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Cockroaches Quotes

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I do not advocate burning your ship to get rid of the cockroaches  (Cockroaches Quotes) Violence is never the answer but sometimes, like with cockroaches, it is the only possible response  (Cockroaches Quotes) Elephants have a hard time adapting. Cockroaches outlive everything  (Cockroaches Quotes) A good friend once told me that the problems are like cockroaches. If drawn to light, they’ll get scared  (Cockroaches Quotes) People, she was discovering, were like cockroaches: If you allowed one in, more were sure to follow.  (Cockroaches Quotes) I’ve reduced a lot of the stress in my life. I’ve gotten rid of a lot of things. The light was turned on and a lot of the cockroaches started spinning. I swept them out the door. And sometimes you just have to throw things out because they carry a certain energy.  (Cockroaches Quotes) Americans have a lower opinion of Congress than they do of the NFL replacement refs, head lice, traffic jams, cockroaches and even the group to which yours truly belongs - Washington political pundits.  (Cockroaches Quotes) A gazelle runs faster than us; cockroaches are remarkably tolerant of radiation; every being has some superiority; in remembering this, be very humble!  (Cockroaches Quotes) I live in New York, and the only live animals you see are cockroaches, rats and pigeons, which I admire immensely. When I see an animal that thrives in the garbage, I feel relief; in our urban environment, other animals are dying out.  (Cockroaches Quotes) I leave the human cockroaches to discuss their heroin and child pornography  (Cockroaches Quotes) We starve the rats, creosote the ticks, swat the flies, step on the cockroaches and poison the scales. Yet when these pests appear in human form we go paralytic  (Cockroaches Quotes) What the New Yorker calls home would seem like a couple of closets to most Americans, yet he manages not only to live there but also to grow trees and cockroaches right on the premises  (Cockroaches Quotes) Some secrets can’t be kept too long. No matter how hard you try to hide them, sooner or later they scurry out from your cupboards, cockroaches on the run  (Cockroaches Quotes) Sexual predators were like cockroaches. For every one you saw, there were twenty more hiding behind the walls  (Cockroaches Quotes) Adolescents are like cockroaches: They come out the minute you leave town, crawl the walls, feed indiscriminately, reproduce alarmingly unless drugged, and will certainly outlast you  (Cockroaches Quotes) I’m hostile to men, I’m hostile to women, I’m hostile to cats, to poor cockroaches, I’m afraid of horses  (Cockroaches Quotes) I’ve reduced a lot of the stress in my life. I’ve gotten rid of a lot of things. The light was turned on and a lot of the cockroaches started spinning. I swept them out the door. And sometimes you just have to throw things out because they carry a certain energy  (Cockroaches Quotes) Long after the bomb falls and you and your good deeds are gone, cockroaches will still be here, prowling the streets like armored cars  (Cockroaches Quotes) Cockroaches and socialites are the only things that can stay up all night and eat anything  (Cockroaches Quotes)