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College Quotes

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I believe in affordable college, but I don’t believe in free college, because every expert that I have talked to says, look, how will you ever control the costs  (College Quotes) The college recruiting process shouldn’t be about how many schools have interest in you or how many offers you get, it should be about you finding the right school  (College Quotes) College recruiting is a business and I would really tell parents and athletes, alike, to treat it as such  (College Quotes) Selecting the right college to attend is an investment into a young man or woman’s future, it’s not just about basketball  (College Quotes) I turned down a contract with a major network in New York my senior year of college in order to move to Los Angeles and pursue my acting career. But so far it’s working out  (College Quotes) I made, like, five movies while I was in college. I think they just weren’t memorable movies. I’ve taken breaks as the years have gone on - I burn out every once in a while  (College Quotes) When I decided to pursue a career as a Muppet Performer when I was in college, it was my hope to be able to play a wide range of Muppet characters in all areas and genres of television and film  (College Quotes) Once you finish paying for college you could reduce your life insurance  (College Quotes) When I was living in Boston I worked in this store that played the college radio station. I had to listen to it all day, and I didn’t care for most of it  (College Quotes) Look at the aerospace industry as it was just after the Kennedy talk. We were hiring like crazy. We were trying to get people graduated from college. Hey, you got to go to the program. We need you  (College Quotes) My own view is that the general education curriculum that a college picks has to be appropriate for the kind of student body that it has  (College Quotes) After a year, I thought gee I don’t really need college anymore, which wasn’t correct, but that’s what I thought  (College Quotes) If I had, say, a tall, amateur male lead living on the campus of a rural college (Six Years), the next book might feature a short, cop who lives in the heart of Manhattan (Missing You)  (College Quotes) When I began teaching you hardly could find a university in America or a college where they would teach either Jewish studies or Holocaust studies  (College Quotes) In the first 27 years of my life, I never had written a single non-technical word. I went to engineering college and went to business school. I never knew I could write fiction of any form  (College Quotes) Making college affordable is a really important goal, and my plan will work better than Senator [Bernie] Sanders’ plan by everybody who has looked at it  (College Quotes) I guess the best way to describe that would be to connect with the fact that I came out of college just before the big Depression, and I came to New York  (College Quotes) It came time to go to college. My dad said, go wherever you want. Take whatever you want. He just really believed in getting out and being exposed to different things  (College Quotes) In college, I had a big fixation with Southern Gothic literature. Flannery O’Connor, I read every word she’s ever written  (College Quotes) I plan to go to college in Southampton, a fishery studies college. Again, my brother was down there about two years ago and he said it was great, so I’m looking forward to that  (College Quotes) I didn’t dream about being a director. I didn’t know I wanted to do something with film until the summer between my sophomore and junior years at Morris College in Atlanta, Georgia  (College Quotes) It really wasn’t until I was in college when I began to write more and more, and I realized I was scheduling my entire life around my writing  (College Quotes) I was a freshman in college in 1980, the year that Reagan was elected, and I went around badgering people to vote for him  (College Quotes) I guess when people ask what is the biggest transition to the NBA from college, it is definitely defense and the mental part  (College Quotes) I was an English major in college with minors in Fine Arts and Humanities  (College Quotes) If you have a college degree you can be absolutely sure of one thing... You have a college degree  (College Quotes) You must treat the days respectfully, you must be a day yourself, and not interrogate it like a college professor  (College Quotes) Thanks for pretending not to notice how much weight I gained at college  (College Quotes) College is a life changing experience. However, don’t let it soil your values and morals to the point where you don’t even know who you are  (College Quotes) May the unbearable fans of whichever college football team you hate most be inconsolably depressed tomorrow morning  (College Quotes)
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