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College Quotes

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I have an architecture degree; that’s what my college degree is in. And that sucked. I started doing Web and CD-ROM development really early on, and then that grew into being an art director and doing advertising work.  (College Quotes) I was always interested in art at school, and after year twelve, senior year, I spent three years studying graphic design at college. I worked in advertising for two years but didn’t like it much, then began doing a bit of illustration work for various publishers.  (College Quotes) There have been a lot of critiques of the finance industry’s having possibly foisted subprime mortgages on unknowing buyers, and a lot of those kinds of arguments are even more powerful when used against college administrators who are probably in some ways engaged in equally misleading advertising.  (College Quotes) Mentors provide professional networks, outlets for frustration, college and career counseling, general life advice, and most importantly, an extra voice telling a student they are smart enough and capable enough to cross the stage at graduation and land their first paycheck from a career pathway job.  (College Quotes) All of my friends who have younger siblings who are going to college or high school - my number one piece of advice is: You should learn how to program.  (College Quotes) Delaware State is no longer a college for African Americans without other choices, it is a university of choice.  (College Quotes) In college, I wrote newspaper articles and songs. Then, on my 21st birthday, I sold my first book. It was a nonfiction book about women pirates - ‘Pirates in Petticoats.’ After that, I was a book writer for good.  (College Quotes) Yeah, there was a six-year period where I was pretty much done with show business. During college and then for about two years after college.  (College Quotes) College baseball, I love it. I love to work with the younger kids who are trying to live out their dreams, if in fact that’s what they plan on doing after college to take the next step.  (College Quotes) I never did drama in high school or anything like that. I just kind of fell into it after college, and I pursued it on my own.  (College Quotes) Most of the people in my family were pretty funny. Everyone had a good sense of humor. I came to California right after college, wanting to be a musician.  (College Quotes) Later after college I discovered Gang of Four, Buzzcocks, and those kind of bands. My tastes have changed but I still carry a lot of the influences from my youth.  (College Quotes) I got on a Dostoyevsky kick right after college. I started with ‘Crime and Punishment,’ went on to ‘The Possessed’ and then ‘The Brothers Karamazov’ and ‘The Idiot.’  (College Quotes) I went to Mexico for three months after college and studied Spanish there. And I went to Cuba and studied at the University of Havana. I loved studying in other countries.  (College Quotes) What brought me to L.A. was work! I moved to Chicago after college - I went to Kalamazoo - did my nerd thing, graduated, and moved to Chicago to pursue improv.  (College Quotes) I grew up reading the ‘Village Voice’ and wanting to be one of these multidisciplinary music writers, film writers, book writers. And I lucked out getting a job at the ‘Voice’ right after college.  (College Quotes) I left my home in Massachusetts after college to move to New York City to pursue my dreams of acting. I took roles for free. I waited tables. I didn’t care because it was work.  (College Quotes) I lived in New York for a long time. Right after college I went there. So I got my first cell phone in New York. Back when you would flip the phone up. Way back when.  (College Quotes) I grew up with white parents and until after college, it was a lot of confusion, especially because I grew up in an all-white area. So I never looked around and saw anyone who looked like me.  (College Quotes) I grew up on a dairy farm in Southeastern Connecticut, and I went into the Peace Corps right after college. I went to Ghana. I fell in love with Africa and have basically been working in Africa ever since.  (College Quotes) The time after college and before music was really rough. I couldn’t afford food. I was eating bread and butter for five months. Living in New Orleans, I couldn’t afford to take care of myself. I had no health insurance.  (College Quotes) We, after a certain age, after college, are so consumed about what we want to achieve in life, and we fiercely are ambitious and we go after that, but sometimes we tend to take all our loved and dear ones for granted.  (College Quotes) I guess after college, I just got really into food. I also think going on the road doing stand-up makes you more into food. Because when you travel like that, one of the things to do is find really good places to eat.  (College Quotes) I’ve wanted to act since I was little, but my parents told me I couldn’t pursue it until after college. The understanding was that I was lucky enough to be able to go to college and that it’s important to being successful in life.  (College Quotes) It wasn’t until after college that I started writing. I had just applied randomly for jobs in the media and got one on a magazine called ‘Pensions World.’ So I was writing for a living there and that’s when I started my first book.  (College Quotes) It’s true you have to screen out a lot living in the city. I stayed away from New York for a long time after college, and when I was first back, I’d read The Village Voice and feel like I was having a panic attack.  (College Quotes) My first job after college was at Magic Quest, an educational software startup company where I was responsible for writing the content. I found that job somewhat accidentally but after working there a few weeks and loving my job, I decided to pursue a career in technology.  (College Quotes) From elementary school on up through junior high school, I loved to perform. But I put it all away during high school and college. I thought, That’s not actually something you do with your life. But then I was compelled to try it after college. I just got overcome.  (College Quotes) When you teach, you need to give the students incentives by grades or by other factors. I went to the Bible to find that topic in Scripture. I was shocked that after college and graduate school I had no idea that Jesus Christ had talked so much about rewards.  (College Quotes) Typically, historical black colleges and universities like Delaware State, attracted students who were raised in an environment where going to college wasn’t the next natural step after high school.  (College Quotes)
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