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Clouds Quotes

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Every soul has a landscape that changes with the wind that sweeps the sky, with the clouds that return after its rain  (Clouds Quotes) Expect while reaching for the stars, people to whirl by with their dark clouds and storm upon you  (Clouds Quotes) I’d like to just get one of those pink clouds and put you in it and push you around  (Clouds Quotes) During inhalation, the breath should move exactly like the clouds which are spreading in the sky  (Clouds Quotes) Aren’t the clouds beautiful? I could just lie here all day, and watch them drift by  (Clouds Quotes) Thus we play the fool with the time and the spirits of the wise sit in the clouds and mock us  (Clouds Quotes) When clouds are seen wise men put on their cloaks; When great leaves fall then winter is at hand  (Clouds Quotes) If you didn’t sit with your head in the clouds so perpetually you wouldn’t get so many shocks  (Clouds Quotes) Courtesy is a silver lining around the dark clouds of civilization; it is the best part of refinement and in many ways, an art of heroic beauty in the vast gallery of man’s cruelty and baseness  (Clouds Quotes) Presidents Truman and Nixon left office under dark clouds of scandal and with abysmal levels of support, but with the passage of time, both have been reassessed far more positively  (Clouds Quotes) Genius hath electric power; Which earth can never tame; Bright suns may scorch and dark clouds lower; Its flash is still the same  (Clouds Quotes) Overhead the clouds cloaked the sky; a ragged cloak it was, and, here and there, a star shone through a hole, to be obscured almost instantly as more cloud tatters were hurled across the rent  (Clouds Quotes) But now the clouds in airy tumult fly; the sun, emerging, opes an azure sky; a fresher green the smiling leaves display, and glittering as they tremble, cheer the day  (Clouds Quotes) But nothing can be taken back, not the leaves by the trees, the rain by the clouds. You want to take back the ugly thing you said, but some shrapnel remains in the wound, some mud  (Clouds Quotes) She should be on a hill somewhere, under a fruit tree, with the sun and clouds above her and the rain to wash her clean  (Clouds Quotes) There’s no question that the minute I got elected, the storm clouds on the horizon were getting nearly directly overhead  (Clouds Quotes) Clouds out of control decoct anticipation. What use can any of us have for two moons? The miracle of order has run out and I am left in an unmiraculous city where anything may happen  (Clouds Quotes) When your spirit is not in the least clouded, when the clouds of bewilderment clear away, there is the true void  (Clouds Quotes) Even rain and wind and stormy clouds bring joy, just as knowing animals and flowers and where they live  (Clouds Quotes) However exquisite the contours or the colours of clouds, trees, rivers or hills, may be in themselves, they must be sacrificed if they do not conform with the general plan  (Clouds Quotes) Einstein was a giant. His head was in the clouds, but his feet were on the ground. But those of us who are not that tall have to choose!  (Clouds Quotes) As for my own truncated secondary education, my head was in the clouds as my mom would say, or if you asked my father, up my ass  (Clouds Quotes) The ground we walk on, the plants and creatures, the clouds above constantly dissolving into new formations - each gift of nature possessing its own radiant energy, bound together by cosmic harmony  (Clouds Quotes) The poetry that sustains me is when I feel that, for a minute, the clouds have parted and I’ve seen ecstasy or something  (Clouds Quotes) Lo, the poor Indian! Whose untutored mind Sees God in clouds, or hears him in the wind; his soul proud science never taught to stray Far as the solar walk or milky way  (Clouds Quotes) So the struck eagle, stretch’d upon the plain, No more through rolling clouds to soar again, View’d his own feather on the fatal dart, And wing’d the shaft that quiver’d in his heart  (Clouds Quotes) Gray and overcast from my earthly perspective, but it’s sunny above these storm clouds. Grace lets us see life from God’s point of view  (Clouds Quotes) Realise well, proud little man that even the highest clouds don’t shine! For above all things there lie brightest stars  (Clouds Quotes) As clouds are blown away by the wind, the thirst for material pleasures will be driven away by the utterance of the Lord’s name  (Clouds Quotes) When things didn’t go as you planned, don’t be let down. Make new plans. The sun doesn’t stop shining just because of dark clouds  (Clouds Quotes)
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