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College Quotes

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Friendship is not something you can learn in college or some learning institution, no one knows how to become friends you just become but if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship you haven’t learned anything  (College Quotes) College totally changed my life. It changed what I believe and what I think about everything. I majored in philosophy  (College Quotes) Many of the most successful men and women in the world never graduated from college. They attended the school of life instead  (College Quotes) When I graduated from high school I couldn’t go to college, so I went to the library 3 days a week for 10 years  (College Quotes) Selling pot allowed me to get through college and make enough money to start off in comedy  (College Quotes) I love stoner comedies. I smoked weed in college, but I haven’t smoked in years  (College Quotes) I began my education at a very early age; in fact, right after I left college  (College Quotes) I never go to a college reunion that I don’t come away feeling sorry for all those paunchy, balding jocks trying to hang onto youth. I feel sorry for the men, too  (College Quotes) Stay in college, get the knowledge. And stay there until you’re through. If they can make penicillin out of moldy bread, they can sure make something out of you. Advice to a young person to continue his education  (College Quotes) I think, especially when you're in college, each book that you're reading tends to tell you who you are  (College Quotes) I think college administrators should encourage students to urinate on walls and bushes, because then when students from another college come sniffing around, they'll know this is someone else's territory  (College Quotes) Whether you’re studying electrical engineering or poetry, college is not about maximizing income, it’s about becoming a better and more informed observer of the universe. And for me, at least, that what’s leads to a more fulfilling life  (College Quotes) From kindergarten to college, certain teachers engaged my curiosity and motivated me to learn. While I was not the best student, their efforts left a lasting impact  (College Quotes) Not long ago, when I was a student in college, just flying an airplane seemed a dream. But that dream turned into reality  (College Quotes) Guess what, the cheerleaders in college are the best athletes in college. You think, I’m joking, they’re almost all gymnasts, the stuff they do on hard wood, it blows my mind  (College Quotes) A man’s college and university degrees mean nothing to me until I see what he is able to do with them  (College Quotes) When I was in college, I wanted to be involved in things that would change the world  (College Quotes) In the world of entrepreneurs, you don’t need a college education. You need a proper education  (College Quotes) Of all tools, an observatory is the most sublime... What is so good in a college as an observatory? The sublime attaches to the door and to the first stair you ascent, that this is the road to the stars  (College Quotes) What is a college? An institute of learning. What is a business? An institute of learning. Life, itself, is an institute of learning  (College Quotes) When I was 18 I went to college for two years and didn’t work for a year which was essential for me, because my identity had been so influenced by my being an actor and I think I just needed to discover what it was to be myself, divorced from all that responsibility  (College Quotes) When you leave college, there are thousands of people out there with the same degree you have; when you get a job, there will be thousands of people doing what you want to do for a living. But you are the only person alive who has sole custody of your life  (College Quotes) I would have the studies elective. Scholarship is to be created not by compulsion, but by awakening a pure interest in knowledge. The wise instructor accomplishes this by opening to his pupils precisely the attractions the study has for himself. The marking is a system for schools, not for the college; for boys, not for men; and it is an ungracious work to put on a professor  (College Quotes) It is not so very important for a person to learn facts. For that he does not really need a college. He can learn them from books. The value of an education in a liberal arts college is not learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think something that cannot be learned from textbooks  (College Quotes) When I was a college student and I got interested in linguistics the concern among students was, this is a lot of fun, but after we have done a structural analysis of every language in the world what’s left? It was assumed there were basically no puzzles  (College Quotes) My father was and is a great journalist. Thirty years ago, I was studying broadcasting in college, and the problem was I wasn’t nearly as good as my father. I wasn’t as quick or as smart as my old man, and I realized it would be a long time before I was ever going to be, and I decided to do something else  (College Quotes) The internet was supposed to make this whole business of job searching rational and simple. You could post your resume and companies would search them and they’d find you. It doesn’t seem to work that way. There aren’t enough jobs for experienced, college educated managers and professionals  (College Quotes) I dreamed of being an actress when I was a little kid because you don’t know then that the writer writes everything the actor is saying. But as I got older, I got into college and became more aware that writing is another option, and I started getting into it, too  (College Quotes) When you are in the final days of your life, what will you want? Will you hug that college degree in the walnut frame? Will you ask to be carried to the garage so you can sit in your car? Will you find comfort in rereading your financial statement? Of course not. What will matter then will be people. If relationships will matter most then, shouldn’t they matter most now?  (College Quotes) A week after my drugs ran out, I left my bed to perform at the college, deciding at the last minute to skip both the doughnut toss and the march of the headless plush toys. Instead, I just heated up a skillet of plastic soldiers, poured a milkshake over my head and called it a night  (College Quotes)
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