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Clouds Quotes

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When the thick layers of dark clouds occupy the sky, if there is no wind at all to sweep them away, start blowing with courage and belief  (Clouds Quotes) It just seems that if you hang on for a while longer, there is always something bright around the corner, or the dark clouds will go away and there will be sunshine again.  (Clouds Quotes) A whole new kind of spiritual happiness dawns in us as we realize that dark clouds do not ruin sunny skies... they merely pass through them to help us remember our love of the light.  (Clouds Quotes) Act! the wise are known by their actions; fame and immortality are ever their attendants. Mark with deeds the vanishing traces of swiftrolling time. Let us make happy the circle around us,--be useful as much as we may. For that fills up with soft rapture, that dissolves the dark clouds of the day!  (Clouds Quotes) The dark clouds make the black sea. (Les nuages noirs - Font la mer noire)  (Clouds Quotes) Faith is, believing there is still a star out there to wish on, just for you, tucked away behind dark clouds.  (Clouds Quotes) My mother, who hates thunderstorms, Holds up each summer day and shakes It out suspiciously, lest swarms Of grape-dark clouds are lurking there....  (Clouds Quotes) Genius hath electric power; Which earth can never tame; Bright suns may scorch and dark clouds lower; Its flash is still the same.  (Clouds Quotes) Although we may encounter dark seasons, when we’re filled with joy we’ll have confident expectations that the sun will soon return and dark clouds will pass.  (Clouds Quotes) I try to find the beauty in things. On dark days, I sit in my armchair looking at clouds and I am awed at how rain is made.  (Clouds Quotes) Presidents Truman and Nixon left office under dark clouds of scandal and with abysmal levels of support, but with the passage of time, both have been reassessed far more positively.  (Clouds Quotes) There are dark times just around the corner. There are dark clouds travelling through the sky. And it’s no good whining about a silver lining. For we know from experience they won’t roll by.  (Clouds Quotes) Clouds and darkness surround us, yet Heaven is just, and the day of triumph will surely come, when justice and truth will be vindicated.  (Clouds Quotes) The night had darkened to the murky sort where the air hung like descending clouds and the overhead branches made the liquid darkness even more impenetrable.  (Clouds Quotes) All shadows of clouds the sun cannot hide like the moon cannot stop oceanic tide;but a hidden star can still be smiling at night’s black spell on darkness, beguiling  (Clouds Quotes) Love is a terrible weakness. It gives your enemies a perfect target, clouds your judgement, makes you reckless... and that’s on a good day.  (Clouds Quotes) Clouds never get tired of giving rain to us; and you, you must never get tired of giving your love! Valentine’s Day is a day to remember to give more, to love more, it is a day to behave like a heavy rain!  (Clouds Quotes) Things on a very small scale behave like nothing that you have any direct experience about. They do not behave like waves, they do not behave like particles, they do not behave like clouds, or billiard balls, or weights on springs, or like anything that you have ever seen.  (Clouds Quotes) I once dreamed a whole short story. Wrapped in its peculiar atmosphere, as if draped in clouds, I walked entranced to my desk at about 4 A.M. and typed it on to the screen.  (Clouds Quotes) Housework hassles go on, are never resolved, and will probably extend into the afterlife (‘Why am I the one who takes the clouds to the dry cleaners?’).  (Clouds Quotes) The principle of plural marriage was revealed to the Mormons amid much secrecy. Dark clouds hovered over the church in the early 1840s, after rumors spread that its founder, Joseph Smith, had taken up the practice of polygamy. While denying the charge in public, by 1843 Smith had shared a revelation with his closest disciples.  (Clouds Quotes) Our glories float between the earth and heaven Like clouds which seem pavilions of the sun, And are the playthings of the casual wind.  (Clouds Quotes) Western Christians have imagined that, at the end of the day, God is going to throw the present space-time universe into a trashcan and we’ll be sitting on clouds playing harps. The ultimate future that we’re promised is much more interesting than that. It’s new heavens and a new Earth with new bodies to live in.  (Clouds Quotes) Wisdom flashes like lightening amidst the clouds of the inner sky; one has to foster the flash, and preserve the light. That is the true sign of the ‘educated’ person.  (Clouds Quotes) Endless drama in a group clouds consciousness. Too much noise overwhelms the senses. Continual input obscures genuine insight. Do not substitute sensationalism for learning.  (Clouds Quotes) As some tall cliff that lifts its awful form, Swells from the vale, and midway leaves the storm,- Though round its breast the rolling clouds are spread, Eternal sunshine settles on its head.  (Clouds Quotes) Even rain and wind and stormy clouds bring joy, just as knowing animals and flowers and where they live.  (Clouds Quotes) I don’t know what my formula is. I only know I like my characters to walk in clouds. I like a little bit of the fairy tale. Let others photograph the ugliness of the world. I don’t want to distress people.  (Clouds Quotes) When you’re obsessive, like me, searching for something unattainable can become unhealthy... it’s like falling through the air and grabbing at the clouds.  (Clouds Quotes) God is not a Power residing in the clouds. He is an unseen Power residing within us and nearer to us than finger nails to the flesh.  (Clouds Quotes)
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