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Cloth Quotes

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Can there not be a limit to the fact that really you need to cut your cloth in accordance with what capabilities and finances you have?  (Cloth Quotes) Men may not read the gospel in sealskin, or the gospel in morocco, or the gospel in cloth covers, but they can’t get away from the gospel in shoe leather  (Cloth Quotes) There’s something like a line of gold thread running through a man’s words when he talks to his daughter, and gradually over the years it gets to be long enough for you to pick up in your hands and weave into a cloth that feels like love itself  (Cloth Quotes) Crown and cloth maken no priest, nor emperor’s bishop with his words, but power that crist giveth; and thus by life have been priests known  (Cloth Quotes) How can you put out a meaningful drama when every fifteen minutes proceedings are interrupted by twelve dancing rabbits with toilet paper? No dramatic art form should be dictated and controlled by men whose training and instincts are cut of an entirely different cloth. The fact remains that these gentlemen sell consumer goods, not an art form  (Cloth Quotes) They had a hard time miking me in my loin cloth, I mean, where were they gonna tape it?  (Cloth Quotes) I’m cut from a different cloth. I would never moon someone. I was raised in a good family  (Cloth Quotes) Sadness does not inhere in things; it does not reach us from the world and through mere contemplation of the world. It is a product of our own thought. We create it out of whole cloth  (Cloth Quotes) I believe our flag is more than just cloth and ink. It is a universally recognized symbol that stands for liberty, and freedom. It is the history of our nation, and it’s marked by the blood of those who died defending it  (Cloth Quotes) Everyone will tell you how rigid I am, but a teacher has to be flexible. You can’t cut the student to your cloth; you have to cut yourself to theirs  (Cloth Quotes) America is not like a blanket - one piece of unbroken cloth. America is more like a quilt - many patches, many pieces, many colors, many sizes, all woven together by a common thread  (Cloth Quotes) You've got to figure out which end of the needle you're gon' be, the one that's fastened to the thread or the end that pierces the cloth  (Cloth Quotes) Nought so vile, that on the Earth doth live, but to the Earth some special good cloth give  (Cloth Quotes) Man makes his own history, but he does not make it out of the whole cloth; he does not make it out of conditions chosen by himself, but out of such as he finds close at hand  (Cloth Quotes) If a white cloth is stained even with a small spot, the stain appears very ugly indeed. So the smallest fault of a holy man becomes painfully prominent  (Cloth Quotes) I debated in high school! If you told things that weren’t true or just made things out of whole cloth, you were penalized. It’s too bad they don’t apply the same standards to presidential candidates as they do to high school students  (Cloth Quotes) A lot of children don’t have a developed aesthetic. I did. I made early choices in life, even about cloth; I liked flannel and not polyester  (Cloth Quotes) Gold and silver are but merchandise, as well as cloth or linen; and that nation that buys the least, and sells the most, must always have the most money  (Cloth Quotes) Stupidity consists in wanting to reach conclusions. We are a thread, and we want to know the whole cloth  (Cloth Quotes) Let us hope manufacturers can come up with a diaper that is environmentally sound. To go back to cloth would send us back to the day when breathing and raising a baby at the same time were incompatible  (Cloth Quotes) A new dress. Is this all it takes to make a new beginning, this shred of dyed cloth, shaped into the form of a woman’s body?  (Cloth Quotes) The sea was indistinguishable from the sky, except that the sea was slightly creased as if a cloth had wrinkles in it  (Cloth Quotes) Ale is meat, drink and cloth; it will make a cat speak and a wise man dumb  (Cloth Quotes) I’ve always loved books. My mother told me that before I could talk, I’d babble in my crib as I turned the pages of my little cloth books, apparently telling stories to go along with the pictures  (Cloth Quotes) The trick of wearing mink is to look as though you were wearing a cloth coat. The trick of wearing a cloth coat is to look as though you are wearing mink  (Cloth Quotes) The different aspects of my activity, whether it’s writing criticism, or doing visual work that incorporates writing, or teaching, or curating, is all of a single cloth, and I don’t make any separation in terms of those practices  (Cloth Quotes) Fay had a spot of blood on the left side of her mouth and I took a wet cloth and wiped it off. Women were meant to suffer; no wonder they asked for constant declarations of love  (Cloth Quotes) I think of something quite different from a snapshot. I know of a lot of poems, some very fine ones, that are like snapshots, but I’m more interested in poetry that is like an endless film, long stories, things that weave together many different strands, like a big piece of cloth, not like a photograph  (Cloth Quotes) Luxury lives in the finer details. It’s a cloth napkin at a dinner table. It’s a mint on your pillow before bed  (Cloth Quotes) I don’t know that I’m going to entirely do cloth diapers. I’d like to be ambitious about it, but in all honesty, I can’t say that I will  (Cloth Quotes)
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