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Clusters Quotes

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Down from his brow she ran his curls like thick hyacinth clusters full of blooms  (Clusters Quotes) The Milky Way is nothing else but a mass of innumerable stars planted together in clusters  (Clusters Quotes) There’s an attraction to emotional clusters or hypocrisies or awkwardness. A desire to expose something or point at something that’s already poking out.  (Clusters Quotes) We are meant to midwife dreams for one another. Success occurs in clusters  (Clusters Quotes) Clear water sped over rocky clusters whose colors ran from ivories to mossy greens, blues and grays. Though clouds covered the sun, the sway of dappling evergreens gave the water sparkle.  (Clusters Quotes) Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation, by children being taught mathematical concepts... A graphic representation of data abstracted from banks of every computer in the human system. Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light ranged in the nonspace of the mind, clusters and constellations of data. Like city lights, receding...  (Clusters Quotes) When I come to Chicago, I gorge myself. I get off the plane and start with Gene and Jude’s for two hot dogs with everything, swing by The Fudge Pot for a taffy apple and a turtle, chocolate clusters at Sarah’s Pastries and Candies and steak at Smith and Wollensky. I find time for Gino’s pizza within the next 12 hours.  (Clusters Quotes) It’s not platinum, which suggests constellations and redemption. It’s another yellow entirely. Asthma yellow. It comes from rotting petals and camera flashes that permanently scar your face. It leaks from clusters of stucco that remind me of blisters and lumps you get on your lips from kissing the wrong people.  (Clusters Quotes) Life comes in clusters, clusters of solitude, then a cluster when there is hardly time to breathe  (Clusters Quotes) If you only do little clusters - three or four songs by one, and another, and then yet another - you lose the opportunity to think your way into the composer’s mind, since, after all, most of these pieces are quite brief.  (Clusters Quotes) You look around the world at geniuses, and they don’t appear randomly, they appear in genius clusters. Athens in 50 BC, Florence 1500, Silicon Valley today. This is not a coincidence  (Clusters Quotes) Far different there from all that charm'd before, the various terrors of that horrid shore;... Those matted woods where birds forget to sing. But silent bats in drowsy clusters cling  (Clusters Quotes) A good word will spread in the grapevine, bringing forth clusters of grapes and the benevolent of wine; a bad word will spread withering the vines, and choke the potential grapes  (Clusters Quotes) Sir, the servants, instead of doing what they are bid, stand round the table in idle clusters, gaping upon their guests; and seem as unfit to attend a company, as to steer a man of war  (Clusters Quotes) On the motionless branches of some trees, autumn berries hung like clusters of coral beads, as in those fabled orchards where the fruits were jewels  (Clusters Quotes) Moving in space, the atoms originally were individual units, but inevitable they began to collide with each other, and in cases where their shapes were such as to permit them to interlock, they began to form clusters. Water, air, fire, and earth, these are simply different clusters of the changeless atoms  (Clusters Quotes) I liked to drive by the clusters around the county and think about the women I placed there  (Clusters Quotes) Look around when you have got your first mushroom or made your first discovery: they grow in clusters  (Clusters Quotes) We such clusters had as made us nobly wild, not mad; and yet each verse of thine outdid the meat, outdid the frolic wine  (Clusters Quotes)