Closed Mind Quotes
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Text Quotes
And he goes through life, his mouth open, and his mind closed (Closed Mind Quotes)
Arrogance and Conceit are the mother and father of a closed mind.Charles Jennings, Journey of the Chosen. (Closed Mind Quotes)
The mind becomes withered, stagnant, narrow and closed unless it searches for new ideas (Closed Mind Quotes)
With her mouth closed, her mind screamed (Closed Mind Quotes)
Life can’t give to you if your hands are closed. Open your mind, open your heart, and open your arms. (Closed Mind Quotes)
You gotta bear in mind, the youth - and this is just in Britain alone - have nowhere to go in the evenings. They’ve closed all the social centers. There’s not even a patch of grass to kick a ball on (Closed Mind Quotes)
The state of mind must be belief, not mere hope or wish. Open-mindedness is essential for belief. Closed minds do not inspire faith, courage, and belief (Closed Mind Quotes)
This alone is to be feared - the closed mind, the sleeping imagination, the death of the spirit. The death of the body is to that, I think, a little thing (Closed Mind Quotes)
When you have closed the Bible, you have neither closed God’s mind nor shut God’s mouth. God continues to speak, live and exist. I think we should consult the living God for the living word for living people dealing with death, destruction and despair in the midst of our hurt humanity. I believe love will conquer all. (Closed Mind Quotes)
We live in a big world, and it is important for us to be aware of culture other than our own. Learn something new, whether you think you’re interested in it or not. That’s the opposite of having a closed mind or a closed door. (Closed Mind Quotes)
Love is never blind; it sees with ucute clarity. A closed mind, wounded heart, and a bitter disposition surely cannot perceive love’s myriad ways of communicating. (Closed Mind Quotes)
I love books, food, music, sleep, people who work, heated arguments, the United States of America, and my wife and children. I dislike politicians, preachers, genteel persons, people who do not work or are on vacation, closed minds, movies, loud noises, and oiliness. (Closed Mind Quotes)
Biblical social scientists have an advantage because they know truths about human nature. Those who dismiss the Bible and create surveys that don’t measure crucial factors are the ones who have closed minds. Sometimes the Bible gives us clear answers and sometimes it doesn’t, but it always helps us to ask the right questions. (Closed Mind Quotes)
Bridge the gap with closed minds though careful dissection of ideas and solid presentation of fact (Closed Mind Quotes)
The hardest thing to open is a closed mind (Closed Mind Quotes)
No matter how much we disagree with people, demonising them doesn’t get us anywhere; it merely indicates a closed mind. (Closed Mind Quotes)
You learn if you mind stay open. And once you can’t learn no more, your mind must be closed. Life goes on and you keep growing, you know? (Closed Mind Quotes)
When people start hurling insults at you, you know their minds are closed and there’s no point in debating. You disengage yourself as quickly as possible from the situation. (Closed Mind Quotes)
I’ve sort of closed my mind off to reality shows: I just don’t watch them, don’t care about them, don’t know who the characters are, but they’re all in general usage. (Closed Mind Quotes)
There's nothing more dangerous than a closed mind (Closed Mind Quotes)
When I first came here, Hollywood was very closed-minded (Closed Mind Quotes)
An open - door policy doesn’t do much for a closed mind (Closed Mind Quotes)
If only closed minds came with closed mouths (Closed Mind Quotes)
A closed mind is a good thing to lose (Closed Mind Quotes)
I’m not sure what is worse, a closed mind or a closed book (Closed Mind Quotes)
A closed mind is a dying mind (Closed Mind Quotes)
The only real stupidity is that of a closed mind (Closed Mind Quotes)
Ignorance is death. A closed mind is a catafalque (Closed Mind Quotes)
Closed minds do not inspire faith, courage, and belief (Closed Mind Quotes)
This alone is to be feared: the closed mind, the sleeping imagination, the death of spirit (Closed Mind Quotes)
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