crops would not be valuable in the developing world. Now 90 percent of farmers who benefit are resource-poor farmers in developing countries. These helped alleviate 7.7 million subsistence farmers in China, India, South Africa, the Philippines from abject poverty (Clive James Quotes)
The repeat run of Fawlty Towers drew bigger audiences than ever and deservedly so. Statistical surveys reveal that only the television critic of The Spectator is incapable of seeing the joke, which is that Basil Fawlty has the wrong temperament to be a hotel proprietor, just as some other people have the wrong temperament to be television critics (Clive James Quotes)
As far as talent goes, Marilyn Monroe was so minimally gifted as to be almost unemployable, and anyone who holds to the opinion that she was a great natural comic identifies himself immediately as a dunce (Clive James Quotes)
When I finally embraced abstinence it was because of the simple urge to work a longer day. Thus, without joining Alcoholics Anonymous, I was at last able to leave Piss-Artists Notorious (Clive James Quotes)
It is only when they go wrong that machines remind you how powerful they are (Clive James Quotes)
Whoever called snooker 'chess with balls' was rude, but right (Clive James Quotes)
Generally it is our failures that civilize us. Triumph confirms us in our habits (Clive James Quotes)
As a work of art, it reminds me of a long conversation between two drunks (Clive James Quotes)
All I can do is turn a phrase until it catches the light (Clive James Quotes)
A luxury liner is really just a bad play surrounded by water (Clive James Quotes)
You can never get a woman to sit down and listen to a drum solo (Clive James Quotes)
All honest labor becomes easy; it only becomes hard when done with unwillingness (Clive James Quotes)
The key to effective teaching is to remember how you learned (Clive James Quotes)
All intellectual tendencies are corrupted when they consort with power (Clive James Quotes)
Fiction is life with the dull bits left out (Clive James Quotes)
There is no reasoning someone out of a position he has not reasoned himself into (Clive James Quotes)
Anyone afraid of what he thinks television does to the world is probably just afraid of the world (Clive James Quotes)
Twin miracles of mascara, her eyes looked like the corpses of two small crows that had crashed into a chalk cliff (Clive James Quotes)
The entrée wasn’t tender enough to be a paving stone and the gravy couldn’t have been primordial soup because morphogenesis was already taking place (Clive James Quotes)
Every sentence he manages to utter scatters its component parts like pond water from a verb chasing its own tail (Clive James Quotes)
I work on the assumption, or let it be the fear, that the reader will stop reading if I stop being interesting (Clive James Quotes)
A life without fame can be a good life, but fame without a life is no life at all (Clive James Quotes)
Murray sounds like a blindfolded man riding a unicycle on the rim of the pit of doom, the men actually facing the danger are all so taciturn that you might as well try interviewing the cars themselves (Clive James Quotes)
A loose horse is any horse sensible enough to get rid of its rider at an early stage and carry on unencumbered (Clive James Quotes)
The inevitable effect of a biographer’s hindsight is to belittle the subject’s foresight (Clive James Quotes)
Television is simultaneously blamed, often by the same people, for worsening the world and for being powerless to change it (Clive James Quotes)
Disco dancing is just the steady thump of a giant moron knocking in an endless nail (Clive James Quotes)