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College Quotes

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Some people asked me if it was going to be a downer to come back and play on a college team after playing on a world championship team, and I don’t think they understand what it is like to play here.  (College Quotes) David Robinson chose to stay at Navy. He talked about commitment, loyalty and values. I wonder how many of us would choose these virtues rather than the chance of becoming a millionaire, especially if you were a college sophomore when you had to make that choice.  (College Quotes) I actually got hurt in a steel factory in 1985 and so that changed my life. I went to a junior college and that’s where I discovered acting.  (College Quotes) The old university attitude of ‘publish or perish’ has changed. Students and academics are realising that institutions such as Imperial College are also wealth-generators. It is very satisfying to be in a university where you have the freedom to innovate and yet know that there is a path to translate your work into industry.  (College Quotes) I had a teacher in college who drastically changed the course of my life by telling me that he believed in me as an actor. I never received that support before, and it inspired to me to such a degree that I never looked back. He taught me that it’s okay to be crappy; it’s okay to fight; it’s okay to go to any length.  (College Quotes) It was definitely a big change in my life going from the college scene to really kind of being on my own. I got married and moved to Houston and started a whole new journey. It was scary in a way, but what’s great for me is just focusing on gymnastics and my wife. I’m really able to put 100% into what my goals are.  (College Quotes) I had always dreamed of living in Chapel Hill. When I was a college student at Hollins University in Virginia, I came down to Chapel Hill for summer school and just loved it.  (College Quotes) I’ve been cutting my hair ever since college. I try to do that whenever it gets rough. I’m not too cheap to go the barber shop, but I mostly try to do that by myself. I try to keep my skills sharp.  (College Quotes) I went to college at University of South Carolina and dropped out of chemistry, and to fill a class, the only spot they had left was a theater class. It was so annoying, but I took it and then I thought it was the greatest thing; the most socially creative. I dropped out of school immediately and moved to New York to start acting. I was 19.  (College Quotes) I grew up on hip-hop. I grew up on Run-D.M.C., Whodini, LL when I was in college, so I’m more of a music fan. I probably have the most eclectic collection of music in my Grand Cherokee. Literally, in a span of a week, I’ll go from 2Pac to Boyz II Men to Sister Hazel, right down to West Side Story or the Wiz. I love show tunes.  (College Quotes) Growing up the way I grew up, food was scarce. So when you had an opportunity to eat, you ate. When I graduated from high school and went to college, I weighed 160 pounds. So, I knew I had to put on the weight. I ate everything from fried food to fried chicken wings. When I came to Green Bay, I did the same thing because I was 172 pounds.  (College Quotes) I took my kids everywhere. I didn’t have money for child care, so I took them to college with me and they sat in the hallway.  (College Quotes) I majored in Psychology in college. I was going to be a child psychologist.  (College Quotes) I have a terrible memory of my own past. I can barely remember my childhood. I have few memories from college and law school - though once I got married, I got the advantage of being able to consult my husband’s memory.  (College Quotes) I had a very turbulent and painful childhood, like many people. I left for college when I was 16 years old and up until that point I’d lived in five different family configurations. Each one ended or changed through a death or some terrible loss.  (College Quotes) I guess I never grew up. I was still reading kids’ books in high school and college. I was always interested in writing or illustrating children’s books, and I started collecting out-of-print books when I was about 10 years old.  (College Quotes) Music pulled me like a gravitational force. I entered college as a physics major but left as a Bachelor of Music, a degree with the same practical application as, say, one in the History of Chinese Poetry.  (College Quotes) If you don’t give your kid freedom to make choices with money, including stupid choices, he’ll make plenty when he gets to college.  (College Quotes) One thing they do not teach you in college is what you will actually be doing in a career of your choosing.  (College Quotes) You’re not a bad parent if you don’t save for your kid’s college because instead you had to choose to feed them and clothe them. Those things come first. They can go to school and do this thing called ‘work’ while they’re in school.  (College Quotes) Most of the time I liked school and got good grades. In junior high, though, I hit a stumbling block with math - I used to come home and cry because of how frustrated I was! But after a few good teachers and a lot of perseverance, I ended up loving math and even choosing it as a major when I got to college.  (College Quotes) By the time I reached high school my father’s grocery store had made our life adequately comfortable and I was able to choose, without any practical encumbrances, the subjects that I wanted to pursue in college.  (College Quotes) On the rare occasions when I spend a night in Oxford, the keeping of the hours by the clock towers in New College, and Merton, and the great booming of Tom tolling 101 times at 9 pm at Christ Church are inextricably interwoven with memories and regrets and lost joys. The sound almost sends me mad, so intense are the feelings it evokes.  (College Quotes) By the time I had got to college, I had begun to read and had decided that most of what Christians believed could not be credible. So I became a philosophy major at Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas.  (College Quotes) I did most of my volunteer work when I was in college because I knew of more ways to get involved. In high school, we’d do things like, there was a homeless shelter near our hometown and our church group decorated one of the rooms. In college, I was in a sorority, and we did a lot of things, like pick up trash on the highway.  (College Quotes) I didn’t want to go to college - I was bored by junior high. So I was in church one day, staring at the stained glass windows and thinking about things, when suddenly I decided that if I could start selling cartoons to magazines, they’d let me quit high school.  (College Quotes) It always has been a goal of mine to compete in the Olympics. Right after I graduated from college, I moved out to Salt Lake City with my mind focused on making the 2014 team.  (College Quotes) Everybody can be great...because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.  (College Quotes) Middle class families are struggling to send their sons and daughters to school. For many Americans, a college education is essential to future success.  (College Quotes) I love to box. I once took a kickboxing class in college and got totally hooked.  (College Quotes)
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