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Clouds Quotes

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The sun is still there... even if clouds drift over it. Once you have experienced the reality of sunshine you may weep, but you will never feel ice about your heart again  (Clouds Quotes) ... along with the other animals, the stones, the trees, and the clouds, we ourselves are characters within a huge story that is visibly unfolding all around us, participants within the vast imagination, or Dreaming, of the world  (Clouds Quotes) Over the river a golden ray of sun came through the hosts of leaden rain clouds  (Clouds Quotes) The first thing I notice is the sky, so full of blue and the kind of brilliant white clouds that make you ecstatic to have eyes. Nothing can go wrong under this sky  (Clouds Quotes) A good laugh overcomes more difficulties and dissipates more dark clouds than any other one thing  (Clouds Quotes) My experiences remind me that it’s those black clouds that make the blue skies even more beautiful  (Clouds Quotes) If clouds are blocking the sun, there will always be a silver lining that reminds me to keep on trying  (Clouds Quotes) Memory is like patches of sunlight in an overcast valley, shifting with the movement of the clouds. Now and then the light will fall on a particular point in time, illuminating it for a moment before the wind seals up the gap, and the world is in shadows again  (Clouds Quotes) We didn’t speak, just drove out of the city into the countryside on our way to absolutely nowhere, and when we found that perfect spot among the trees, we stopped and looked at each other. Swallows swooped through the red sky, back from their adventure, and we held each other underneath the ketchup clouds, willing time to stop and the world to forget us for a while  (Clouds Quotes) Ambulances always come with clouds of smoke. And then they disappear in a whistle. But what they bring is fear. Not freedom. Feardom is what they bring. And they bring fire and smoke. Oh, my nerves are bad tonight, yes, bad. I fear freedom. I, above all, fear the freedom that is above all feardom  (Clouds Quotes) You are the sunshine of my life, you take the clouds away and make me a rainbow every day. You’re in my heart where you’ll forever stay. I love you, sweetheart  (Clouds Quotes) I know that if odour were visible, as colour is, I’d see the summer garden in rainbow clouds  (Clouds Quotes) After the clouds, the sunshine; after the winter, the spring; after the shower, the rainbow; for life is a changeable thing. After the night, the morning, bidding all darkness cease, after life’s cares and sorrows, the comfort and sweetness of peace  (Clouds Quotes) I sense a scream passing through nature. I painted... the clouds as actual blood. The colour shrieked  (Clouds Quotes) The moods of a river change from hour to hour and day to day. It can be still and serene as a glassy mirror, reflecting the clouds that pass over it and the trees on its banks. Or, when a light breeze springs up, the surface of the river may be broken into little diamond lights reflecting the distant sun  (Clouds Quotes) Even in the winter, in the midst of the storm, the sun is still there. Somewhere above the clouds, it still shines and warms and pulls at the life buried deep inside the brown branches and frozen earth  (Clouds Quotes) While I was watching you, exotic words drifted across the mirror of my mind as summer clouds drift across the sky  (Clouds Quotes) I think I will be able to, in the end, rise above the clouds and climb the stairs to heaven, and I will look down on my beautiful life  (Clouds Quotes) The orange sky is rolling across the sky like a severed head, gentle light glimmers in the ravines among the clouds, the banners of the sunset are fluttering above our heads. The stench of yesterday’s blood and slaughtered horses drips into the evening chill  (Clouds Quotes) There’s something beautiful about keeping certain aspects of your life hidden. Maybe people and clouds are beautiful because you can’t see everything  (Clouds Quotes) Trees bend low with ripened fruit; clouds hang down with gentle rain; noble people bow graciously. This is the way of generous things  (Clouds Quotes) There is lace in every living thing: the bare branches of winter, the patterns of clouds, the surface of water as it ripples in the breeze... Even a wild dog’s matted fur shows a lacy pattern if you look at it closely enough  (Clouds Quotes) I owned the world that hour as I rode over it. free of the earth, free of the mountains, free of the clouds, but how inseparably I was bound to them  (Clouds Quotes) It is unlikely that we will ever see a star being born. Stars are like animals in the wild. We may see the very young, but never their actual birth, which is a veiled and secret event. Stars are born inside thick clouds of dust and gas in the spiral arms of the galaxy, so thick that visible light cannot penetrate them  (Clouds Quotes) For action, whatever its immediate purpose, also implies relief at doing something, anything, and the joy of exertion. This is the optimism that is inherent in, and proper and indispensable to action, for without it nothing would ever be undertaken. It in no way suppresses the critical sense or clouds the judgment. On the contrary this optimism sharpens the wits, it creates a certain perspective and, at the last moment, lets in a ray of perpendicular light which illuminates all one’s previous calculations, cuts and shuffles them and deals you the card of success, the winning number  (Clouds Quotes) You cannot touch the clouds, you know; but you feel the rain and know how glad the flowers and the thirsty earth are to have it after a hot day. You cannot touch love either; but you feel the sweetness that it pours into everything. Without love you would not be happy or want to play  (Clouds Quotes) Life has puffed and blown itself into a summer day, and clouds and spring billow over the heavens as if calendars were a listing of mathematical errors  (Clouds Quotes) There are moments on most days when I feel a deep and sincere gratitude, when I sit at the open window, and there is a blue sky or moving clouds  (Clouds Quotes) I was walking along a road one evening – on one side lay the city, and below me was the fjord. The sun went down – the clouds were stained red, as if with blood. I felt as though the whole of nature was screaming – it seemed as though I could hear a scream. I painted that picture, painting the clouds like real blood. The colours screamed  (Clouds Quotes) There are some viviparous flies, which bring forth 2,000 young. These in a little time would fill the air, and like clouds intercept the rays of the sun, unless they were devoured by birds, spiders, and many other animals  (Clouds Quotes)
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