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Clouds Quotes

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There is a light within every soul; it only needs the clouds that overshadow it to be broken for it to beam forth  (Clouds Quotes) Who cares about the clouds when we’re together? Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather  (Clouds Quotes) Ideas rose in clouds; I felt them collide until pairs interlocked, so to speak, making a stable combination  (Clouds Quotes) Faith is the function of human life that dispels the dark clouds of doubt, anxiety and regret, opens one’s heart and orients it toward good  (Clouds Quotes) Thinking of you makes my life complete. You’re my golden clouds; you’re my smile. You are all the soulful love songs within my spirit, like an angel calling me. Perfect for my soul!  (Clouds Quotes) The sea-road is good for wanderers and landless men. There is quenching of thirst on the grey paths of the winds, and the flying clouds to still the sting of lost dreams  (Clouds Quotes) I suspect that here theists and atheists would agree: Human beings have within them the ability to choose evil or good. We wake up each day facing the age-old struggle of good and evil. In some situations, mental illness clouds our judgment  (Clouds Quotes) We can trace the elements. They were forged in the centers of high-mass stars that went unstable at the ends of their lives, they exploded, scattered their enriched contents across the galaxy, sprinkled into gas clouds that then collapsed and formed stars and planets and life  (Clouds Quotes) Using clouds is a radical way of consuming IT. There are emotional barriers to giving up some level of control over the servers that you are running [for the companies]  (Clouds Quotes) Nature is impersonal, awe-inspiring, elegant, eternal. It’s geometrically perfect. It’s tiny and gigantic. You can travel far to be in a beautiful natural setting, or you can observe it in your backyard - or, in my case, in the trees lining New York City sidewalks, or in the clouds above skyscrapers  (Clouds Quotes) Cold Mountain is hidden in white clouds It’s peaceful to be cut off from the busy world I use dry grass for cushions in my mountain home My only light is the round moon My bed is the rock beside the green pool Tigers and deer are my companions I delight in this happy peaceful life Forever beyond the world of men  (Clouds Quotes) I settled at Cold Mountain long ago Already it seems like ages Wandering free I roam the woods and streams Lingering to watch things be themselves Men don’t come this far into the mountains Where white clouds gather and billow Dry grass makes a comfortable mattress The blue sky is a fine quilt Happy to pillow my head on the rock I leave heaven and earth to endless change  (Clouds Quotes) Someone sits in a mountain vale A robe of clouds, rainbows for tassels The fragrant forest is the place to live The road has been long and difficult With a heart full of doubt and regret A life has passed and nothing has been accomplished Others call it failure I stand alone devoted to this Cold Mountain life  (Clouds Quotes) It was astonishing when at one point, I got the idea of how to make artifical clouds with a collaborator, we had pictures made which were theoretically completely artificial pictures based upon that one very simple idea. And this picture everybody views as being clouds  (Clouds Quotes) Before we had airplanes and astronauts, we really thought that there was an actual place beyond the clouds, somewhere over the rainbow. There was an actual place, and we could go above the clouds and find it there  (Clouds Quotes) It’s always sunny above the clouds. Always. Every day on earth - every day I have ever had - was secretly sunny, after all  (Clouds Quotes) Prayer plumes the wings of God’s young eaglets so that they may learn to mount above the clouds. Prayer brings inner strength to God’s warriors and sends them forth to spiritual battle with their muscles firm and their armor in place  (Clouds Quotes) Keep your body grounded on earth, but keep your consciousness high above the clouds  (Clouds Quotes) In the sky, far above - Where my words - Written in the Clouds; I’ve borrowed from the sun, A gentle smile  (Clouds Quotes) Far above the golden clouds, the darkness vibrates. The earth is blue. And everything about it is a love song. Everything about it  (Clouds Quotes) She was a beautiful dreamer. The kind of girl, who kept her head in the clouds, loved above the stars and left regret beneath the earth she walked on  (Clouds Quotes) Light is always more beautiful when it has to fight to be noticed, like sunlight fighting through the clouds after a rainstorm.  (Clouds Quotes) It was a chilly morning after the night’s rain, and the sun hung in the sky like a pale coin lost by someone high up in the clouds.  (Clouds Quotes) Airline glamour never promised anything as mundane as elbow room, much less a flat bed, a massage, or an arugula salad. It promised a better world. Service and dress reflected the more formal era, but no one expected air travel to be comfortable. It was amazing just to have hot food above the clouds.  (Clouds Quotes) For the most part, for me and my friends, there’s always an emotional attachment that clouds women’s judgment.  (Clouds Quotes) I went on a book tour immediately after 9/11. I was due to leave the following Wednesday, so I just did. It was an amazing thing, because planes hadn’t been flying very many days, and I got on this plane and went to San Francisco, and the minute that plane lifted above the clouds, I felt this incredible sense of lightness.  (Clouds Quotes) Fantasy doesn’t have to be fantastic. American writers in particular find this much harder to grasp. You need to have your feet on the ground as much as your head in the clouds. The cute dragon that sits on your shoulder also craps all down your back, but this makes it more interesting because it gives it an added dimension.  (Clouds Quotes) The angels started singing, the clouds parted, it was a religious experience. I’ve never had the same reaction to a product, not in 25 years.  (Clouds Quotes) Let’s just call things what they are. When a man’s love of finery clouds his moral judgment, that is vanity. When he lets a demanding palate make his moral choices, that is gluttony. When he ascribes the divine will to his own whims, that is pride. And when he gets angry at being reminded of animal suffering that his own daily choices might help avoid, that is moral cowardice.  (Clouds Quotes) When you are grateful to the rain, do not forget also the clouds! When appreciating something, be fair enough also to appreciate the sources that created it!  (Clouds Quotes)
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