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Closed Quotes

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The Manhattan district attorney has closed the well-publicized investigation of the handling of the $300 million fortune of reclusive heiress Huguette Clark - without charging anyone with a crime.  (Closed Quotes) One of the local reporters assured me Garrison would put in an appearance for the cross-examination, but as the courtroom settled down and the rear doors were closed, there was no sign of him.  (Closed Quotes) A closed book will lie there like a dead horse. But an open book will kick, buck, and bolt through perceived adventures like a wild and free stallion. So hold on.  (Closed Quotes) The Walt Disney Animation studio is the studio that Walt Disney started himself in 1923, and it’s never stopped and never closed its doors and never stopped making animation, and it keeps going as kind of the heart and soul of the company.  (Closed Quotes) Because I didn’t have much money, I bought a small shop that fit my budget. The previous six owners had closed their business in three years. The store had no people traffic and, because of that, I was able to focus on figuring out how to provide a better service to each and every one of the customers that did come through.  (Closed Quotes) We made drawings the size of a whole quarter of a room ceiling, which we would then send on to the model makers. I did this every day for two years. Even now I can draw cartouches with my eyes closed.  (Closed Quotes) From birth to death man is a long sleep, sometimes dreaming with eyes closed, sometimes dreaming with eyes open, but dreaming all the same, all the time.  (Closed Quotes) Shellfish is better to buy live. In the U.S., because we eat oysters and clams raw, it is very important that they are alive before we prepare them. It’s important to look for a closed shell. If a clam is alive, the shell will be closed. Never buy clams if the shell is open.  (Closed Quotes) In the real world, equal respect for all cultures doesn’t translate into a rich mosaic of colorful and proud peoples interacting peacefully while maintaining a delightful diversity of food and craftwork. It translates into closed pockets of oppression, ignorance, and abuse.  (Closed Quotes) Nothing is more limiting than a closed circle of acquaintanceship where every avenue of conversation has been explored and social exchanges are fixed in a known routine.  (Closed Quotes) Why cannot the ear be closed to its own destruction? Or the glistening eye to the poison of a smile?  (Closed Quotes) All of the previously described techniques can be practiced with your eyes open and closed. Most people find that it is easier initially to practice meditation with their eyes closed.  (Closed Quotes) Life can be like a roller coaster with its ups and downs. What matters is whether you are keeping your eyes open or closed during the ride and who is next to you.  (Closed Quotes) If something is there, you can only see it with your eyes open, but if it isn’t there, you can see it just as well with your eyes closed. That’s why imaginary things are often easier to see than real ones.  (Closed Quotes) My legs are falling asleep, I blurted. It wasn’t atotal lie. I was experiencing tingling sensations allthrough my body, legs included.I could solve that. Patch’s hands closed on myhips.  (Closed Quotes) You know how it is when you’re reading a book and falling asleep, you’re reading, reading... and all of a sudden you notice your eyes are closed? I’m like that all the time.  (Closed Quotes) Fashion was a very insider industry then - it was very closed. So I didn’t really know what I wanted to do.  (Closed Quotes) If I have something I want to say that is too difficult for adults to swallow, then I write it in a book for children. Children still haven’t closed themselves off with fear of the unknown, fear of revolution, or the scramble for security. They are still familiar with the inborn vocabulary of myth  (Closed Quotes) And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind is closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and do it gladly so.  (Closed Quotes) The vitality of a culture is in its capacity to assimilate foreign influences. The culture that’s defensive and closed condemns itself to decadence.  (Closed Quotes) When you forget yesterday and embrace the new vision of what you are to become through the eyes of your best friend, you have found a new sister standing by the open door that was once closed in your heart.  (Closed Quotes) Monopoly controls have been the exception in free societies; they have been the rule in closed societies.  (Closed Quotes) I think I developed a very closed personality. I didn’t really have friends. I changed schools every year.  (Closed Quotes) My diet plan. 8am to 12noon: only fruits and fruit juice. Noon to 8pm: vegetarian meals. From 8pm to 8am the kitchen is CLOSED.  (Closed Quotes) Television has changed. There’s obviously the generic shows, but on HBO and AMC, there are some really great series, so I’m not closed off to television. If there’s an amazing role with amazing people and a great story, I’d definitely be open to it.  (Closed Quotes) Closed timelike curve’ is the jargon for time travel. It means you go out, come back and meet yourself in the past.  (Closed Quotes) Her court was pure, her life serene; God gave her peace; her land reposed; A thousand claims to reverence closed...  (Closed Quotes) It’s a silent witness to the Lord when people go into shopping malls, and everyone is bustling, and you see that Chick-fil-A is closed.  (Closed Quotes) I think a responsibility comes with notoriety, but I never think of it as power. It’s more like something you hold, like grains of sand. If you keep your hand closed, you can have it and possess it, but if you open your fingers in any way, you can lose it just as quickly.  (Closed Quotes) Gratefulness leads to a widely opened heart. You cannot receive anything great in life with a closed heart. Be grateful and reap the benefits!  (Closed Quotes)
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