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College Quotes

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I never considered acting while growing up. I just knew I didn’t want to go into the saloon business: I wanted to get away from Kenosha. And once I left, never, ever did it cross my mind to go back. I went to college and thought I’d study law  (College Quotes) Before the 1970s, banks were banks. They did what banks were supposed to do in a state capitalist economy: they took unused funds from your bank account, for example, and transferred them to some potentially useful purpose like helping a family buy a home or send a kid to college  (College Quotes) Where I grew up, I could be a punk rocker and a jock. But in college, it became apparent that those two worlds didn’t mix. When I brought my guitar back to school after Thanksgiving break, a friend handed me his bass and said, ‘Listen to the Ramones.’  (College Quotes) Lee Roy was the best college linebacker - bar none. He would have made every tackle on every play if they had stayed in bounds  (College Quotes) My boyfriends going to college so I made him tattoo my name on his foot so I know he’s mine  (College Quotes) I went door-to-door selling cable television subscriptions when I was in college. I found it incredibly difficult, doing that kind of sales work. I would have thought I’d be good at it, but I wasn’t. It’s so easy in acting. Everything falls into place when they write that you’re a salesman. People just say yes, and then it’s great  (College Quotes) Having grown up in the theater family, having done a huge amount of acting from a very little boy to precocious teenager in Shakespeare festivals that my father produced, I went off to college and fell in with the theater gang. I was already an experienced actor. I became a kind of campus star. I heard all this applause and laughter  (College Quotes) If you did go to high school and then college, there’s definitely a solidarity with someone that is from your hometown and knows your mom, and all that stuff. There’s this weird politeness that we have, as a society. You don’t want to make it hard for anybody  (College Quotes) When I was driving home after registration, I heard this song on the radio, a guy singing about not ever going to class in college and always hanging out and singing for his friends. I laughed and said, I can relate, because it was so much like me. I realized right then I would pull out of school and pursue a music career  (College Quotes) I wrote this script in 2003, when I was a humble college student, sitting in my boxers and writing in my dorm room. And I came up with the idea of writing an action-based ‘Snow White,’ with this kind of Huntsman character as kind of a way in. So, that’s something I’m sort of proud of  (College Quotes) I think I’m one of those guys who was sort of always in comedy. I thought of myself - and other people seemed to think of me - as funny from a very young age. I was a very young comedy nerd and I even did sketch comedy in high school and college. I wrote and shot sketches on video and acted in them  (College Quotes) I still feel very close to the people I wrote shows with and some of the people I toured with. I feel very close to them, like a family or like college friends who you know and who have seen you at your worst and you spend 14 hours driving a van all piled on top of each other  (College Quotes) I loved movies growing up. I went to the movies with my uncle all the time. But being an actor? I didn’t even think about it until I was about twenty years old. I took a class at the college I was at. I don’t know why - I just wanted to take a class, and I kind of fell in love with it there  (College Quotes) When I was a senior in high school, I went to Ireland to study Irish Gaelic. And after one semester at Trinity College, I went way out to the west coast of Ireland and rented a little house by myself  (College Quotes) Theater is definitely something that, through the course of my childhood and even in college, I enjoyed participating in. I would love to do theater, or as far as movies or television goes, if the right thing came along I would definitely entertain it  (College Quotes) Prior to going to college, I had a pretty strong accent, and that was one of the things I had to work on a lot. I went to North Carolina School of the Arts; my speech teacher... that was one of the things we really had to work on over the years, and thankfully I think it finally worked  (College Quotes) I grew up in a rural area. I grew up in deep southern middle Tennessee, probably about thirty miles from the Alabama border. There’s nothing there, really. And the TV was my link to the outside world. It’s what kept me from going into factory employment. It’s what made me want to go to college. It was really inspiring  (College Quotes) I graduated from a place called Whitworth College in Spokane with a theater degree, then in 1993 I moved to L.A. and auditioned and did very well there. My first gig was playing a skinhead in John Singleton’s ‘Higher Learning’, and I played Glenn Close’s son in a TV movie called ‘Serving In Silence.’  (College Quotes) My message to students is that if you want to become an entrepreneur and save the world, definitely don’t skip college. But go to a school that you can afford. You’ll be freed from the chains of debt and succeed on your own ambition and merit  (College Quotes) I got a very late start at fatherhood. I’m a late bloomer in general. It took me seven years to get through four years of college. I was five years away from 40 before I had a family, and I had never been around kids much at all. All of a sudden, I was around three boys all the time  (College Quotes) I would have been a visual artist. When I was in high school, that was one of the things... I had to make a decision what I was going to go to college for, and at the time, I also painted and sculpted. I got more attention for my performing, so I thought that was a better idea  (College Quotes) I played college soccer before I was hurt, and just to be able to jump back into something that you could be so competitive at or you can achieve, to get to the Paralympics, that’s the first really big achievement that you can have. It’s the second biggest sporting event in the world. To be a part of it and to get a medal for that, it’s unreal  (College Quotes) I entered KC College in 1975. When I came here for my interview, for my admission, every person I spoke to spoke to me in Sindhi. Be it Kundanani, Bhambani, Nichani, Kevalramani... and they also thought that Ambani was the same. For a moment, I thought that I got my admission at KC College because I have a ‘ni’ in my surname  (College Quotes) I love college football and I love pro football. This is how fair-weathered I am. I used to be a Giants fan, but my son who’s turning 12 has really gotten into football, and he likes the Jets, so I totally jumped ships so we can root for the same team  (College Quotes) On our swim team, they had something called the ‘developmental meet.’ I didn’t know it was a meet only for the worst kids so that they could get a ribbon, and I’d show up with my friend who was also a terrible swimmer, and we would be amazed that the best kids hadn’t bothered to show up. I didn’t get it until after college  (College Quotes) My mother worked at the telephone company during the day and sold Tupperware at night. Evenings, she took classes when she could at University of Maryland’s University College, bringing me along to do homework while she studied to get the degree she hoped would offer her and me greater opportunities  (College Quotes) When I was a kid, I thought I was going to be an actor. I actually studied acting when I was at NYU, and I made a lot of television commercials - that’s actually how I put myself through NYU and through college  (College Quotes) It was only when I started making short films in college and I was looking for girls to play the me-ish parts that I thought, Well, maybe I’m just going to try doing this myself before somebody else comes in and handles it. For a long time my acting was just a marriage of convenience between me and these characters that I was writing  (College Quotes) Shakespearean words, foreign words, slang and dialect and made-up phrases from kids on the street corner: English has room for them all. And writers - not just literary writers, but popular writers as well - breathe air into English and keep it lively by making it their own, not by adhering to some style manual that gets handed out to college Freshmen in a composition class  (College Quotes) Investing in women, helping women to achieve their dreams, sending young girls to college. Trying to train young girls to be leaders. Sponsoring the Minerva Awards. All of these programs didn’t exist before that help women day in and day out  (College Quotes)
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