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College Quotes

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I tend to make movies about my peer group. I couldn’t see myself now going back and making a movie about a bunch of college kids, necessarily. I kind of always operate in the things I’m observing around me, whether it’s friends having babies now in my life or what have you.  (College Quotes) I made, like, five movies while I was in college. I think they just weren’t memorable movies. I’ve taken breaks as the years have gone on - I burn out every once in a while.  (College Quotes) Well, I just can’t play the game anymore. I’m 63 years old, and I’ve been in the business for 40 years now. I take good advice and direction really well, but I don’t need somebody that finished college two years ago to come in and tell me what I should be recording.  (College Quotes) I had no choice but to work hard. I was a straight-A student, went to college, and I loved business. I never thought I was going to be a singer myself.  (College Quotes) When I graduated from college in early 2010, I decided that I needed to create a calling card, some kind of business card that people can link to my name and face. So I did this ‘Mad Men Theme Song... With a Twist’ music video. I released it just as I moved to L.A.  (College Quotes) By the time I was ready for college, I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I think I secretly wanted a show business career, but I was suppressing it.  (College Quotes) I enjoyed high school and college, and I think I learned a lot, but that was not really my focus. My focus was on trying to figure out what businesses to start.  (College Quotes) I never took classic business classes in college, so I don’t have the background that any of the people running large companies have.  (College Quotes) In student government in high school, I learned how to deal with people, and in college I studied Eastern philosophy. I’m also an avid team-sports fan. I think I just blended them all together and came out with a business management philosophy that combines the Eastern ethic with the Western sport concept, basically.  (College Quotes) I started out with a business and psychology major, and then I started doing plays and concentrating more and more on theater. I dropped out of college and moved to New York and studied theater at The Neighborhood Playhouse. I did that for a couple of years and then got an agent.  (College Quotes) I never went to college. But the structure I grew up with was planted so deep that when it came to doing business, I knew how to be disciplined, create teamwork, and persevere. It set me up to be an entrepreneur and a successful franchiser.  (College Quotes) I should say in general the advantage of education is to better fit a man for life’s work. I would advise young men to take a college course, as a rule, but think some are just as well off with a thorough business training.  (College Quotes) I really enjoy playing the piano. I took lessons throughout middle school, but I had to drop the lessons. I actually got too busy, but I hope to pick up the lessons when I’m in college if I can.  (College Quotes) Like many a Yank before me, I have tried to explain to European friends that Americans actually know soccer quite well, that many of us played it in school and college, but that, well, we just don’t find it quite as exciting as, say, what we call football.  (College Quotes) After I finished college, I got a job on Wall Street as a derivatives trader, but after a couple years of it, I was calling in sick in order to work on my novel.  (College Quotes) The Christian fact is very straightforward: To be a student is a calling. Your parents are setting up accounts to pay the bills, or you are scraping together your own resources and taking out loans, or a scholarship is making college possible.  (College Quotes) I was raised a Calvinist. You might think you know what that means, but let me explain it the way my mother preached it to my three sisters and me back when we were at home: ‘I buy my girls Calvin Klein clothes, so that’s all they know. Then, when they graduate from college, they have to figure out how to pay for them themselves.’  (College Quotes) I made it to London aged six, an event I recorded in my diary with coloured markers to convey my sense of occasion. And in 1983, after graduating from college, I returned to spend two years at Cambridge University.  (College Quotes) If you decide you don’t have to get A’s, you can learn an enormous amount in college  (College Quotes) I struggled to get through high school. I didn’t get to go to college. But it made me realize you can do anything if you want to bad enough.  (College Quotes) Unequal funding resources also results in unequal educational opportunity when you consider studies that show that one half of low income students who are qualified to attend college do not attend because they can’t afford to.  (College Quotes) I was going to design sports cars, but my father came to my college to visit me. At the time he was making a picture in Sweden and he took me there with him. I got to see Ingmar Bergman’s company and I thought, ‘Gee, filmmaking is a lot more fun than sports cars,’ so I decided to follow him and go into acting.  (College Quotes) I wanted to be an actress. In college I was a serious feminist and very political. I was determined to get one thing out of my career and that was respect. I didn’t want money. I didn’t care about fame.  (College Quotes) I think day care is terrific. Kids get to be around other kids, and they’re playing, and they’re teaching each other. When I was in college, my summer job was being a preschool teacher. I loved it, and after that experience, I said I can’t wait to put my kid in day care because I could see how much they loved it.  (College Quotes) When I was in college, I wanted to be editor of ‘Reason’ when I grew up. It was an impractical ambition, especially since the magazine was located in Santa Barbara, way off any journalist’s normal career path.  (College Quotes) Both of my parents had a change of career. My mum was a nurse, and now she’s a college lecturer.  (College Quotes) Once I started down the path of co-founding Image Comics, and even co-publisher, it just seems a lot more like a career path that isn’t that atypical for someone with a college degree. Whereas, someone who draws comic books as a freelancer and lives from job to job is a more unusual story.  (College Quotes) I’m from a family of teachers. My father would drown me in the bathtub if my daughter didn’t graduate from college. I don’t care who she is or what she does. Just get the diploma.  (College Quotes) My cartoon strips in college strived to have the Schulzian mix of surrealism and Charlie Brown angst. A bit of that combo shows up in ‘Up.’  (College Quotes) A lot of people talk about the Fab Five, and they were wonderful, one of the best teams you’ll ever see in college basketball. But the 89 team is the best one to ever play at Michigan in my opinion because they won the national championship. Winning a championship is winning a championship.  (College Quotes)
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