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Clouds Quotes

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Happiness is like the mountain summit. It is sometimes hidden by clouds, but we know it is there  (Clouds Quotes) What ascends up in prayer descends to us again in blessings. It is like the rain which just now fell, and which had been drawn up from the ground in vapors to the clouds before it descended from them to the earth in that refreshing shower  (Clouds Quotes) O what a flowery track lies spread before me, henceforth! What dust clouds shall spring up behind me as I speed on my reckless way! What carts I shall fling carelessly into the ditch in the wake of my magnificent onset!  (Clouds Quotes) The storm thunders at my heart; I find it difficult to believe in the existence of anything except the clouds which limit my horizon  (Clouds Quotes) I have so little mastered the art of tranquil living that wherever I go I trail storm clouds of drama around me  (Clouds Quotes) England that little gray island in the clouds where governments don’t fall overnight and children don’t sell themselves in the street and my money is safe  (Clouds Quotes) I love people where, at the end of the day, they’ll pick up a paintbrush and paint clouds. They can physically make things  (Clouds Quotes) I’ve got a great family and great people around me that would be able to kick me in the shins if I ever for one minute got lost up in the clouds. I’ve been really lucky in that sense  (Clouds Quotes) For aspiring actors out there, I would say stay focused and don’t let anyone pull you away from your goals. Shoot for the stars so that if you ever fall short you can land on the clouds  (Clouds Quotes) Being alone on the moors is scary; as the rain clouds settle in, it makes you realise your place in nature  (Clouds Quotes) For every veteran who goes through a divorce, a wife goes through one, too. For every veteran alone in the basement, there is a wife upstairs, bewildered, isolated and in despair from the dark clouds of war that hangs over family life  (Clouds Quotes) Woman, nude, is the blue sky. Clouds and garments are an obstacle to contemplation. Beauty and infinity would be gazed upon unveiled  (Clouds Quotes) It is to the press mankind are indebted for having dispelled the clouds which so long encompassed religion, for disclosing her genuine lustre, and disseminating her salutary doctrines  (Clouds Quotes) Then climate is a great impediment to idle persons; we often resolve to give up the care of the weather, but still we regard the clouds and the rain  (Clouds Quotes) I was left behind with the immensity of existing things. A sponge, suffering because it cannot saturate itself; a river, suffering because reflections of clouds and trees are not clouds and trees  (Clouds Quotes) Behind us, as we go, all things assume pleasing forms, as clouds do far off. Not only things familiar and stale, but even the tragic and terrible, are comely, as they take their place in the pictures of memory  (Clouds Quotes) When a strong wind blows, the clouds vanish and blue sky appears. Similarly, when the powerful wisdom that understand the nature of the mind arises, the dark clouds of ego disappear  (Clouds Quotes) Trees loaded with fruit are bent down; the clouds when charged with fresh rain hang down near the earth: even so good men are not uplifted through prosperity. Such is the natural character of the liberal  (Clouds Quotes) I have never made fun of religion. Religion is something I don’t even want to mess with, because I am really afraid of the clouds opening up and my being struck by lightning  (Clouds Quotes) Mirth is like a flash of lightning, that breaks through a gloom of clouds, and glitters for a moment; cheerfulness keeps up a kind of daylight in the mind, and fills it with a steady and perpetual serenity  (Clouds Quotes) Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility  (Clouds Quotes) O wise man! Give your wealth only to the worthy and never to others. The water of the sea received by the clouds is always sweet  (Clouds Quotes) There have been as many varieties of socialists as there are wild birds that fly in the woods and sometimes go up and on through the clouds  (Clouds Quotes) Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting. Not in entire forgetfulness, and not in utter nakedness, but trailing clouds of glory do we come  (Clouds Quotes) I know that I shall meet my fate somewhere among the clouds above; those that I fight I do not hate, those that I guard I do not love  (Clouds Quotes) Creation isn’t forcing or commanding something into existence. It’s more of a rolling over, a good stretch, blissing out, lying on the grass watching the flowers blowing in the breeze or the clouds floating by  (Clouds Quotes) Meditate. Live purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine  (Clouds Quotes) When scattered clouds are resting on the bosoms of hills, it seems as if one might climb into the heavenly region, earth being so intermixed with sky, and gradually transformed into it  (Clouds Quotes) It was an ideal spring day, a light blue sky, flecked with little fleecy white clouds drifting across from west to east. The sun was shining very brightly, and yet there was an exhilarating nip in the air, which set an edge to a man’s energy  (Clouds Quotes) Nature paints not; In oils, but frescoes the great dome of heaven; With sunsets, and the lovely forms of clouds; And flying vapors  (Clouds Quotes)
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