Collapse Quotes

Text Quotes
The collapse of the global marketplace would be a traumatic event with unimaginable consequences. Yet I find it easier to imagine than the continuation of the present regime (Collapse Quotes)
The collapse of good conscience and the absence of accountability and public scrutiny have led to crimes against humanity and violations of international law (Collapse Quotes)
If they lost the incredible conviction that they can change their wives or husbands, marriage would collapse at once (Collapse Quotes)
Everything trends towards catastrophe and collapse. I am interested, geared up and happy. Is it not horrible to be built like that? (Collapse Quotes)
A person’s faith can collapse almost overnight if she failed over the years to listen patiently to her own doubts, which should only be discarded after long reflection (Collapse Quotes)
The fact is, I don’t know where my ideas come from. Nor does any writer. The only real answer is to drink way too much coffee and buy yourself a desk that doesn’t collapse when you beat your head against it (Collapse Quotes)
There is no indispensable man. The government will not collapse and go to pieces if any one of the gentlemen who are seeking to be entrusted with its guidance should be left at home (Collapse Quotes)
When someone is good, but it doesn’t seem like their world will collapse if they don’t get the part, it’s more appealing. It’s like dating someone: You don’t want someone who’s too into you (Collapse Quotes)
The secret of success is to realize that the crisis on our planet is much larger than just deciding what to do with your own life, and if the system under which we live the structure of western civilization begins to collapse because of our selfishness and greed, then it will make no difference whether you have $1 million dollars when the crash comes or just $1.00. The only work that will ultimately bring any good to any of us is the work of contributing to the healing of the world (Collapse Quotes)
Everything might scatter. You might be right. I suppose it’s something we can’t easily get away from. People need to feel they belong. To a nation, to a race. Otherwise, who knows what might happen? This civilisation of ours, perhaps it’ll just collapse. And everything scatter, as you put it (Collapse Quotes)
We can change so many times in our lives. We’re born into a family, and it’s the only life we can imagine, but it changes. Buildings collapse. Fires burn. And the next second we’re someplace else entirely, going through different motions and trying to keep up with this new person we’ve become (Collapse Quotes)
Music. Close your eyes and it’s a rosebush blooming in time lapse so that it shoots and blossoms flow outward in a swift choreography of growth and collapse, twine and coil, release and fade. Close your eyes and music paints light vines and calligraphy on the darkness within you (Collapse Quotes)
There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved (Collapse Quotes)
In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order... we are caught and entangled in aimless experience... It is a moment of collapse... Only when all crutches and props are broken, and no cover from the rear offers even the slightest hope of security, does it become possible for us to experience an archetype that up till then had lain hidden... this is the archetype of meaning (Collapse Quotes)
The gold standard did not collapse. Governments abolished it in order to pave the way for inflation. The whole grim apparatus of oppression and coercion, policemen, customs guards, penal courts, prisons, in some countries even executioners, had to be put into action in order to destroy the gold standard (Collapse Quotes)
Ultimately, the law will collapse under its own weight. Until then, we have to start building a better health care system in its place. And we need to start with a new principle: Put the patient in the driver’s seat. That’s how we can build a healthy economy (Collapse Quotes)
Recently released government economic statistics covering 2010, the first year of real recovery from the financial collapse of 2008, found that fully 93 percent of additional income gains coming out of the recession went straight into the wallets and purses of the top 1 percent (Collapse Quotes)
I usually point out that most loss of life and property has been due to the collapse of antiquated and unsafe structures, mostly of brick and other masonry (Collapse Quotes)
The banking collapse was caused, more than anything, by bad government policy and the total failure of bad regulation, rather than by greed (Collapse Quotes)
Investing in auto companies and ensuring a financial collapse didn’t lead not from a recession to a great depression may not have been the most popular thing to do, but it was the right thing to do (Collapse Quotes)
We’re on the verge of a financial collapse unless we balance the budget, and that means some really, really tough decisions (Collapse Quotes)
... Empires and civilizations do not collapse because of deficiencies on the military or the political levels (Collapse Quotes)
Aristocrats might shrug, but commoners, dreading any collapse of the social order, wanted the rules of behavior to be observed (Collapse Quotes)
If we don’t change, our species will not survive... Frankly, we may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrial civilization to collapse (Collapse Quotes)
It is simply science fiction fantasy to say that, if you do not raise the debt ceiling, that everything is going to collapse (Collapse Quotes)
Everything tends towards catastrophe and collapse. I am interested, geared up and happy. Is it not horrible to be made like this? (Collapse Quotes)
The current collapse of industrial society may well be the planet’s way of avoiding a larger death (Collapse Quotes)
It is a wretched thing to rest upon the fame of others, lest, the supporting pillar being removed, the superstructure should collapse in ruin (Collapse Quotes)
Troops without ammunition or food. Effective command no longer possible. 18,000 wounded without any supplies or dressings or drugs. Further defence senseless. Collapse inevitable. Army requests immediate permission to surrender in order to save lives of remaining troops (Collapse Quotes)
I’ve been in on the beginning, the rise, peak, collapse and end of the talking picture (Collapse Quotes)