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College Quotes

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I was an economics major in college, and every summer after school, I would drive my car from California, from Claremont men’s college at the time, to New York. And I worked on Wall Street.  (College Quotes) Dulwich College takes me back after seventy years: My Mum must have written one hell of a sick note!  (College Quotes) My advice to the college kids would be make sure you get your degree and then go after the dream  (College Quotes) After college I got a job and started working. This new career had absolutely nothing to do with my degree.  (College Quotes) After a year, I thought gee I don’t really need college anymore, which wasn’t correct, but that’s what I thought.  (College Quotes) Shortly after my dad died, my mom figured that if I could do a few commercials, I’d get a college fund.  (College Quotes) After I graduated from college, while traveling around Europe, hitchhiking, doing the tourist thing, I went into a church in Dublin.  (College Quotes) After my first year of college, each course I took in every field was so boring that I didn’t even go to the classes.  (College Quotes) I really like to do comedy, and I did comedy the first 2 years after I graduated college, so I really love it and appreciate it.  (College Quotes) I received my draft notice right after graduation from college and had three months before going into the Army in September to think about it.  (College Quotes) A suggestion had been made to me looking toward a professorship in some Western college, but after due consideration, I declined to consider the matter.  (College Quotes) I went to college as a theater major. But after about three weeks of that, I changed to the school of fine arts as a painter.  (College Quotes) After high school and a year of College I made a half-hearted attempt at professional skiing in Aspen, Colorado and then found myself back in Flint.  (College Quotes) I’m a 27-year-old freshman, and returning to college after a seven-year break from high school was by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life.  (College Quotes) If my mother hadn’t tried to sell me chicken Kiev cutlets for $1.40 after I graduated from college, maybe I would’ve been the lawyer she wanted me to be.  (College Quotes) Frankly speaking, I don’t know much about rock music. But I enjoyed some when I was in college or high school. But I stopped listening after Elvis Presley!  (College Quotes) After college, I funded my short films with acting roles in film and TV. I learned my craft through the great opportunities British television gave me as a director.  (College Quotes) After college, I drove across the country twice with friends. It was one of the most fascinating experiences of my life. I find it really inspiring seeing the country that way.  (College Quotes) Very early on in this process though I studied acting in high school and college, soon after graduation, I walked away from the craft because I wanted to know that this is what I was supposed to do with my life.  (College Quotes) I went to a public high school, and after graduation, college wasn’t really much of an option for me. I didn’t believe I had the money or the grades at the time, so I continued to work and save money to support my acting career.  (College Quotes) I applied to only one college - the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania - and was fortunate to be accepted. After graduation, I headed to Wall Street and worked as I had dreamed.  (College Quotes) I hated leaving a hole in the smoking world, and so I recruited someone to take my place. People have given me a lot of grief, but I’m pretty sure that after high school, this girl would have started anyway, especially if she chose the army over community college.  (College Quotes) In my early childhood, I was a performer by nature. I used to do puppet shows as a kid and entertain kids in classes and the teachers would make it a point that I was the entertainer of the class, but only after high school and in college that I started doing theater and acting classes, because I thought it would be fun.  (College Quotes) I didn’t care for most of the books I was being asked to read in school. I started reading like crazy right after high school when I got a job in a mental hospital. I was working my way through college, and I did a lot of night shifts, and there was nothing to do. So I read like crazy, serious stuff, all the classics.  (College Quotes) My parents... has always wanted all their kids to go to at least one year of Bible college after high school. I always knew that I was on my way to Moody Bible Institute when I graduated high school.  (College Quotes) I wasn’t the kind of kid like Spielberg or Lucas who knew to go to film school. I didn’t know at 12 what I was going to do; it took me until I was about 23. I studied journalism in college, but after school, I got a job in public television and I never worked as a journalist for one moment.  (College Quotes) After college, I went to Alley Theatre in Houston to work in their apprentice actor program. I thought I was gonna get discovered. It didn’t happen. I moved back to Germantown, Tennessee, outside of Memphis, and taught at my old high school.  (College Quotes) Though I didn’t quite plan it that way, I had my two sons at just about the same ages my mother saw me and my sister off to college, and my first novel was published when I was 46. This ‘tardiness’ isn’t something I’m proud of, but I’m happy to be an inspiration to others who arrive at these milestones later than most of us do.  (College Quotes) In 1968, I left Cambridge and went to work in New York with Irving M. London, who was then the chairman of the Department of Medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.  (College Quotes) I believe in logic, the sequence of cause and effect, and in science its only begotten son our law, which was conceived by the ancient Greeks, thrived under Isaac Newton, suffered under Albert Einstein... That fragment of a ‘creed for materialism’ which a friend in college had once shown him rose through Donald’s confused mind.  (College Quotes)
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