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Coach Quotes

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I’m a coach’s coaching player. I like to be on the floor. So, if the coach tells me what to do out on the floor, I can get it done. I’m really comfortable being directed  (Coach Quotes) I have an acting coach that I work with on everything that I do. The thing about my preparation process for getting ready for a role is I have sex with as many people as I can  (Coach Quotes) The coach doesn’t have to play the sport as well as you do. They have to watch you and get you to be your best  (Coach Quotes) As a college coach, I felt you could make a difference in a player’s life. There was an educational aspect I thought was important  (Coach Quotes) What is a coach? We are teachers. Educators. We have the same obligations as all teachers, except we probably have more influence than anybody but their families. And, in a lot of cases, more than their families  (Coach Quotes) I consider myself the head coach whose job is to keep this winning team intact. I keep everybody focused and motivated  (Coach Quotes) One of the things I’ve always said is that if you’re given the ability to coach kids, then you’re really given the ability to be a father or parent of some sort  (Coach Quotes) Some of these kids are spending more time with the coaches than they are with their parents. The coach is supposed to be raising these kids, not belittling them and talking to them like the world is coming to an end  (Coach Quotes) Everybody has an opportunity to play a role, a playmaking role, so it makes it harder to coach. It takes a little more time  (Coach Quotes) It is like when a player has a slump, we do not trade them, we coach them. It is the same with our employees. The best leaders come to the aid of their people, whose performance is down. Not come down harder on them  (Coach Quotes) It’s fun as a coach to work with somebody that has power and that has potential to achieve, really, anything that he wants to achieve. It’s just a question of time and how much work they put into it  (Coach Quotes) I’m fortunate: I can play as long as I want to play. There’s no coach or trainer who is going to say to me that I’m dropped or sacked, it’s time to move on. I can play as long as I want to play  (Coach Quotes) You know, I’ve had blowups with my coach too. The same thing happens, it just wasn’t as evident back then because they didn’t have so many cameras and ways to see things happen  (Coach Quotes) The quarterback is an extension of the coach and has a certain type of swagger mentality, on and off the field  (Coach Quotes) I am not a professional coach but I believe being healthy inside and out and cleansing your demons... helps you perform better in business and become a more positive person  (Coach Quotes) In the end, as a manager or coach, you have to keep your heart pure and do your best as a manager or a coach  (Coach Quotes) Since the most important responsibility of a coach in regard to the actual playing of the game is to teach his players properly and effectively to execute the various fundamentals of the game, he is first of all a teacher  (Coach Quotes) It’s different as a coach because you feel responsible for a lot of people. Even though you don’t take a shot, you don’t get a rebound, you feel like you just want people to succeed and you want to help them any way you can  (Coach Quotes) It was an honor to coach him. He should be proud of what he did this year  (Coach Quotes) I take acting lessons with my coach, and what do I get famous for? Holding a puppy!  (Coach Quotes) I don’t think you play for other people’s expectations, you know. You don’t go and become a lawyer because your mother or father want you to, you don’t become a coach because somebody wants you to  (Coach Quotes) Any coach certainly wants to have the opportunity to have some input over the personnel that he’s coaching  (Coach Quotes) Love the player for who they are, not for what they can do for you. Kids see through the coach whose only concern is for himself  (Coach Quotes) Do we want something more from our car?... To perhaps be a partner, a coach, someone that can use their understanding of the situation to help us reach our potential  (Coach Quotes) There’s no perfect coach in the world. Coaches are human, too. Mistakes are made. But, fundamentally, if you’re sound, you eliminate as many mistakes as possible  (Coach Quotes) My ambition in high school was to be a high school coach and teacher, and that’s still what I do: teach  (Coach Quotes) My dad was my best friend and greatest role model. He was an amazing dad, coach, mentor, soldier, husband and friend  (Coach Quotes) I didn’t have a thing to do with picking a coach, and didn’t want to. But I didn’t think they’d pick one I didn’t like  (Coach Quotes) I’m happy with the coach we have. I think any one of the ones I asked them to consider would’ve been good  (Coach Quotes) If I miss coaching that much, I could go to some little school where they didn’t recruit, where all the kids wanted to go. I believe I could find somewhere to coach  (Coach Quotes)
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