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College Quotes

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As I went to college, I went into radio and television. Now I suppose most people think that’s one step ahead of basket weaving as a major in college, but it was part of the journalism department.  (College Quotes) I played team sport as a kid and loved it. I played basketball and football throughout high school into college in the intramurals and I loved it. There was nothing like a team.  (College Quotes) Basketball was always my first love, but once I had a good year as a senior, I figured the next step was to play college football.  (College Quotes) I am very excited to be the head women’s basketball coach at Beloit College, ... This is a great opportunity for me. I am looking forward to putting my stamp on the program. I am confident that I can and will be successful here.  (College Quotes) I was a much better writer than I was an athlete. My college coach told me flat out, he said, Deford, you write basketball better than you play it.  (College Quotes) College basketball was one of the hardest, most rewarding experiences of my life. Every single day on the court was a mental and physical challenge.  (College Quotes) To see a player dunk in women’s college basketball is just amazing. It’s great to see that the game has reached that level now  (College Quotes) One of the reasons why I enjoy college basketball a little more is because of its team orientation as opposed to individual orientation.  (College Quotes) I played bass guitar in high school and in college and then I actually fractured my thumb, so my bass career went bye-bye.  (College Quotes) I want to go to college. I’m going to take four years off. I don’t want to miss that. I want to be a writer. I think that’d be awesome.  (College Quotes) I remember when I was in college, people told me I couldn’t play in the NBA. There’s always somebody saying you can’t do it, and those people have to be ignored.  (College Quotes) I didn’t have outstanding numbers coming out of college and I’m not 6 6 with 230 lbs  (College Quotes) If I had to give one piece of advice to incoming college freshmen, I’d say always be true to yourself.  (College Quotes) It’s always hard - if you’re not the best player on your team, how can you be the best player in college?  (College Quotes) It’s funny, but when I arrived in California to start college I was much more interested in becoming a surfer and cruise along in life from one beach to the next. I didn’t plan out any huge career for myself.  (College Quotes) Use visual cues to prompt yourself to put away more. A photograph of the beach house where you and your husband can envision spending your retirement will remind you to bump up the contribution to your 401(k); a snapshot of your child in a college sweatshirt can encourage you to put more into a 529 college savings plan.  (College Quotes) The sense of justice springs from self-respect; both are coeval with our birth. Children are born with an innate sense of justice; it usually takes twelve years of public schooling and four more years of college to beat it out of them.  (College Quotes) I enjoy listening to contemporary rock on the college stations while I’m taking long walks, love gospel and soul music, am fascinated by hip-hop and rap as the new kind of urban ‘beat’ poetry and, come to think of it, find something interesting about just any kind of music.  (College Quotes) Married and divorced, three beautiful daughters, two in college. The other one is 16, lives with her mom. I’m 46, I’ve worked for the Post Office for 18 years, seven facilities in three states.  (College Quotes) Black is beautiful when it is a slum kid studying to enter college, when it is a man learning new skills for a new job. . . .  (College Quotes) I went to Goldsmith College of Art in London in the 80s and there I made sculptures, but the objects had nothing to do with how I was thinking. I was making beautifully sanded wooden boxes!  (College Quotes) My mama told me in college, ‘I love you, and you’re God’s child, but natural beauty will only take you so far.’  (College Quotes) While I was in college becoming a good Catholic I was also becoming a writer - one haunted by Catholicism.  (College Quotes) All my friends were in college when I was making ‘Superbad.’ We were drinking beer and watching movies and eating pizza. It wasn’t like I was going to nice restaurants or anything like that, and I lived like a frat guy. Eventually it was time to grow up, be healthy and be responsible. You can’t live like a kid forever, you know?  (College Quotes) Life is short. You die before you think you’re going to. Don’t waste it in college unless you’re doing something real. My view.  (College Quotes) Mr. Obama seeks to federalize large portions of education, beginning with his attempt to nationalize college student loans.  (College Quotes) I always give the example, if you turn on the radio today, black radio, Lenny Kravitz is not black. Bob Marley wasn’t black: in the beginning, only white college stations played Bob Marley.  (College Quotes) In 2005, I had one more year of college left, and I was taking a summer class in Barbados. I got discovered in the airport on my way back and started modeling at the beginning of my senior year at Bucknell.  (College Quotes) I enjoyed mathematics from a very young age. At the beginning of college, I had this illusion, which was kind of silly in retrospect, that if I just understood math and physics and philosophy, I could figure out everything else from first principles.  (College Quotes) Louise Brown’s birth marked the end of the beginning of human IVF, acclaimed at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. This event was snubbed by some clinicians now styled as ‘pioneers’, who shouted that the test-tube claim was a fake! They did not matter.  (College Quotes)
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