Clothing Quotes

Text Quotes
People with physical scars try hiding them with clothing or a mask. People with emotional scars try hiding them with a smile or a laugh (Clothing Quotes)
There is increasing social concern about our use of nonhumans for experiments, food, clothing and entertainment. This concern about animals reflects both our own moral development as a civilization and our recognition that the differences between humans and animals are, for the most part, differences of degree and not of kind (Clothing Quotes)
[My characters are] conglomerations of past and present stages of civilization, bits from books and newspapers, scraps of humanity, rags and tatters of fine clothing, patched together as is the human soul (Clothing Quotes)
And I want women to be modest in their appearance. They should wear decent and appropriate clothing and not draw attention to themselves by the way they fix their hair or by wearing gold or pearls or expensive clothes. For women who claim to be devoted to God should make themselves attractive by the good things they do (Clothing Quotes)
Our clothing, our food, our household furnishings - all could be much simpler than they now are and at the same time be better looking (Clothing Quotes)
I try to get away from the pits as quickly as I can. I speak to my engineer when I get out of the car, usually there’s some press to do, then I will go off and have a shower and get my dry, clean overalls and clothing on. I’ll have a massage, stretch and something to eat. I don’t sleep, but I try to close my eyes for a while (Clothing Quotes)
I will never forget the moment when Peter van Pels and I saw a group of selected men. Among those men was Peter’s father. The men were marched away. Two hours later, a lorry came by, loaded with their clothing (Clothing Quotes)
I need a stylist to help me pull together a wardrobe. I just don’t have a lot of time to go shopping. So I have a stylist that knows what I want to wear, what cut of clothing I like, someone that really thinks and understands what my style and how I want to feel in the clothes (Clothing Quotes)
Growing up, I had a terrible pudding-bowl haircut. I used to cut it myself, and I’d sew my own clothing, too. I looked a little strange compared to the other kids. But the thing was, I felt I looked amazing, so what other people thought never bothered me (Clothing Quotes)
The reason why I started the clothing line Licious is because I had trouble finding clothes for my body type. I figured if I’m having trouble finding clothes for me, being curvy, I know girls with my body type are probably facing the same issue. And so with the help of my designer, I came up with the idea of creating my own clothing line (Clothing Quotes)
My type is really young, short, athletic, and smart. I know, you want to be with someone who’s going to be your friend - yeah, yeah, yeah. I want the Adonis line, the two down the hips to the waist. And a guy has to be able to accept criticism about his clothing. I can be very particular about what I like and don’t like (Clothing Quotes)
I have always appreciated vintage clothing, but after working on ‘Call the Midwife’ for six months, I love moving away from vintage in my day-to-day wear. (Clothing Quotes)
The term ‘Xiaokang’ is used today to refer to a society where people can receive education, get paid through work, have access to medical services and old-age support, have a shelter and more than enough food and clothing, and lead a well-off life. (Clothing Quotes)
America, you’re sending girls a mixed message. On one hand, you’re saying to have positive body image and love who we are; on the other, we’re being marketed makeup and clothing that obviously turns us into someone different. (Clothing Quotes)
For a suburban man aged 30 to 40, hell is going clothing shopping on a Saturday afternoon. There are about 5,000 other things they would put on the list ahead of clothes shopping. (Clothing Quotes)
I’m very interested in buildings that adapt to changes in climatic conditions according to the seasons, buildings capable of responding to our physical and psychological needs in the way that clothing does. We don’t turn on the air-conditioning as we walk through the streets in high summer. Instead, we change the character of the clothing by which we are protected. Layering and changeability: this is the key... (Clothing Quotes)
The case for exploiting animals for food, clothing and entertainment often relies on our superior intelligence, language and self-awareness: the rights of the superior being trump those of the inferior. (Clothing Quotes)
I haven’t bought any leather articles for a very long time. My ideal is to be able to avoid all animal products, in food as well as clothing. (Clothing Quotes)
I’m very involved with PETA - People for Ethical Treatment of Animals - and Greenpeace and a lot of women’s shelter and clothing giveaways. (Clothing Quotes)
The world doesn’t need another clothing company. But it does need a certain funk. (Clothing Quotes)
You can be obsessed with makeup and hair products and, you know, your appearance and still be absolutely making smart life decisions and work on your smarts, develop your smarts by studying something like math. Then you’ll make much better decisions on the brands of clothing that you buy or whatever it is that you want. (Clothing Quotes)
I treat clothing or a piece of jewelry like it was a piece of art, even though people who collect clothes get a bad rap because they’re told it’s all vanity. (Clothing Quotes)
I hate all those weathermen, too, who tell you that rain is bad weather. There’s no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothing, so get yourself a sexy raincoat and live a little. (Clothing Quotes)
I’ve always loved clothes, especially handbags and shoes. I’d rather save my money on clothing and wear crap, but have the handbags and shoes. I used to buy a Ferragamo or Louis Vuitton bag every job that I got. Now I have a child, and we pay for private school, so I’ve had to scale back! (Clothing Quotes)
The clothes are different: pre-dog, I used to be very finicky and self-conscious about how I looked; now I schlep around in the worst clothing - big heavy boots, baggy old sweaters, a hooded down parka from L.L. Bean that makes me look like an astronaut. (Clothing Quotes)
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers - joined in the serious business of keeping our food, shelter, clothing and loved ones from combining with oxygen. (Clothing Quotes)
Relief organizations both large and small are coordinating deliveries of food, clothing, water, and other basic necessities to those impacted by Katrina. (Clothing Quotes)
Parenting goes beyond providing foods, shelter, clothing, and other basic necessities. Nurturing a child to travel in the direction of positive enlightenment, is arguably the greatest thing that you could do for a child. (Clothing Quotes)
The average family earning minimum wage spends 141 percent of their income struggling to meet basic needs - food, shelter, clothing. (Clothing Quotes)
Food, clothing and shelter Â- these are the basic needs. Beyond that, if you want anything, it is the beginning of self-deception. (Clothing Quotes)