Clive James Quotes

Text Quotes
She was good at playing abstract confusion in the same way that a midget is good at being short (Clive James Quotes)
All television ever did was shrink the demand for ordinary movies. The demand for extraordinary movies increased. If any one thing is wrong with the movie industry today, it is the unrelenting effort to astonish (Clive James Quotes)
The essence of a class system is not that the privileged are conscious of their privileges, but that the deprived are conscious of their deprivations (Clive James Quotes)
The literary critic, or the critic of any other specific form of artistic expression, may detach himself from the world for as long as the work of art he is contemplating appears to do the same (Clive James Quotes)
Writing is a performance art for me. They’re very closely aligned, writing and performing. But I’m a writer, not a performer (Clive James Quotes)
You can’t be young always. The day will come when everything will fall apart (Clive James Quotes)
The secret for an artist is to make that a subject and not bang your head against the wall and give up. But to turn it into and treat the new subject matter, which is one’s own vanishing (Clive James Quotes)
I’ve got life for a subject because as life starts to drain away, you start seeing very clearly what life is, for the first time (Clive James Quotes)
I try to be specific. One thought at a time. Clear. Articulate. And above all, memorable, if you can be. You’d like to write phrases that people can’t forget as soon as they read them (Clive James Quotes)
This quality becomes important at a time when almost everyone is a poet. And as I said, we live in an age where almost everybody is a poet, but scarcely anyone can write a poem (Clive James Quotes)
If an artist is any good at all, then he or she will have a later phase that’s more interesting than the early one (Clive James Quotes)
People should be stopped from writing poetry. There’s far too much of it. And if they’re any good, they’ll go ahead anyways (Clive James Quotes)
As a work of art it has the same status as a long conversation between two not very bright drunks (Clive James Quotes)
Writers quite often starve. And I’m mainly just writing critical prose and poetry, that’s a formula for starvation (Clive James Quotes)
I was brought up on the proletarian left, and I remain there. The fair go for workers is fundamental, and I don’t believe the free market has a mind (Clive James Quotes)
If we want a book to do more than what it does, that’s a condemnation. If we want it to do more of what it does, that’s an endorsement (Clive James Quotes)
Like most people who smoked umpteen cigarettes a day, I tasted only the first one. The succeeding umpteen minus one were a compulsive ritual which had no greater savour than the fumes of burning money (Clive James Quotes)
Men never sound more stupid than when they’re telling you they’re a very complex personality (Clive James Quotes)
Not everyone who wants to make a film is crazy, but almost everyone who is crazy wants to make a film (Clive James Quotes)
The rattle of plastic keys reminds me of a squadron of butterflies failing to fight their way out of a paper bag (Clive James Quotes)
If the humanism that makes civilization civilized is to be preserved into the new century, it will need advocates. These advocates will need a memory, and part of that memory will need to be of an age in which they were not yet alive (Clive James Quotes)
Almost 70 years have gone by, and I’ve still got that feeling when I write... Writing, for me, is still it. It has always been the basis of everything I do. I’m a writer who performs, not a performer who writes. I love the act of writing. It’s still a thrill for me (Clive James Quotes)
Ban poetry. And make sure that anyone caught reading it is expelled from school. Then it will acquire the glamour (Clive James Quotes)
Experts say men think of sex every 10 seconds... What do they think of in the other nine? (Clive James Quotes)