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Cockney Quotes

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I'm every bourgeois nightmare - a Cockney with intelligence and a million dollars  (Cockney Quotes) I wonder if it would be unethical for me to turn James Marsters? And then force him to fake the Cockney accent? And then make him my love monkey?  (Cockney Quotes) I actually had a cockney accent before I went to drama school. It’s softened up a bit  (Cockney Quotes) It’s a damn shame we have this immediate ticking off in the mind about how people sound. On the other hand, how many people really want to be operated upon by a surgeon who talks broad cockney?  (Cockney Quotes) The Crafty Cockney had a picture of the owner dressed up as a copper, so I brought it home, wore it on TV and the name just stuck  (Cockney Quotes) I could be a dray man delivering the beer, maybe. If they could wangle some cockney in, that would be great  (Cockney Quotes) My parents went through the dictionary looking for a beautiful name, nearly called me Banyan, flicked on a few pages and came to China, which is cockney rhyming slang for mate.  (Cockney Quotes) I don’t like John Terry and I never have. He’s got funny eyes and he’s a cry baby. He’s also a Cockney.  (Cockney Quotes) I actually had a cockney accent before I went to drama school. It’s softened up a bit.  (Cockney Quotes) The Crafty Cockney had a picture of the owner dressed up as a copper, so I brought it home, wore it on TV and the name just stuck.  (Cockney Quotes)