Cold War Quotes

Text Quotes
I was very much a child of the Cold War (Cold War Quotes)
I am not a dictator, and I do not think I will become one. I will not maintain power with a machine gun (Cold War Quotes)
I am not a communist and neither is the revolutionary movement, but we do not have to say that we are anticommunists just to fawn on foreign powers (Cold War Quotes)
The jealousy and resentment that animate the terrorists also affect many of our former cold war allies (Cold War Quotes)
After two world wars, the collapse of fascism, nazism, communism and colonialism and the end of the cold war, humanity has entered a new phase of its history (Cold War Quotes)
Washington’s adventuristic policy, whipping up international tension to the utmost, is pushing mankind towards nuclear catastrophe (Cold War Quotes)
People of this world, look upon this city and see that you should not and cannot abandon this city and this people (Cold War Quotes)
He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at everyone in the room. It was a terrible gaze, mad or maybe furious and full of fear of death... Then something incomprehensible and frightening happened... He suddenly lifted his left hand as though he were pointing to something above and bringing down a curse on us all... The next moment, after a final effort, the spirit wrenched itself free of the flesh (Cold War Quotes)
If you don’t like us, don’t accept our invitations and don’t invite us to come to see you. Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you (Cold War Quotes)
A lot of women ask themselves why they should bring a child into the world? So that it will be hungry, so that it will be cold, so that it will be betrayed and humiliated, so that it will be slaughtered by war or disease? They reject the hope that its hunger will be satisfied, its cold warmed, that loyalty and respect will accompany it through life, that it will be a devote a life to the effort to eliminate war and disease (Cold War Quotes)
The big lie and monotonously repeated nonsense have more emotional appeal in a cold war than logic and reason (Cold War Quotes)
It’s expensive to keep communism alive today. I’ve already got a huge foreign debt staring me in the face, and I can’t reduce it by exporting tomatoes or toilet paper. We should be making dollars any way we can. And we should be exporting arms any way and every way, openly and secretly, legally or by smuggling, I don’t care how (Cold War Quotes)
Marxists have more than once pointed out that the capitalist world economic system contains in itself the seeds of a general crisis and of warlike clashes (Cold War Quotes)
Without perestroika, the cold war simply would not have ended. But the world could not continue developing as it had, with the stark menace of nuclear war ever present (Cold War Quotes)
Although the shooting war is over, we are in the midst of a cold war which is getting warmer (Cold War Quotes)
America won the Cold War by protecting our strategic resources from the threat of foreign control. We must bring the same attitude to our trade relationship with China (Cold War Quotes)
... the high roads of the future will be clear, not only for us but for all, not only for our time but for a century to come (Cold War Quotes)
Communism will never be halted by negotiations or through the machinations of detente. It can only be halted by force from without or by disintegration from within (Cold War Quotes)
We can meet our destiny, and that destiny to build a land here that will be, for all mankind, a shining city on a hill (Cold War Quotes)
Cold War. China, though technically an ally of the Soviet Union, was in quest of maneuvering (Cold War Quotes)
The only answer to a regime that wages total cold war is to wage total peace (Cold War Quotes)
I had a minor in Russian history, and this was at the time when the big Cold War was going on (Cold War Quotes)
World War II, the atomic bomb, the Cold War, made it hard for Americans to continue their optimism (Cold War Quotes)
Since the end of the Cold War, hegemonism has become increasingly unpopular (Cold War Quotes)
The United States particularly abandoned Liberia after the end of the Cold War (Cold War Quotes)
I think that the Cold War was an exceptional and unnecessary piece of cruelty (Cold War Quotes)
Can a nation be free if it oppresses other nations? It cannot (Cold War Quotes)
Our generation, like the one before us, must choose. Without the threat of the Cold War, without the pain of economic ruin, without the fresh memory of World War II's slaughter, it is tempting to pursue our private agendas - to simply sit back and let history unfold. We must resist the temptation (Cold War Quotes)
During the Cold War, we lived in coded times when it wasn't easy and there were shades of grey and ambiguity (Cold War Quotes)
I worked for MI6 in the Sixties, during the great witch-hunts, when the shared paranoia of the Cold War gripped the services (Cold War Quotes)