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College Quotes

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While it is true that many hep C victims became infected through blood transfusions or organ transplants or in other innocent ways, mine was contracted during my college years, when I showed as much care for my personal health as your average suicide bomber.  (College Quotes) Part of the reason that women go to college is to get out of the food service, clerical, pink-collar ghetto and into a more white-collar job. That does not necessarily mean they are being paid more than the blue-collar jobs men have.  (College Quotes) It’s not your blue blood, your pedigree or your college degree. It’s what you do with your life that counts.  (College Quotes) As much as I’d like to think and as much as people mistakenly think my audience is blue collar people in the heart of America, my audience is basically, in the States, an NPR audience. I play college towns in the summer because that’s who comes to see me.  (College Quotes) I decided the moment I graduated from college that I would never wear blue jeans again. And I have never worn blue jeans again.  (College Quotes) I was born and grew up in Phoenix, and I left there when I was 17 to go to Interlochen Arts Academy - a boarding school in Michigan - for a year, and then I went to college for a year at The Boston Conservatory and landed the ‘Spring Awakening’ tour midway through my freshman year, which was pretty cool.  (College Quotes) When I was in college, being a magician was not the classiest thing to be. It was like being a folk singer before Bob Dylan.  (College Quotes) I learned mime back when I was in college, at Ball State University, Indiana. That woke up my body from the neck down and made me realize that acting and communication - portraying a story, event, or emotion - is a full-body experience.  (College Quotes) When I was in college, I learned to really take care of my body and figured out what works best for me and what doesn’t work for me when it comes to my nutrition. That helped so much on the field because soccer is such a fitness-oriented game.  (College Quotes) In college, I was a fiercely committed Democrat - a meeting with Jack Kemp, then Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, challenged my blind partisanship.  (College Quotes) Book learning, or intelligence of one sort, doesn’t guarantee you intelligence of another sort.You can behave just as stupidly with a good college education.  (College Quotes) I was a good college kid, all-American and baseball-playing, living in the dorms with a million barbarians. I did not expect to be claimed by Fitzgerald hook, line, and sinker. ‘This Side of Paradise’ - that sweet, sophomoric pastiche of notes, scenes, poetry, and plays - I felt like he’d written the book just for me.  (College Quotes) I wasn’t a smart kid and I still don’t think I’m too smart when it comes to book smart, but I was very good with what I knew and with my craft and I think that was my calling in life. But even today I never went to college.  (College Quotes) I’ve lost my writing skills since college. I couldn’t write a book. It would take a long time.  (College Quotes) It does make a broader point which is the fight against Islamist terror is not just one that we can wage by the police and border control, it needs every school, every university, every college, every community to recognize they have a role to play, we all have a role to play in stopping people from having their minds poisoned by this appalling death cult.  (College Quotes) Boston was a great town to go to college in. Maybe that’s why there’s so many colleges there. I love the town, and I loved Boston University.  (College Quotes) Like a bottle of wine or a promising college quarterback turning pro, C.E.O.’s are similar to what economists call experience goods: you commit to a price long before you know if they’re worth it.  (College Quotes) In college, I was a researcher/writer for ‘Let’s Go: Europe,’ assigned to Crete and Cyprus. I was supposed to go to England, but at the last minute they transferred me, despite the fact that I spoke not a word of Greek. I learned the very basics, and to this day can say ‘oil,’ ‘vinegar,’ and ‘boyfriend in America.’  (College Quotes) In my college days, I went wild with my hair. I dyed it every color in the book and, quite naturally, my hair would break off from all the damage. When our hair breaks off, of course, there’s only one thing to do - braid it up. I wore braids for a while and would always feel like I just never knew what to do with my hair.  (College Quotes) What college boils down to is a brand name stamped on the graduate for the benefit of corporate consumers.  (College Quotes) I majored in English in college, so I read the classic dystopian novels like 1984’ and ‘Brave New World.’  (College Quotes) If we choose to keep those tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires, if we choose to keep a tax break for corporate jet owners, if we choose to keep tax breaks for oil and gas companies that are making hundreds of billions of dollars, then that means we’ve got to cut some kids off from getting a college scholarship.  (College Quotes) High school and college students like to torture their bodies. They pull countless all-nighters, continually skip breakfast, eat nothing but ramen noodles for dinner, find creative new ways to guzzle alcohol, transform into couch potatoes, and gain 15 pounds at the freshman dinner buffet. At least, that’s the stereotype.  (College Quotes) In my bright, utopian future world, they will hand out college educations like cups of water at the end of the L.A. Marathon.  (College Quotes) I had a brilliant drama teacher while I was at Roland Park: Ann Mainolfi. But the school was mostly rich in academics. It wasn’t like I was prepping myself for a life in acting. There, you prepped yourself to have a stable future. The school’s piece de resistance is college prep - it didn’t teach you how to audition for a TV show.  (College Quotes) I plan to go to college in Southampton, a fishery studies college. Again, my brother was down there about two years ago and he said it was great, so I’m looking forward to that.  (College Quotes) My brother and late sister and I were raised in Detroit; it was where the middle class across racial lines, the middle class was able to develop, build a home, have for the first time retirement benefits, have a job, and yes, their kids began to go to college.  (College Quotes) There are no college courses to build up self-esteem or high school or elementary school. If you don’t get those values at a early age, nurtured in your home, you don’t get them.  (College Quotes) Education helps you to be a well-rounded person, period. It teaches you how to take in information and data, process it, and use it for life building. Education was key in my family. You were going to college.  (College Quotes) After graduating college in 2001 with a B. A. in Political Science and Speech Communications from Texas State University - San Marcos, I realized that my generation and those younger had been given no future and had been maliciously robbed of the knowledge of principles and methods necessary for building one.  (College Quotes)
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