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College Quotes

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I started writing as a child. But I didn’t think of myself actually writing until I was in college. And I had gone to Africa as a sophomore or something - no, maybe junior - and wrote a book of poems. And that was my beginning. I published that book.  (College Quotes) Circumstances have rarely favored great men. A lowly beginning is no bar to a great career. The boy who works his way through college may have a hard time of it, but he will learn how to work his way in life, and will usually take higher rank in school and in after life than his classmate who is the son of a millionaire.  (College Quotes) I think one of the things that distinguished my work from the beginning when I was in college was my turning towards poetry from other countries.  (College Quotes) In addition to being a nurse, I’m also a small business owner and I taught at a local community college. I’m also a proud mother of three and grandmother of six - all of them wonderful.  (College Quotes) I didn’t dream about being a director. I didn’t know I wanted to do something with film until the summer between my sophomore and junior years at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia.  (College Quotes) I am a legal immigrant whose parents went from Russia to China to Chile to finally reach the United States and thereby give me a chance to have a better life. I served six years in the U.S. Army Reserve, went to college, have a successful career and have dedicated my life to being a good citizen.  (College Quotes) I wasn’t really sold on being an artist until high school, my senior year. I was going to do the college thing originally.  (College Quotes) Being an assistant in a computer lab was the worst job I ever had. It was boring. That was when I was in college.  (College Quotes) I watched ‘Holiday’ in college, and that was when I had my first fantasy of being Katharine Hepburn, standing at the top of the staircase in a huge Hollywood mansion.  (College Quotes) We should all feel confident in our intelligence. By the way, intelligence to me isn’t just being book-smart or having a college degree; it’s trusting your gut instincts, being intuitive, thinking outside the box, and sometimes just realizing that things need to change and being smart enough to change it.  (College Quotes) When people ask where I studied to be an ambassador, I say my neighborhood and my school. I’ve tried to tell my kids that you don’t wait until you’re in high school or college to start dealing with problems of people being different. The younger you start, the better.  (College Quotes) By the time I hit college, my secret shame was the reason I was an actor was my own words sort of dried up. I stopped writing. I stopped being able to form my own vision. That’s actually what my first feature is about - looking back at two different selves.  (College Quotes) I’ve learned a lot from the experiences that I went through in high school, through college and overseas, and just everything in life. That is what prepared me for coming into the NBA, being undersized, no recognition, not getting anything easy, and I have been fortunate to prosper in this league.  (College Quotes) Mr Newton, a fellow of our College, and very young, being but the second year master of arts; but of an extraordinary genius and proficiency.  (College Quotes) I had a friend at college who took being poor very personally. He started showering in the sports centre next door and said he wasn’t going to pay for the hot water in our flat any more because he didn’t use it. He made me and my other friend pay the bills on our own.  (College Quotes) Of course he had a female following. Was there anything college girls found sexier than being told what to think?  (College Quotes) I was very serious about being a priest, twice in my life. Almost joined the Montfort Seminary after I graduated from high school. Almost went back in the seminary during college.  (College Quotes) When you think of intelligence, don’t think of a college professor; think of human beings as opposed to chimpanzees. If you don’t have human intelligence, you’re not even in the game.  (College Quotes) If I could be involved in the hunting and fishing industry, that would be amazing. That said, I studied biology in college and that led into me being really involved in anatomy and being a pre-med major.  (College Quotes) The fine arts thing at college was always too much for me to think about. What I was more involved in was being successful at arts school.  (College Quotes) My first year of college was tough. I thought that just being an athlete I could get by. I thought I was okay until I got kicked out, which happened twice.  (College Quotes) A man is a better citizen of the United States for being also a loyal citizen of his state and of his city; for being loyal to his family and to his profession or trade; for being loyal to his college or his lodge.  (College Quotes) For college seniors there should be a week of being allowed to cry. Just break down and cry because you are scared and don’t know what’s next.  (College Quotes) I played hard for four quarters, and I took home a dollar. And with college being about pay to play, I earned my spot on the bench.  (College Quotes) Black people dance well because we start early - there’s music being played everywhere. White people? They don’t start dancing until they get to college, and by then, it’s too late; the bottom don’t move with the top no matter how hard they try.  (College Quotes) I had actually studied political science in college. I had dreams of being a lawyer at one time.  (College Quotes) I went to Dartmouth College so simply by being an Indian-American woman, I was already so statistically interesting. And then the fact that I didn’t want to do anything science-related, and I wanted to write comedy plays and act little bit - I mean, I became deeply interesting in college because of how rare that was.  (College Quotes) I think if I were a college professor, no one would say I was uncomfortable about being shy because that might be expected. But I think because of people’s stereotypes, they think of a football player as someone who is very outgoing and I’m not.  (College Quotes) I was always the youngest person in class, skinny, scrawny, no good at sports. I asserted myself by being smart. But then I got to college and started to get C’s and D’s. That was fantastic. I no longer had to be the smartest person in the room.  (College Quotes) When I was in college, I thought about becoming an attorney. But I wasn’t smart enough; I hate being cooped up indoors; and I’m too nice a guy.  (College Quotes)
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