Colin Firth Quotes

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I often think it can often be very difficult for comedians to revisit the same gag. I think Russell’s a bit more than a comedian (Colin Firth Quotes)
The Hollywood Foreign Press have just given me a time out from my 20-year midlife crisis. My heartfelt thanks to them (Colin Firth Quotes)
When I visited coffee farms in Ethiopia, the farmers could not believe we spend a week’s wages in their country on a cup of coffee in ours, because they see so little of the profits. Oxfam’s fair trade campaign helps right this wrong (Colin Firth Quotes)
True nobility is being superior to your former self (Colin Firth Quotes)
I was gearing up for it. I took some singing lessons. And I opened my mouth, and Atom promptly said, ‘That’s not going to happen. We love your voice, but maybe we could use some of your English wit.’ He had doubts about it from way back. For starters, we weren’t going to be doing the Italian-American crooning thing (Colin Firth Quotes)
The English people, a lot of them, would not be able to understand a word of spoken Shakespeare. There are people who do and I’m not denying they exist. But it’s a far more philistine country than people think (Colin Firth Quotes)
I was delighted to become a popular-culture reference point. I’m still delighted about it actually, and I still find it to be weird (Colin Firth Quotes)
I think England has served me very well. I like living in London for the reasons I gave. I have absolutely no intentions of cutting those ties. There is absolutely no reason to do so. Certainly not, so that I can have a swimming pool and a palm tree (Colin Firth Quotes)
I do notice that when I’ve been away and I come back to London. People look at you. People are ready to pick arguments (Colin Firth Quotes)
I thought I was managing my expectations, but on hearing the news I discovered new and unfamiliar vocal tones. Perhaps I should do another musical (Colin Firth Quotes)
However good a communicator a director is, unless they’ve been actors, it’s just not the same as the shorthand you get with someone who’s been an actor (Colin Firth Quotes)
The great thing about dealing with people about whom we have historical resources, is that if the writing needs work, there’s everywhere to go to enrich it. (Colin Firth Quotes)
I always thought the biggest failing of Americans was their lack of irony. They are very serious there! Naturally, there are exceptions... the Jewish, Italian, and Irish humor of the East Coast (Colin Firth Quotes)
I have a very long relationship with America. My mother grew up there and I felt to some extent that I partly belong there. I was schooled there briefly for about a year (Colin Firth Quotes)
I think it’s quite extraordinary that people cast me as if I’m Warren Beatty: until I met my present wife, at the age of 35, you could name two girlfriends (Colin Firth Quotes)
I’m not patient, and some things drive me crazy. In my work, I get incredibly upset when people don’t get it right or don’t respect others’ needs (Colin Firth Quotes)
I think everyone is throwing happy stuff at you, and that’s when you come over all humbug. It’s happy stuff in your face, happy stuff is being sold to you (Colin Firth Quotes)
When I look in the mirror, I don’t see my Dad, I see my grandmother. For a while it was my mother looking back at me. If only it was my Dad (Colin Firth Quotes)
So, if you haven’t picked up some tips during an apprenticeship like that, you shouldn’t be directing. It doesn’t mean you can do it, but it loads you up with information (Colin Firth Quotes)
And that is a hard route for a woman to come through. There’s still a lot of roles that have to be conformed to. It’s quite an old fashioned environment in a lot of ways (Colin Firth Quotes)
Less racist now but it has been. I don’t think it’s been completely stamped out. There’s a class element to it. And who’s supposed to do what. You’re very unlikely to get a gay grip (Colin Firth Quotes)
I don’t know if there’s a problem with original ideas... I think a healthy film industry should have a good supply of good, original writing (Colin Firth Quotes)
I work with the options I have in front of me and my reasons for choosing a job can vary enormously depending on the circumstances. Sometimes I take a job because it’s a group of people I’m dying to work with, and sometimes it can be a desire to shake things up a bit and not to take myself too seriously. (Colin Firth Quotes)
The failure so far of the governments of so many of the worlds most powerful countries in the face of such egregious unfairness ... to make the slightest progress on the issue of fair trade is hard to explain. (Colin Firth Quotes)
We all know the dangers of sequels. Lightning doesn’t strike twice in the same place too often, and I think you’ve got to move beyond it, go the extra mile and have the courage not to just repeat the first one. (Colin Firth Quotes)
Just driving I just was in a car on flat ground and I couldn’t make it go. Having ticked driving and taken three driving lessons, I just was unable to produce any motion whatsoever under perfectly normal circumstances. I think we’ve all been busted on driving, and riding. (Colin Firth Quotes)
I’m not patient, and some things drive me crazy. In my work, I get incredibly upset when people don’t get it right or don’t respect others’ needs. (Colin Firth Quotes)
Some people would say comedy draws from some dark places, from your dark stuff. Life’s great optimists aren’t necessarily the funniest people. (Colin Firth Quotes)
They’re not bombarding me with offers, although the ones that have come along have been too preposterous to contemplate, so it’s not as if I spend every day resisting $20 million pay cheques. (Colin Firth Quotes)
I don’t know if there’s a problem with original ideas... I think a healthy film industry should have a good supply of good, original writing. (Colin Firth Quotes)