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Coach Quotes

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Everyone gets surprised because neither one of my parents play golf. Like I said in my speech, my aunt and uncle really love golf, and we visited them, and she gave me two clubs. Like people think when they don’t know who my dad is, they think he’s my coach  (Coach Quotes) I was playing cricket first and my cricket coach was the one that introduced me to track and field  (Coach Quotes) If you could bring to me a majority of people to say that we’re going to have $10 of spending cuts for $1 of revenue enhancement, put me in, coach  (Coach Quotes) People think that there is so much money in tennis, but the reality is unless you’re ranked in about the top 50 you don’t earn much at all. It is hard to support yourself travelling the world, to be away from home most of the year and to pay for a coach to help you become a better player  (Coach Quotes) I like to be able to control which players I’m working with. Because it doesn’t matter how good a coach you are if the guys you’re working with think they already know it all. You need a response, you need to feel they’re trying. I want players who are always striving to improve  (Coach Quotes) The reason I became a manager was to have full control over training. If you are a coach, you are bound by what the manager wants you to coach. The other reason is that I just like the company of football people  (Coach Quotes) My coach and my parents both had this relationship to what I was doing, which was allowing me to express myself with chess. And so I could love it. I had a passion for it. I was expressing myself through chess, and I was learning about myself through chess  (Coach Quotes) In high school I was on the basketball team, but the coach did something I didn’t dig and the next day he looked up and saw me practising with the football team  (Coach Quotes) I never thought being the producer was being the dictator. It means being the director and being the coach. It’s a way of keeping everybody focused on the goal, and also having final say. Everybody can be in the same car, but somebody has to drive  (Coach Quotes) I have a swagger coach that helps me and teaches me different swaggerific things to do  (Coach Quotes) I hate to talk about myself like that, but if I had to straight up tell a head coach or an owner why they should take me, it’s because I’m the best in everything I’ve done  (Coach Quotes) There is a penalty for trying to knock down a cockpit door, but it’s the people who try to go from coach to 1st class they really beat up  (Coach Quotes) You have to realize that your work is done by your body, and if your body is in very bad health, it’s not going to work for you no matter how young you are. So, I’m a bit of an athletic coach when it comes to trying to respect my body’s needs and tendencies, and when I teach students, I try and persuade them of the same  (Coach Quotes) When I talked with an opposing coach before a game and he mentions the pink walls, I know I’ve got him. I can’t recall a coach who has stirred up a fuss about the color and then beat us  (Coach Quotes) Coach wants me to shoot, and he tells me never to lose my aggressiveness. That’s most important  (Coach Quotes) I feel much better to give than to receive. That’s why I’m much more happier now as a coach than I ever was as a fighter  (Coach Quotes) The nature of acting is that one is many characters and jumps from one skin to another as a way of life. Sometimes it’s hard to know exactly what all of your characters think at the same time. Sometimes one of my characters overrules one of my other characters. I’m trying to get them all to harmonize. It’s a hell of a job. It’s like driving a coach  (Coach Quotes) How it works is you have an organization that provides you with players, and our job, as we’ve said all along, is just to coach ‘em up  (Coach Quotes) As a coach I think that’s one of the things we have to exude: the ability to move on regardless of the result  (Coach Quotes) I’ve never worked with an acting coach, but my parents had acting classes and I grew up around them my whole life just because I didn’t have a babysitter  (Coach Quotes) If I was on an airplane, the people in coach would know who I am. But no one in first class would know  (Coach Quotes) Any coach needs talent. You start with talent. Without talent, we’re all in the soup  (Coach Quotes) If I’m going to coach the players, I want some say on who they’re going to be  (Coach Quotes) I think part of being a good coach is knowing how to extract the best from different people  (Coach Quotes) I always say prepare to be a coach to anybody who wants to be a coach. At 24 years of age when I left engineering to become full time in football, I made sure that I was never going back to engineering  (Coach Quotes) We talked about it. An assistant coach suggested fouling, but I rejected it because I was afraid we’d foul them shooting and get beat that way. Hindsight couldn’t have been worse than what happened to us  (Coach Quotes) I don’t think I was a fine game coach I think I was a good practice coach  (Coach Quotes) I don’t complain about playing time. My job is to play so well the coach can’t sit me  (Coach Quotes) I know what I would do if I were coach. I’d determine our strengths and weaknesses and utilize them. And it’s pretty clear what our strength is  (Coach Quotes) The team is never about the single player. It’s not about the injury that keeps a star out of a certain game, and it’s not about the coach. It’s about the strength, and the abilities of the sum  (Coach Quotes)
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