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Coach Quotes

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Find your own picture, your own self in anything that goes bad. It’s awfully easy to mouth off at your staff or chew out players, but if it’s bad, and your the head coach, you’re responsible. If we have an intercepted pass, I threw it. I’m the head coach. If we get a punt blocked, I caused it. A bad practice, a bad game, it’s up to the head coach to assume his responsibility  (Coach Quotes) When I was coaching I always considered myself a teacher. Teachers tend to follow the laws of learning better than coaches who do not have any teaching background. A coach is nothing more than a teacher. I used to encourage anyone who wanted to coach to get a degree in teaching so they could apply those principles to athletics  (Coach Quotes) Being a full time coach doesn’t mean that we practice more than other teams. In fact we have strict regulations about the length of our practices and playing season. The academic schedule here means that I rarely have a full team at any one practice!  (Coach Quotes) That didn’t happen. Still, I had six pretty good years and one where I didn’t reach what I wanted for myself or the club. I don’t accept that makes you a bad manager or a poor coach. If that is the view I strongly disagree with it  (Coach Quotes) I can remember trying to coach, trying to figure out schemes, and it just wasn’t coming to me  (Coach Quotes) In 16, 17 years as a pro I was used to the head coach doing it alone. He might have asked his people for advice, but he made the decisions on his own. In order to learn quickly I couldn’t do that  (Coach Quotes) The outstanding coach is a teacher that gets all his squad to accept the role that he considers to be the most important for the welfare of all  (Coach Quotes) No coach ever stops learning. That’s what makes the great coaches great. They strive to learn more every day and they never stop asking questions  (Coach Quotes) I’d like to get a lot done in a short period of time... Your head coach won’t be real patient. Trying to keep it in perspective? Yes. Real patient? No  (Coach Quotes) There is nothing in the contract that says a football coach has to be sane or a good loser  (Coach Quotes) Did you hear about the high school football coach who got in trouble for letting his players have sex with his wife? How does that work? Robinson! Get in there!  (Coach Quotes) So like any football or basketball coach, you always always believe you’re going to win  (Coach Quotes) I’m a big fan of Coach Dorrell. I watched UCLA football for many, many years. I’ve grown accustomed to the Pac - 10 style  (Coach Quotes) Talking to my mental coach definitely helps. I talk to her every week. Yeah, I mean, she’s been helping me a lot, too  (Coach Quotes) A life coach does for the rest of your life what a personal trainer does for your health and fitness  (Coach Quotes) I studied voice for about two years with an amazing coach, and I never rose above the level of mediocre  (Coach Quotes) My dad has always been my coach. And I’ve spent so much time with him. So he’s one of my best friends. And I can talk to him about everything  (Coach Quotes) For me, it is just the total experience - from the time I first started as an assistant coach until I wound up at the University of Texas for 20 years  (Coach Quotes) I love my relationship with Coach Vermeil because it is one of the few genuine relationships that I have  (Coach Quotes) I was on Oprah’s show recently talking about the people who impacted me the most. One was a teacher and one was my soccer coach. I didn’t even go into my family, who had the most influence  (Coach Quotes) I’m a better coach now than when I joined Celtic. The longer you stay in any job, the better you become. If you lose your drive, your enthusiasm, your imagination, that experience is no good  (Coach Quotes) Oh, man, if in real life I was as cool and suave as Coach Taylor and had all the answers, things would be easier  (Coach Quotes) When I started competing, you had to have your coach there. Now you can be coached from a home office via Skype or video. That’s not the same as having them on the field with you  (Coach Quotes) When I was a kid growing up, my dad being a football coach, he asked the same question of all the assistants that he ever hired: ‘Is your goal to be a head football coach?  (Coach Quotes) You know, a lot of those angry sort of Southern man characters that I’ve been doing are based on different people I might’ve had as, like, a soccer coach or as a teacher  (Coach Quotes) I don’t know how many more times I’ll be in New England again. But I leave coach Belichick and those guys with a salute: ‘I love you guys. I miss you. I’m out.’  (Coach Quotes) Our coach was absolutely out of his head. He must have read Bear Bryant’s book. We had 78 players out. The first day 35 quit. Twenty quit the second day. We ended with 17 players. It was depressing  (Coach Quotes) When you coach as long as I did, you can’t help but miss those Saturdays - dealing with the players, the game preparation, the challenges, the excitement  (Coach Quotes) A chance, as a coach, to take a team to the World Cup finals is probably as high up the tree as it gets, certainly with one-day cricket  (Coach Quotes) There’s a picture of the real Coach Gary Gaines in the book and he’s sitting in the locker room after a game, and he just looks so much like Billy Bob, that we went to him  (Coach Quotes)
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