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College Quotes

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College had little effect on me. I’d have been the same writer if I’d gone to MIT, except I’d have flunked out sooner  (College Quotes) I went to college in Ohio, at Ohio University, and I graduated two years ago  (College Quotes) I worked at a hospital for a week. And at a golf course when I was in college at Kansas for about a week. The tips weren’t good so I quit  (College Quotes) Michael Jordan and Magic and myself all learned how to play the game in college programs that emphasized the team  (College Quotes) I started out with comedy in college, but had my major in Recreation Administration - which meant I wasn’t going to get a real job - so I started doing a little standup  (College Quotes) I had no idea where these kids at a small private college in the San Fernando Valley were coming from, why they were coming to hear me, or what they needed to know  (College Quotes) My undergraduate education, at the City College in New York, was made possible only by the existence of that excellent free institution and the financial sacrifices of my parents  (College Quotes) When I was in college I was accused of being a goody two-shoes. But every goody two-shoes has a bad side  (College Quotes) I wasn’t going to be a college kid. The only subject I was interested in was English. I think I had a subconscious interest in analyzing story  (College Quotes) Unfortunately, most college kids these days aren’t coming from any place-they seem to ask the same kind of questions over and over again  (College Quotes) In addition to being a nurse, I’m also a small business owner and I taught at a local community college. I’m also a proud mother of three and grandmother of six - all of them wonderful  (College Quotes) I would anticipate that the Electoral College will be held on the 13th of December, and our 20 electorate votes will go to the certified winner  (College Quotes) I think most people realize that Barbara and Jenna are college kids, and to make such a big deal out of it is a bit ridiculous. At least now, the press has stopped  (College Quotes) I have a wife and two boys. One is 18 and the other is 14. The 18-year old is getting ready for college next year and he made a decision to run track. He runs a lot like Michael Johnson  (College Quotes) I was at college doing performing arts, and just spending all my time mucking about, and the lecturers thought I would be pretty good at stand-up, so I gave it a whirl  (College Quotes) I remember when I was in college, people told me I couldn’t play in the NBA. There’s always somebody saying you can’t do it, and those people have to be ignored  (College Quotes) I enjoyed high school and college, and I think I learned a lot, but that was not really my focus. My focus was on trying to figure out what businesses to star  (College Quotes) Delaware State is no longer a college for African Americans without other choices, it is a university of choice  (College Quotes) I remember coming to this college in the 1960s as a new legislator when a road divided the campus - and it was not fully paved at that - and no wall defined the campus from the highway  (College Quotes) Typically, historical black colleges and universities like Delaware State, attracted students who were raised in an environment where going to college wasn’t the next natural step after high school  (College Quotes) I went to Brooklyn College and met this beautiful Jewish girl named Merle, with dark hair, exotic looking and brilliant. So we got married and had three children  (College Quotes) Yeah, there was a six - year period where I was pretty much done with show business. During college and then for about two years after college  (College Quotes) Some of my finest memories are from my time at the University of Texas. College baseball, I love it  (College Quotes) The Pell Grant is more than a financial aid program for college students in need. It is the right thing to do for America’s college students, and it is the right thing to do for America’s economy  (College Quotes) I had a tremendous horror of going into the Army. That is probably why I went to college for so long  (College Quotes) Well, we were all in high school and we got together, and in college - we were in art college together  (College Quotes) Life is short. You die before you think you’re going to. Don’t waste it in college unless you’re doing something real. My view  (College Quotes) I was raised in church by Christian parents and I was baptized when I was 11 years old. But I didn’t really have a good understanding of what the Gospel was really all about until college  (College Quotes) I knew I wanted to engage in the world of the imagination, but it was not economically feasible for me to study acting, so I went to a teachers’ training college  (College Quotes) I think one of the most immoral things is college football and basketball, where everybody is making money except the players  (College Quotes)
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