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College Quotes

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But in my college years it got to the point where my friends and I didn’t do anything without consuming a massive amount of alcohol before we went anywhere or did anything, and you know that.  (College Quotes) The presidents of colleges have to have some courage to step forward. You can’t limit alcohol in college sports, you have to get rid of it.  (College Quotes) I had a radio show at the local college and I got kicked off the air and banished forever for playing music from the Rocky Horror Picture Show, Alice Cooper, and David Bowie because (quote-unquote) They were gay. So, things have changed quite a bit.  (College Quotes) When you get out of college, you think, I’ve learned all I need to learn  (College Quotes) It was very interesting [book Fast Food Nation] because all my friends who were in college, [and] this book became almost mandatory for them to read.  (College Quotes) When I got to college, acting suddenly seemed like a very risky proposition and all my friends were going to law school or med school or Wall Street.  (College Quotes) I hated high school. Ugh. I couldn’t wait until it was over so I could sleep in. In college, I made sure all my classes were in the afternoon. I hated getting up in the morning.  (College Quotes) I never really drank coffee in college, but now I’m on my feet all day and out all night and can’t believe it hasn’t always been in my life. When morning comes I crave it.  (College Quotes) Tiger had the advantage of high school, college, and a father who knew golf. I was self-taught. Blacks really won’t play golf in great numbers until some of these basketball and football stars buy some golf courses where blacks can play.  (College Quotes) When you think about little league football, high school, and even on to college even more so, you’re dealing with a lot of guys that are prideful, that think they’re the best - a lot of alpha males. So, typically, you’ve got to have a guy that can control those guys, and, when he talks, they know he means business. He’s a serious guy.  (College Quotes) While Obama might not push college education exclusively, like most Democrats he does oversell it and does shortchange the alternatives. And millions of young Americans pay the price.  (College Quotes) Now Dave Eggers, if you lived in San Francisco, is not an easy person to be done with. Everyone - and by everyone, I mean every white person with a college education and an interest in books - wants a piece of him. It’s not just his amazingly powerful prose; it’s also his charitable works.  (College Quotes) Everyone, whether you are married or have a boyfriend or girlfriend, there’s always someone who has a hold of your heart. You learn to let it go, but there’s always a place in your heart. For me, it was someone I went to college with and we had an amazing bond, but I left.  (College Quotes) I went to college and got my degree in acting, but because it was all theater, I really consider my first couple years on ‘Mad Men’ as amazing training for working in television and for acting on-camera.  (College Quotes) Forensic Files’ is amazing! I love it! There were marathons happening all the time in college. That show, because it’s always on at night, was always better than any scary movie I could put on, because it was ‘real.’  (College Quotes) I’d gone to Wellesley College, an amazing women’s college where the students were encouraged to follow our dreams. However, after I graduated and had a historical romance published, more than a few people indicated that, in some way, my career choice was a ‘waste’ of so much education.  (College Quotes) There was only one elective at my college for acting, but thank God for that elective because we had a great teacher who introduced me to the Meisner technique for acting. Once I read that book, I said, ‘Wow, if I could do that and have that honest moment on stage, that would be amazing.’  (College Quotes) In college, I got interested in news because the world was coming apart. The civil rights movement, the antiwar movement, the women’s right movement. That focused my radio ambitions toward news.  (College Quotes) The American Dream is one of success, home ownership, college education for one’s children, and have a secure job to provide these and other goals.  (College Quotes) America needs education reform on all levels to expand quality schools, build on past successes, and lower college debt.  (College Quotes) The American Dream is not being dependent on the federal government for your health care, for your automobile, for your college education, for your student loan on and on and on.  (College Quotes) Since most American students cannot simply pay their full tuition out of pocket, financing a college education often takes the form of loans, both private and from the government.  (College Quotes) I grew up in Europe, and soccer was the first organized game I played. When we moved back to the U.S. in the middle of 4th grade, I switched to American football and stopped playing competitively until college, when I played intramurals.  (College Quotes) The first question [American college kids] asked me was, ‘What state is Kuwait in?’ They thought Kuwait was in America.  (College Quotes) There are many reasons why I hate college football. The 4-hour games drone on longer than Steve Lyons during the American League playoffs. The ever-expanding season threatens to creep into early July. Boise, Idaho, hosts a bowl game. And it’s played on blue artificial turf.  (College Quotes) When I went to college, I majored in American literature, which was unusual then. But it meant that I was broadly exposed to nineteenth-century American literature. I became interested in the way that American writers used metaphoric language, starting with Emerson.  (College Quotes) I was chomping at the bit to get my career started - so after I took all the theater courses at Brooklyn College I enrolled in a two year program at AMDA in the city (The American Musical Dramatic Academy) I was there for 6 months and loved it.  (College Quotes) In the 20s and 30s, there were these musicals either set on college campuses or based on classical stories, so any of the Rodgers and Hart musicals certainly influenced me. I was definitely influenced by any of the ‘Porgy’ songs; I was influenced by ‘American Pie.’  (College Quotes) The best American writers have come from the hinterlands -- Mark Twain, Theodore Dreiser, Jack London, Hemingway, Faulkner, Wolfe, Steinbeck. Most of them never even went to college.  (College Quotes) Growing up, I was a little hippie kid. I went to some good concerts... Amnesty International with Bob Dylan and Tracy Chapman... The best concert I ever went to was this one at the Cow Palace my freshman year in college on New Year’s Eve. It was Pearl Jam opening for Nirvana opening for Red Hot Chili Peppers.  (College Quotes)
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