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College Quotes

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If you’re a white kid growing up and you see a Black player and he’s got the name of your college or your town across his chest, that means something  (College Quotes) Cities are broke, there are no jobs, people without a high school diploma and sometimes even with a college degree can’t get jobs  (College Quotes) I wanted to be a filmmaker, actually, when I was in high school and college. But I just decided it would be more expensive to do, so I sort of decided music would be more fun  (College Quotes) I’ve seen with my own students, community colleges offer an affordable route to four-year college degrees and good paying jobs  (College Quotes) I weighed the pros and cons of both, and college outweighed the pro ranks at the time and I’m definitely glad I made the choice to come to Oregon State because I’m a better player for it  (College Quotes) My parents were big supporters of me going to college. It was the right thing for me to do. But it was the toughest decision I had to make  (College Quotes) I’m not that big of a partier. I wasn’t concerned about missing out on things in college  (College Quotes) A lot of people wanted me to play college football, but I wanted to get started playing pro baseball  (College Quotes) College. I didn’t even realize it was carefree at the time, but looking back, that was the most carefree time ever  (College Quotes) I was hedging my bets by the time I got to college. I was interested in drama and journalism and psychology  (College Quotes) If grade inflation continues, a college bachelor’s degree will have just as much credibility as a high school diploma  (College Quotes) I started directing out of necessity, the first play I wrote in college because I didn’t know anyone who could direct it  (College Quotes) As a feminist, I think you never want to have your characters defined by the relationships that they’re in, and it did give her a chance to be a sophomore in college without a boyfriend  (College Quotes) When I was at college - that was the first time I tried singing. I played in a band, and people seemed to like it  (College Quotes) The best education you can get is investing in yourself, and that doesn’t mean college or university  (College Quotes) College is great. It’s the only time in life where you can write a check for 39 cents... and bounce it  (College Quotes) I went to Boston College. It’s a Catholic college, yeah I had a nickname there: Jew  (College Quotes) I was an actor in college and it was much easier than being a waiter. I thought it was fun to get paid. People were not exactly surprised to see me going in the field  (College Quotes) We have got to make sure that every qualified American in this country who wants to go to college can go to college - regardless of income  (College Quotes) I was fifteen in college at Tulane. I lied about my age in college so that I could be normal socially. So that girls would go out with me and stuff like that. I just said I was normal age  (College Quotes) Academics were not a challenge when I was fifteen in college. The challenge was figuring out how to fit in socially  (College Quotes) The price of a college education should never include a 1 in 5 chance of being sexually assaulted  (College Quotes) I have a long history with Soho: even when I was at art college, I came down to Soho to work in the summer  (College Quotes) I feel like I partly came to writing through being in college during the start of the Iraq war, and knowing that those issues mattered lot to me, and wanting to go see for myself  (College Quotes) Early on, even in college, I figured out that it was just more interesting to me to create content than to write about other people. So that makes it more marketable  (College Quotes) I grew up in such a small area that there really weren’t any acting classes. So I had to wait till I got to college  (College Quotes) I didn’t really know why I wanted to go to college. I didn’t really have a reason to go there other than the fact that everybody else was doing it  (College Quotes) Around the time I dropped out of college, I decided to start taking what I liked about short stories and apply it to writing songs - to make these things that would change and keep going  (College Quotes) In college you can get away with things based off your athletic ability versus some of the other players  (College Quotes) I’m always trying to mentor young women. I speak on college campuses and I have events in my own studio where I open it up to women’s groups to learn. I feel really strongly about it  (College Quotes)
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