Colin Powell Quotes

Text Quotes
A sense of shame is not a bad moral compass (Colin Powell Quotes)
Let me blow that up for you again (Colin Powell Quotes)
The president’s personal staff has a unique role (Colin Powell Quotes)
Have a sense of humor to break the tension in times of great toil (Colin Powell Quotes)
Our strategy in going after this army is very simple. First we are going to cut it off, and then we are going to kill it (Colin Powell Quotes)
There are no secrets to success: Don’t waste time looking for them. Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty to those for whom you work, and persistence (Colin Powell Quotes)
Policies that emanate from ivory towers often have an adverse impact on the people out in the field who are fighting the wars or bringing in the revenues (Colin Powell Quotes)
Free speech is intended to protect the controversial and even outrageous word; and not just comforting platitudes too mundane to need protection (Colin Powell Quotes)
Economy’s got to get moving, we’ve got to get the unemployment rate down. That may be the defining issue of the campaign (Colin Powell Quotes)
There are lots of countries that are having these kinds of internal civil wars in other parts of the world and nobody is talking about intervening (Colin Powell Quotes)
If a leader doesn’t convey passion and intensity then there will be no passion and intensity within the organization and they’ll start to fall down and get depressed (Colin Powell Quotes)
Keep looking below surface appearances. Don’t shrink from doing so just because you might not like what you find (Colin Powell Quotes)
Terrorism really flourishes in areas of poverty, despair and hopelessness, where people see no future (Colin Powell Quotes)
You have achieved excellence as a leader when people will follow you anywhere if only out of curiosity (Colin Powell Quotes)
One of the fondest expressions around is that we can’t be the world’s policeman. But guess who gets called when suddenly someone needs a cop (Colin Powell Quotes)
What could be more important than equipping the next generation with the character and competence they need to become successful (Colin Powell Quotes)
Time is passing,... We have to look at the reality of the situation and... redouble our efforts and get on with it (Colin Powell Quotes)
Maybe we don’t put our young people in situations often enough where they’re allowed to fail. When you fail you gain experience, and with enough experience, you don’t fail as often (Colin Powell Quotes)
It is good if your enemy underestimates you. The dumber they think you are the more surprised they are when you kill them (Colin Powell Quotes)
All values are important, everyone who has ever touched my life in some way was a mentor for good or bad. Life is a blend, and a person is a blend of all the influences that have touched their lives (Colin Powell Quotes)
Pissing people off doesn’t mean you’re doing the right things, but doing the right things will almost inevitably piss people off (Colin Powell Quotes)
You need to learn what people have done, but you need to learn where they have failed... Usually when they fail it is in the execution (Colin Powell Quotes)
Ladies and gentlemen, these are not assertions. These are facts, corroborated by many sources, some of them sources of the intelligence services of other countries (Colin Powell Quotes)
I’m absolutely sure that there are weapons of mass destruction there and the evidence will be forthcoming. We’re just getting it just now (Colin Powell Quotes)
Good leaders must know how to reward those who succeed and know when to retrain, move, or fire ineffective staff (Colin Powell Quotes)
For all the hardship, I was still excited to be on the trail, testing my endurance, feeling especially alive as strength and fatigue flowed alternately through my limbs (Colin Powell Quotes)
I happen to hold a bachelor of science degree in geology... And my greatest contribution to the field of science is that I never entered it (Colin Powell Quotes)
Failure is a part of life and you have to learn to deal with it. Failure is something that is part of life’s cycle and it’s from failure that you gain life experience (Colin Powell Quotes)
All nations that are civilized and do not accept this kind of action as representing any sort of legitimate political cause are coming together to fight these terrorists (Colin Powell Quotes)
Always be looking for the opportunities, and always be optimistic about what you can do with that opportunity (Colin Powell Quotes)