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College Quotes

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As a kid, I was just writing scripts and taking whatever film classes I could in college  (College Quotes) One professor in college told me flat out I wasn’t good enough to enter the creative writing program. I saved that letter and promised myself I would send it back to her when my first book came out  (College Quotes) I played college basketball in West Virginia for two years, and then I graduated from NYU with a sports management degree because I realized the NBA’s not going to happen  (College Quotes) ‘Ugly Betty’ has opened my eyes to the world of fashion journalism - I’m looking forward to going to college for that. Until then, I don’t know. Will I appear on ‘Glee?’  (College Quotes) I did all the musicals in my high school; I was in a pop group signed to Cash Money Records in college. Music has always been a really big part of my life  (College Quotes) When I was in college in Chicago, I was doing a lot of commercials - that was my bread and butter  (College Quotes) I never really took a proper art class in college. I just started reading art magazines and going to galleries. I was really drawn to it  (College Quotes) During my school and college days, the three Khans - Aamir, Salman and Shah Rukh - were superstars for me and will always be. Their movies were eagerly awaited every Friday  (College Quotes) It wasn’t until I went to college that I met the theatre people and began to admire them because they were learning a trade that was guaranteed to make money  (College Quotes) I used to write a lot of songs. I was an English major in college. I was a deluded poet for a year. Totally deluded  (College Quotes) I’d been an actor in high school, and when I got to college, it was all about film  (College Quotes) For me specifically, it was important to graduate. In my family, I was one of the first graduates. My mom did not have a college degree. My dad did not have a college degree  (College Quotes) I went to college in Connecticut, which was when I still lived at home. I worked at a video store, a wine store, and did odd jobs here and there like landscaping  (College Quotes) I have a degree in European history, which didn’t necessarily have any direct impact on my career, but I’m grateful I studied something other than acting in college  (College Quotes) Over the years, my husband and I have sent two dozen or more girls to college and helped them with whatever else they needed  (College Quotes) Being on set is like being in college, for me, because I get to watch other people perform and I can learn from them if I listen and pay attention  (College Quotes) I was a jock in college and high school, but I didn’t hang out with the jocks. I was sort of a nerd who didn’t look like a nerd. I never really fit into any social set  (College Quotes) I love to roll out of bed and throw something on. I had this roommate in college who would get up almost 2 hours before class to do hair and makeup. That’s not for me  (College Quotes) In college, I had a crush on one of my professors. I used to bat my eyelashes and coo at him. He didn’t respond at all, which made me like him even more  (College Quotes) Kids in college often look for mentors and role models to model their careers after, and women don’t have the equivalent of a Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. I think it’s a self-perpetuating loop  (College Quotes) I used to wear Clark Kent glasses, ever since I was in college. I used to have those Army-issue glasses, and they used to be those black glasses Clark Kent used to wear. And I wore those for years  (College Quotes) I started D.J.-ing my first year of college just for fun and to pay bills  (College Quotes) I thought I would set the world on fire when I got out of college. I had done quite well in a field that was growing. Unfortunately, we got hit with a recession in 1981  (College Quotes) I might say that in retrospect, looking at where the community college system is today, I think we may have gone too far. The community college system is so big, so broad, so consuming of tax money  (College Quotes) I thought I might teach philosophy but the atmosphere of a college faculty repelled me; the few islands of greatness seemed to be washed by seas of pettiness and mediocrity  (College Quotes) The role of a liberal arts college within a university is to be a genuine part of that university, giving and responding to the other parts  (College Quotes) Ultimately it is the yearning to believe that anyone can be brought up to college level that has brought colleges down to everyone’s level  (College Quotes) No longer a mark of distinction or proof of achievement, a college education is these days a mere rite of passage, a capstone to adolescent party time  (College Quotes) The notion that a story has a message assumes that it can be reduced to a few abstract words, neatly summarized in a school or college examination paper or a brisk critical review  (College Quotes) College isn’t in everyone’s hearts. I am living proof, though, that school doesn’t mess up your plans. It gives you more experiences to write about  (College Quotes)
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