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College Quotes

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I saw leaving college as an opportunity to do something different with my life. I always thought that becoming an academic was going to be my path  (College Quotes) I went to college because I didn’t have anywhere else to go and it was a fabulous hang. And while I was there I was exposed to this world that I didn’t know was possible  (College Quotes) And then it was like, wait, you can go to college and study theater? And act in plays? This is almost a racket, you know. And then when the opportunity came along to do it professionally, I thought I’d won the lottery  (College Quotes) I got into plays in high school then I ended up going to college for it  (College Quotes) I’ve been composing music all my life and if I’d been clever enough at school I would like to have gone to music college  (College Quotes) I wanted to be a genetic engineer. That was my goal in college. I wanted to figure out what the codon sequence was that causes replication in a cardio myopathic virus. That was my goal  (College Quotes) The idea of going back to college scares me, and I didn’t even go. I went to college for one year, two semesters. If you add up the total time, I probably didn’t even go one semester  (College Quotes) I thought I would, you know, go to college, get to law school, finish, and then get a job and work as a lawyer, but that proved to be not a good fit for me  (College Quotes) College athletics are so entrenched and enjoyed by so many people that they will never be discontinued or substantially changed. I know that. I just pity the people caught in that tender trap. And most of all, I pity those kids  (College Quotes) I was always a good student, but I didn’t read that much until I was 18 and I was working my way through college  (College Quotes) I never took classic business classes in college, so I don’t have the background that any of the people running large companies have  (College Quotes) I took my kids everywhere. I didn’t have money for child care, so I took them to college with me and they sat in the hallway  (College Quotes) Young women today do not marry the men they met in high school, or even the one they go out with at college, because they do not need to  (College Quotes) Everybody can be great... because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love  (College Quotes) Out of the nursery into the college and back into the nursery; there’s your intellectual pattern for the past five centuries or more  (College Quotes) Although becoming a singer was my plan A after first hearing Whitney Houston when I was 17, I started off with plan B by going to the teacher-training college that my dad went to. It was a slow coming of age  (College Quotes) Americans in particular are myopic. They’re not traveling as much. When you were a college student, the next thing you would do on graduation was to take a year off and travel. That’s what I did. I went to Indonesia  (College Quotes) As far as I was concerned, the Depression was an ill wind that blew some good. If it hadn’t occurred, my parents would have given me my college education. As it was, I had to scrabble for it  (College Quotes) Sometimes I remind myself that I almost skipped the party, that I almost went to a different college, that the whim of a minute could have changed everything and everyone. Our lives, so settled, so specific, are built on happenstance  (College Quotes) Decide that you like college life. In your dorm you meet many nice people. Some are smarter than you. And some, you notice, are dumber than you. You will continue, unfortunately, to view the world in exactly these terms for the rest of your life  (College Quotes) Every year, many, many stupid people graduate from college. And if they can do it, so can you  (College Quotes) Only a teenage boy would agree to this: deceiving both our parents while repairing dangerous vehicles using money meant for my college education. He didn’t see anything wrong with that picture. Jacob was a gift from the gods  (College Quotes) College wasn’t like the real world. In the real world people dropped names based on their renown. In college, people dropped names based on their obscurity  (College Quotes) What else is there to do in college except drink beer or slit one’s wrists?  (College Quotes) What does all this mean finally, I kept asking like a college kid. Why does it make me want to cry? Maybe it’s that we are all outsiders, we are all making our own unusual way through a wilderness of normality that is just a myth  (College Quotes) You didn’t need a college degree to become one of the people who knew what was really going on. If you paid attention, you could pick things up on your own  (College Quotes) The value of a college education is not the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think  (College Quotes) Some people get an education without going to college. The rest get it after they get out  (College Quotes) Did you really think I would be this excited about college if I thought I’d be leaving my girl behind?  (College Quotes) When you graduate from college, they tell you to follow your dreams. Does anyone say you have to wake up first?  (College Quotes)
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